Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

The Cultural Roots Of Lawlessness, In Russia And Elsewhere

"Legal nihilism" is a term that describes widespread disrespect for the law at all levels of Russian society. The term has been coined by the country's just-elected President Dmitry Medvedev. A former law professor, President Medvedev has also promised to make law and order a top priority. For example, he has called for legislation to rein in "reiderstvo" (the lucrative business of paying a publicly known scale of "fees" in order to bankrupt or take over a company - that scale is apparently $20,000 to $50,000 to the police to open a criminal investigation against a company , around $30,000…

Knowing Your Stance

This is a broad generalization. I believe that a person should be able to know why he or she follows or supports a certain set of beliefs. Whether it's religion, philosophy, political or social ideologies, a person must be able to discuss meaningfully why he or she supports it and even be able to share with those who oppose or disagree. This applies to both Christians and non-Christians. If you go downtown Portland or the northwest, it seems everyone has a cause or believes in something. It varies from several types. And everyone has a right or freedom to choose…

My God-Given Life Assigment Is To Lead People To Worship God

Anil Kant comes from a Hindu-Punjabi family with music an integral part of Anil's life . . . Emerging from a new generation of worshippers, Anil Kant captures fresh sounds and songs that create an environment of intimacy with God. His heart and passion is to create worship music which focuses on live experience and connecting people with God in a closer way. Anil travels all over the world proclaiming and singing the gospel. With God's good, perfect and acceptable will in his life, Anil desires to spread the gospel in all nations and lead people to come closer to God and know about the goodness of God.

The Sacred And The Secular

I am a follower of Christ and my life must reflect that truth whether I am working at my job, shopping at the mall, throwing a party, attending classes at university, serving in church, hanging out with friends, deciding on a career, choosing a spouse or in any other activity of life. And I won’t need to label all my activities as ‘Christian’ because such labels are unnecessary and rather lame. It is understood that because I am a follower of Christ, everything I do will comply with the standards and values I profess to hold. If your walk with God is simply a part you play, an act, getting in and out of character is as easy as changing clothes. If it’s who you are, it doesn’t change with circumstance. Don’t fall into the trap that separates the spiritual and the secular. Being a Christian isn’t just a part of who I am—it is who I am.

I Left My Family Not Knowing What To Do Or Where To Go . . . .

After that day, I began to see differences in my life and my attitude changed. I stopped taking drugs, did not mix with bad company and my dirty books were replaced with Christian books and the bible . . . . After some time my father came to know about my conversion and he was deeply upset about it. He told me to stop what I was doing, stop following Christ but I refused. When he saw that I was adamant with my decision, he asked me to leave the house. With tears in my eyes, I left with the clothes on my back not knowing what to do or where to go. 

Fall Into Your Arms

Smiling at the thought…the wonder of knowing YouYou sought me…found me…and kept meAll I am is Yours And everyday I know it’s going to get betterEvery moment is going to be better than the lastEvery feeling will forever draw me closer Take what You will…and use me I prayMake me lost in Your love…as one drunkHelp me dream again…of a hope and longing Let my eyes see the glory of YouHelp me to forget what others may sayLet my life be a love song to YouHelp me to lay all else aside…as I follow You I wait in eager anticipationWhen…

It is YOU! It Is You

It is YOU! It is you..... A statement which i could say to reveal it alll....But holding it back with all cause....What do you like about her...... Its the question that is still lasting in my mind... What do i like about her? The word "I" is a big word with no relation to what the other is thinking or feeling about u. I am sure everyone of us were in this situation.... Asking yourself what is the thing that attracts you to that person..... Even as i walk away from one reality to another many a things looms in…

Happiness in Marriage

Recently a Harvard psychology professor (Dan Gilbert) came out with a book on happiness in marriage. It is called ’Stumbling on Happiness’. See the report in New York Times or Telegraph. See his blog here. Among the many distorted views being promoted by this researcher is that children spoil happiness in marriage. How wrong this is. It probably is indicative of the growing selfishness of adults in the western culture. Whether it be marriage or children, our culture is all about what is in for me. A quote from the book, which gives the slant of the entire book, I…

George Soros Agrees That There Is An "Oil Price Bubble"

Readers who recollect my post of 9 May may like to read the following or related posts on the latest statement by George Soros: Soros agrees that there is an "oil price bubble": Soros sounds alarm on oil 'bubble'Jun 03 2008 05:06Billionaire George Soros is to tell US lawmakers that the ability of investment institutions to invest in the futures market through index funds is exaggerating price risesRead more >> Prabhu Guptara

Thinking Out Loud

It's been a funny kind of season for me. On one hand, I'm having an amazing time serving the Lord and throwing myself fully into missions and ministry. And I'm happy! Truly happy! Even though things are sometimes difficult and adjusting isn't always easy, I have never been happier. Serving in Goa was such a blessing! I loved being busy and being with the children and going about my Heavenly Father's business. On the other hand, there are several different issues that do worry me to some extent such as marriage, the future, career and everything everyone else seems to…

