Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

The Ministry

"A ministry that doesn't cost you anything isn't a ministry at all." - ??? There are so many people who will only serve Jesus when it is easy for them. When it is convenient and fits in their busy schedules. They only serve when nothing better comes their way. What a shallow relationship with Jesus. When things don't feel stimulating, fun or easy, these people just bail out on Jesus. I don't want to be like them. Mr. Bilson

Unhealthy Habits Of Teens

Guess, what are some of underlying causes of unhealthy habits of teens… TV in their bedrooms! A new study published recently by the University of Minnesota School Public Health found that teenagers who have a television in their bedroom are more likely to have unhealthy lifestyles: from poor eating habits, to bad grades, to less time spent with the family. See a report in Science Daily. We all know having television in kids bedrooms increases media consumption. Kids are more likley to watch shows in the privacy of their rooms what they would not watch in the living room with…

Can't Sleep

 3 papers, 2 presentations, 1 chapter test, 5 exams and 25 days till CALIFORNIA!!matt said cup of green tea and an apple in the morning will keep you energized throughout the day. well i had a cup of green tea and an apple, and i've been energized all day... and now... i can't go to sleep. i guess i could read salman rushdie, that'll put me to sleep, but i don't want to go to bed here i am, it's after 11 and i should be crawling in to bed tired and yearning for sleep- i have a long…

No Majesty Or Beauty

While reading through Isaiah 53, I was struck by the prophetic vision of the Suffering Servant. The prophet describes Jesus as having “no majesty that we should look at him and no beauty that we should desire him.” I think what he’s saying is that there was nothing about Jesus that would move you to take a second glance. That when Jesus walked by, nobody was doing a double take. The other day, Derek, Shainu and I saw a wooden set of mini-statues called “The Last Supper.” 13 figures were sitting in a circle with bread and wine before them.…

Indian Festival at Portland State University

Last night, I went to Portland State University to see their India festival hosted by their Indian Student Association. Indian events aren't what I remember them to be. I crack up because as a teen I remember my parents dragging me to go to these Indian events. I remember those events used to be boring and usually full of uncles and aunties and old people and nobody my age. I had a good time yesterday with my friends. And of course, there was dancing. I went to watch a couple of my friends sing. I met some interesting people, ate,…

Is Islam A Peaceful Religion Or A Warlike One? Or How Can The Peaceful Majority Be Irrelevant?

These are interesting questions, which have come to salience in current international discussion since 9/11. Much has been said on this, examing commonsense and worldwide experience as well as the sources of Islam (which are, at least on this point, contradictory, depending on whether one prioritises the Meccan or Medinan portions of the Koran). However, the most sensible contribution to the contemporary debate is probably Paul E. Marek's February 2006 article, "Why The Peaceful Majority Is Irrelevant". Marek, who apparently lives in Saskatoon, is a second-generation Canadian; his grandparents fled Czechoslovakia just before the Nazi takeover. I have tried without…

E-Mail From Devil To A Demon

My dear little demon, I appreciate your 24/7 labor to keep your Target neglect His God, our Enemy. But you need to labor with subtlety lest you waste your efforts. You must be extremely careful about how you mess up his devotional life. Are you scheming to cause him think that prayer, worship, meditating the Bible, self-examination and interceding for others are useless? Nah, don’t do such a foolish thing. The more you try to do so, the more he reasons in his mind and may fall into the conviction of the Holy Spirit. Don’t give him a sense of…

Weird Christians I Have Met . . . Or Have Been

I am reading the book, Weird Christians I Have Met by Phil Baker (Senior Pastor in Australia). It is a fascinating book. I was struck by these words:There is a suble balance between normal Christianity, with its appreciation of diversity, and that which is erroneous, misleading and ultimately damaging. The authentic Christian is one of the most attractive and compelling reasons for seeking the truth of Christianity. However, we are our worst enemy, for the inauthentic christian - the overly religious, fanatical or sidetracked believer - repels the seeking soul. Indeed, the number one reason why many people will not consider…

Opposites Attract!

We learned some new stuff about people and relationships. The HM speaker mentioned that we are attracted to mates who have traits or characteristics that we want but don't have. He also talked about how guys want to be the hero. We grow up playing with action figures and feel the need to have to 'impress' members of the opposite sex. We have to prove ourselves and be the hero. Women play with dolls as kids are are about he family and relationships and so on... They can talk for hours about the kids, family etc while guys talk about…

I Did What I Have To Do . . .

