Knowing Your Stance
My God-Given Life Assigment Is To Lead People To Worship God
Anil Kant comes from a Hindu-Punjabi family with music an integral part of Anil's life . . . Emerging from a new generation of worshippers, Anil Kant captures fresh sounds and songs that create an environment of intimacy with God. His heart and passion is to create worship music which focuses on live experience and connecting people with God in a closer way. Anil travels all over the world proclaiming and singing the gospel. With God's good, perfect and acceptable will in his life, Anil desires to spread the gospel in all nations and lead people to come closer to God and know about the goodness of God.
The Sacred And The Secular
I am a follower of Christ and my life must reflect that truth whether I am working at my job, shopping at the mall, throwing a party, attending classes at university, serving in church, hanging out with friends, deciding on a career, choosing a spouse or in any other activity of life. And I won’t need to label all my activities as ‘Christian’ because such labels are unnecessary and rather lame. It is understood that because I am a follower of Christ, everything I do will comply with the standards and values I profess to hold. If your walk with God is simply a part you play, an act, getting in and out of character is as easy as changing clothes. If it’s who you are, it doesn’t change with circumstance. Don’t fall into the trap that separates the spiritual and the secular. Being a Christian isn’t just a part of who I am—it is who I am.
I Left My Family Not Knowing What To Do Or Where To Go . . . .
After that day, I began to see differences in my life and my attitude changed. I stopped taking drugs, did not mix with bad company and my dirty books were replaced with Christian books and the bible . . . . After some time my father came to know about my conversion and he was deeply upset about it. He told me to stop what I was doing, stop following Christ but I refused. When he saw that I was adamant with my decision, he asked me to leave the house. With tears in my eyes, I left with the clothes on my back not knowing what to do or where to go.
Fall Into Your Arms
It is YOU! It Is You
Happiness in Marriage
George Soros Agrees That There Is An "Oil Price Bubble"
Thinking Out Loud
Another Perspective – Finding the Right One For You
The Dragon
Lord Use Me – Oprah Winfrey's Daily Prayer
Unsung Heroes – Pastor's Wives, Sunday School Teachers, Ushers, Church Secretary . . .
Water Baptism – Public Proclaimation Of An Inward Change In Jesus
One of the most important things for a child of God is to be obedient to Him. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Baptism is a step of obedience for the believer to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ as found in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. Henceforth, water baptism is not a personal choice, but a command for all believers (Mark 16:16).
Living Maximally For God
There are lot of great dreams in my heart. Crazy, insane ideas and dreams for what God wants me to do with my life as I live in Him. It boggles my mind and my heart. I don’t know at times what to do with what God’s given me to do. It’s a scary thing, because when God gives you a dream, you have a beginning and a picture of an end, but really don’t know what’s going to happen as it plays out. I want to remain in the center of God’s will as I move forward. The season of Portland Bible College is drawing to a close, and I’m waiting to see what God does in and through me as I begin this next season here in the next year or so.