Another Perspective – Finding the Right One For You

It is a new adventure. I never imagined reading up on stuff like this a few years ago. I guess mom is having her way in her prayer life! I'm reading a thrilling book with the following quote: "You need some natural physical attraction or emotional response. It's difficult to build as strong relationship if you don't feel a physical attraction. I've seen people try to talk themselves into being attracted to another person. I can remember in college trying to talk myself into being attracted to a girl I took out once, but it was an exercise into futility.…

The Dragon

It’s cool the different ways God gets your attention about something. For me recently, that “something” has been the devil. I feel like God has gone out of His way to impress on me the gravity of the spiritual battle we find ourselves in. If we had eyes to see, we’d know that there are bullets flying past our head and that there is a war being waged. There is an enemy who hates God and hates the people of God. And we need to resist him. We need to fight him. How did God get my attention? 1. Two…

Lord Use Me – Oprah Winfrey's Daily Prayer

This Vblog presents Oprah Winfrey’s Life Time Achievement Award acceptance speech at Emmy Awards, 1998. She talks about how a daily simple prayer, “Lord Use Me” took her into Television and consequently helped her touch lives through the Television Medium. It was simple prayer. But…you never know what God can do to make us beacon of light to others around. And more importantly, help us transform and redeem different arenas of human engagement.   Samuel Thambusamy

Unsung Heroes – Pastor's Wives, Sunday School Teachers, Ushers, Church Secretary . . .

Pastors' Wives are the unsung heroes in the ministry. Along with the church secretary, Sunday school teachers and who can forget the ushers. We don't hear much about them and without them, we wouldn't be able to do it. They are often overworked and underappreciated and even taken for granted. But that is only in this life....I found this awesome Article Link in Time the other day. I enjoy most of the articles in the mag but especially the Christian stuff. Read and enjoy and learn the secret life of a PW!_________________________________________Pastors' Wives Come Together Source of article: TIME HELP…

Water Baptism – Public Proclaimation Of An Inward Change In Jesus

One of the most important things for a child of God is to be obedient to Him. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Baptism is a step of obedience for the believer to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ as found in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. Henceforth, water baptism is not a personal choice, but a command for all believers (Mark 16:16).

Living Maximally For God

There are lot of great dreams in my heart. Crazy, insane ideas and dreams for what God wants me to do with my life as I live in Him. It boggles my mind and my heart. I don’t know at times what to do with what God’s given me to do. It’s a scary thing, because when God gives you a dream, you have a beginning and a picture of an end, but really don’t know what’s going to happen as it plays out. I want to remain in the center of God’s will as I move forward. The season of Portland Bible College is drawing to a close, and I’m waiting to see what God does in and through me as I begin this next season here in the next year or so. 

A Long Overdue Update

1. God is so faithful! 2. I'm back in Bombay. Spent a total of two months in was a time of stretching and growth and learning to trust the Lord. Intense, overwhelming at times, and altogether AMAZING! I wouldn't trade these last two months for anything! I love the children I got to work with and would go back in a heartbeat. But I don't think that is where God wants me at the moment... 3. Life is definitely an adventure when you make God your passion...a quote I once heard and can totally identify with. 4. Waiting to…

My Spanish Is Very Limited

Mi Espanol es muy limitado (My Spanish is very limited) Si, el mas que viene ire a Argentina. Necessito practica hablar Espanol. Como es mi Espanol? Yes, in a month I'll be going to Argentina. I need to practice speaking Spanish. How is is my Spanish? This is what I remember from my Spanish class that I took a while ago. Hola, me llamo Indu. Vivo en Oregon, USA. Soy de India. Tengo 24 anos. Soy de estudiante. Yo trabajo en la escuela. Soy de asistente a maestro. Gusto escribir cuentos y articulos. Yo gusto tambien bailar, sobre todo bailar…

The Quicker We Learn The Easy Is The Experience

In every experience with people, place and things God teaches us some lessons. The quicker we learn the easy is the experience. Going through disappointment, facing a dead-end, and picking up shattered dreams is not an easy experience. When you are sad and lonely and you think you have no one. When darkness surrounds you and all help is gone. When friends seem like strangers and you stand there all alone. You crack. you croak and you choke. You begin to ask, ” Where is God in all this”? Can we make sense out of suffering. A dear friend of…

It is YOU! (:

It is YOU! (: It is you..... A statement which i could say to reveal it alll....But holding it back with all cause...._____________________________________________________What do you like about her...... Its the question that is still lasting in my mind... What do i like about her? The word "I" is a big word with no relation to what the other is thinking or feeling about u. I am sure everyone of us were in this situation.... Asking yourself what is the thing that attracts you to that person..... Even as i walk away from one reality to another many a things looms…