Yes I lied to you....I had to in order to walk away from reality....I treasure our friendship....I am not willing to risk it to destroy our friendship.... It's Just hard...I cried till i had no tears.... I just had to do what i did....No one knows Only ME and GOD..... David Bala

A Man Or Woman Of God

A man or woman of God is any true believer of Christ that knows and loves God and follows after him. This person seeks to grow in love, relationship with Christ and wants his name to be known. Fame, prestige and positions may not be relevant to whether a person is in God's will or not. In fact, a man or woman of God is not a 'super-Christian' or a Christian celebrity with outward charisma. Ecclesiastical positions, titles or hierarchies have a purpose. Some are called to that. However, should ministry positions and titles be considered a prestigious priviledge or…

History Maker Again

It is amazing how images can have a major impact on you. I was in awe of the words that were projected across the screens during the worship. They showed newspaper cuttings of history makers, rotating bible references, Christians painting the town red in the blood of Christ! These images evoke an emotional response which ingrained the messages of God in your mind. What a great medium of communication. You remember them and that is the point!Here is the new gang for HM! It was another exhilarating weekend. Where do we begin? It was another long weekend in May at…

Anti-Dowry Laws

The Indian government is working on an amendment to dowry laws. Dowry is an age old social evil in India. Everyday dowry related abuse and deaths go unnoticed in India. Battered women, domestic abuse and violence continues across all socio-economic sections of Indian society. A practise that prevails even in educated, well to do communities including Christians. Gender inequality and expolitative socio-economic forces lies at the heart of this evil practise. Will a new set of law help reclaim diginity of women in India? Legislation banning dowry was passed in 1961 but is still flouted. According to police records, a…

Reasons For Gossip

There are reasons why people love to gossip. These reasons do not justify the sin of gossip but should rather caution us to avoid gossip when we find ourselves in such situations. Some of them are: a) Problems: People generally gossip when they confront problems with others. Gossip is often the reaction of an offended heart. No problems, no gossip. At times problems may not necessarily be with others but with themselves, for there are times the real problem doesn’t exist in a situation but in perception. Of course, there are rare situations when people gossip even when there are…

Fall Into Your Arms

Smiling at the thought…the wonder of knowing YouYou sought me…found me…and kept meAll I am is Yours And everyday I know it’s going to get betterEvery moment is going to be better than the lastEvery feeling will forever draw me closer Take what You will…and use me I prayMake me lost in Your love…as one drunkHelp me dream again…of a hope and longing Let my eyes see the glory of YouHelp me to forget what others may sayLet my life be a love song to YouHelp me to lay all else aside…as I follow You I wait in eager anticipationWhen…

Punjabi Church Youth Presentation "IGNITE"

Youth Presentation in Punjabi Masihi Church PMC ConventionPunjabiChurch.caCategory:  EntertainmentTags: Punjabi  Church  Convention  Youth  Ignite  PMC  Jesus  God  Bible  Masih  Drama  Presentation  Christian  "The  Stand"  Punjabichurch Punjabi Church Youth Presentation "IGNITE" PMC Convention says, "Hi!" to Bolivia! Mr. Bilson

Gay Marriage Ban Overturned In California

This can happen only in America. A court ruling against its own people. It overturned the refrendum of the people and representative of the people of the state for a ban on gay marriage. This precisely why American style democracy, inspite of best of effort in recent years, is unattractive in other parts of the world. If democracy leads to moral bankcruptcy, people are less drawn to it. The court argument is convoluted too! They called it natural right. Are they basing it on the statement in Declaration of Independance - “We hold these truths to be self-evident that all…

The Euro, The Dollar, Bubbles And The Simple Fact Of The Oversupply Of Money

The Euro is an inherently unstable currency which has been stress-tested only once or twice. My judgment is that the Euro will inevitably and very suddenly come under pressure soon, due to the diverging fortunes of the fairly solid northern part of the Continent and the rather more frothy east and south (as well as Ireland). On the other hand, the dollar must be at or near the bottom (watch for the US authorities to intervene as soon as equity and/ or bond prices start being affected by the slide of the dollar - which can't be very far away).…

Dad, Me, Expensive Soda And The Gospel

(NOTE: Below is a guest entry by Matthew Kruse, pastor of 7 Mile Road Boston. The following is an article that has been submitted to The Malden Observer, a local city paper. I loved it and asked him if I could post it for you all to enjoy. So enjoy.) My dad and I are really different guys. He subscribes to Verizon FiOS and its 999 channels. I get PBS, fuzzy, through an antenna. He sports a thick, white, Papa Smurf beard. I grow a mere soul patch and can’t stand the itch. He is at home under the hood…