Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Misconceptions

A Statement on the Prosperity Gospel | Lausanne Movement

However, While Acknowledging Such Positive Features, It Is Our Overall View That The Teachings Of Those Who Most Vigorously Promote The ‘Prosperity Gospel’ Are False And Gravely Distorting Of The Bible, That Their Practice Is Often Unethical And Unchristlike, And That The Impact On Many Churches Is Pastorally Damaging, Spiritually Unhealthy, And Not Only Offers No Lasting Hope, But May Even Deflect People From The Message And Means Of Eternal Salvation.

The New Normal | Covid-19

You Are Holy, Holy, Are You Lord God Almighty. Worthy Is The Lamb. Worthy Is The Lamb. Amen. Death Could Not Hold You. The Veil Tore Before You. You Silenced The Boast Of Sin And Grave. The Heavens Are Roaring. The Praise Of Your Glory. For You Are Raised To Life Again.

10 Lies Men Believe about Porn

Have you ever had thoughts such as, I’m the only one struggling with porn like this, God must be so ashamed of me, or I just have got to get stronger to overcome my addiction or anything like that? These thoughts are present in almost every case of pornography addiction I’ve seen. But do you see the problem? These thoughts are all lies! Worse yet, they keep you from discovering the truth that will set you free.

Myths About Suicide

Suicide is one of the tragic choices many are opting in our day. It is not only a painful choice to the one who opts for it but also agonizing to those left behind. If the one who attempted or committed suicide is a person close to us, the pain is unbearable. Our mind is often haunted with these thoughts, "Why did he/she take such a drastic decision?; I wish I had done something to save him/her?" As important as it is to discern the symptoms of those attempting or committing suicide in order to save them, it is helpful to have an understanding about some of the myths on suicide.

Will The World End In 2012?

2012 is produced, directed and written by the same person who made “Independence Day” and “The Day After Tomorrow” that depicts the end of the world. What makes this 2012 movie different is that it illustrates a cataclysmic event on December 21, 2012 as prophesied by the ancient Mayan calendar. Basically, the Mayans believed that the god of war and creation, Bolon Yokte, will descend from the sky and judge the earth. Proponents of this view include the best-selling author of the book The Bible Code, Michael Drosnin, who claims that secret biblical codes when unlocked show the earth pounded by comets in 2012. Another proponent, Lawrence Joseph, author of the book Apocalypse 2012, says that on the day in question the sun will be in exact alignment with the center of our galaxy resulting in some kind of gravitational shift that will throw our planet out of orbit, causing catastrophe.

Extreme Spirituality

Solomon gave a piece of advice to people that they should not be excessively righteous (Eccl.7:16). What does this mean except that we should not take righteousness to extremes? Isn’t it true that some well meaning people foolishly extend themselves beyond what God requires and, as a result, end up in an unnatural, unrealistic and impractical approach to righteousness or spirituality?  . . . . But in seeking to be really godly, they went beyond what God wanted, and they got sidetracked with silly little issues (e.g., “not touching”), missing the main point (Matt.23:23-25).Like Paul said, all these types of foolish ways look as though they will make us godly (Col.2:23). But they are deceptive. Generally speaking they make us feel superior to others around us. When we begin to go in these directions it does not look as though we are making a mistake. We think we have found a secret of godliness. But even though the deviation may be small in the beginning, ultimately it leads us far away from the goal.


There’s always something to be said about something controversial; people who never usually have opinions will suddenly have something to say; and people who generally do will pull out their soap boxes and start preaching.  So where does the modern day church stand on controversial topics? Sure we like to talk about the ones that are likely to hit CNN’s headlines abortion, gay rights, affirmative action... but what about the real topics that matter? Topics that are at the root of the Church’s problems today, topics that aren’t receiving enough attention, but should be receiving the most.  I’m talking about backbiting, gossip, church split ups, breakups, mess-ups, leadership problems, and all the little things that go on the back-ground that no one likes to talk about because if we do we’ll have to deal with them.  What state does this leave the church in?  A chaotic mess!

How To Have "Safe Sex"?

A lot more people are talking about it every day. There seems to be an increased attempt to spread awareness about “safe sex” these days. Rightly so, perhaps, with the rate of HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases’ (STDs) infections steadily increasing, especially among the youth. We might not have to ponder long over the seemingly intensifying lust among men and women. Pornography and erotic scenes are aired right into our unsuspecting living room; the newspapers which form our opinion every morning and the huge billboards along the road are certainly no better. Agreed, sex is the most exhilarating physical pleasure. Yet if it is not enjoyed in the proper way there is untold pain lurking behind.

Is Tithing in the New Testament?

There is presently a teaching that is gaining traction among Christians which asserts that the giving of tithes is no longer a requirement in the present New Testament church. Although the giving of tithes is not one of the cardinal beliefs necessary for redemption (it is not as important as the deity of Christ, etc.) it is still an important issue we must grapple with. Although there are arguments against tithing that seem persuasive on the surface, the following are reasons why I believe tithing is still a requirement in this present kingdom age.

Ten Reasons Masturbation is Destructive

There is much confusion regarding what the Bible says about masturbation. Because the Bible says little or nothing on the subject directly, many ministers teach young people that masturbation is acceptable because it relieves sexual passions without engaging in a sexual act with another person. As a pastor for more than two decades, I have counseled many men in this area and have observed how this activity causes serious problems in regards to their internal walk with the Lord and their spouse. Masturbation is both unbiblical and harmful. The following ten points should bring clarity.

Spiritual Authority, Natural Authority and Accountability

There is a great deal of confusion over the subject of Spiritual Authority because people tend to confuse natural authority and spiritual authority. True spiritual authority is the power to be the servant of all, and being a servant is without question foundational. Only people who have laid down their lives and who have the active power of the Holy Spirit in their lives can be true servants. True spiritual authority is one of the most difficult things to master because it requires self-sacrifice and self-denial. Spiritual authority is the power to take up one's cross and follow Christ. Men who submit themselves to the true spiritual authority of the Holy Spirit will not become the spiritual authority to others. They know that to do this would be to supplant God.

Christians are Forcing People to Convert

It is unfortunate that evangelism is viewed by many non-Christians as an unwanted nuisance at best and a pernicious effort at forcible conversion at worst. Pastor Santar addresses the core issue here: Are Christians forcing others to convert?

I Am Born A Hindu and Will Die A Hindu!

If God wanted me to be a Christian, then why am I born in a Hindu family? Can anyone be born into a religion? Quite simply, the answer is a straight No. No one is born believing in any religion. One can only be born in a family that is of a particular faith.