Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Doctor, I Am Confused About My Origin

Homo Confusio Profundus The human family tree is now a tangled, messy bush, says Meredith Small, LifeSciences Human Nature columnist ( It is amazing that in the face of increasing confusion and disagreement in the academic pursuit of evolutionary theory, that scientists do not consider the obvious – that there was some intelligent designer who gave form to this world. The nature of the First Cause can be debated, as we do not have any way of scientifically proving what happened when we were not around. However, it is really disingenuous to continue to accept a failed theory, when the…

My Soul Longs For You! Nothin' Else Will Do . . . .

"My Soul Longs For You! Nothin' Else Will Do". . . . . Yes, True and Almighty Living God. My souls longs for you. . . . . . I have been listening to "My Soul Longs For You! Nothin' Else Will Do" by Misty Edwards over and over again. At night, during the day, while online, while asleep. . . in fact all the time in different worship postures of kneeling, prostrate on the floor face up to the sky and face down to the floor, standing, hands raised up etc. . . .in silent awe, with watery tears in my eyes, with deep Holy Spirit inspirations and an awesome presence of God. This song "My Soul Longs For You! Nothin' Else Will Do" is incredibly anointed! Listen to it and you will know why? Isaiah 26:9 . . . .my soul longs for You . . . my spirit within me seeks You diligently.

Wake Up – The World Has Changed!

As Story-keepers, we are called to communicate the gospel to screenagers. Communication is not data transfer. So, it is important that we recognize the inner dynamics of the ‘image-culture’ and understand how it is changing the way we ‘see’ and ‘listen’ and ‘think’. I needn’t remind you that the world has changed. The best metaphor to describe the change we are experiencing is T20 cricket (although it arrived late in the scene). If you had followed the T20 format, you’d agree with me that the face of the game has changed so much. The ‘hit and giggle’ game ( as…

Political Climate of Argentina

I asked Mariela and a few other locals their opinions and questions about Argentine politics. My Spanish is not fluent enough to engage in a deep conversation. At the moment, Argentina has it´s second female president Cristina, who is the wife of the previous president. She is not at all popular or well-liked. While walking through the streets of Rosario, I´m seeing many posters and wall stencils of The socialist party of Argentina with pictures of Che Guevarra. I found out that Che Guevarra was born in Rosario and his residence was actually 5 blocks from where I´m living. Mariela…

Doubting The Goodness Of God

Genesis 3:4-5, "You will not surely die," the serpent said to the woman. For God knows that when you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil." How crafty the devil is! His goal is to rob the people from their Maker by making them doubt God’s very character. Here's the devil’s counsel to his co-workers, “If you want to mislead the people from their Creator, it’s quite simple - just make use of the opportunities to let them doubt His love and goodness.” The serpent had been successful in…

Understanding Who We Are

This is Article II in a series entitled Living Missionally. Make sure to read Article I before you read this. There’s a curious passage Paul writes in his epistle to the church in Rome. For all who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. For you did not receive the spirit of slavery to fall back into fear but you have received the Spirit of adoption as sons, by whom we cry, “Abba! Father!”1 As Christ-followers, we are children of God; more importantly we are sons of God through adoption.2 Sons do their father’s bidding. Sons…

The Greater Evils

Can you believe the different things that offend people? It can be the petty differences between social animals. Others are offended by downloading free music and movies. Than there are those who are offended when the Pastor doesn't shake their hand at church. And than there are those who are offended and don't even know why? But you know what should really offend us? The greater evils in the world! Like the disgusting things that occurs in the world like human trafficking. Or how about the global food shortages that are ravaging underdeveloped nations. Than there are the diseases that…

Nepali Christian Songs

Nepali Worship SongLord I Lift Up Your Name On High Prabhu tapain ko naam uchalchhu maStuti gauna chahanchhu tapain koKhusi chhu mero jivan ma aaunubhoKhusi chhu malai bachhauna aunubho Swarga bata dharti ma aunubho... baato dekhaunaDharti bata Kruusama,mayro.. riin tirnaKruusa bata chihan ma, chihan bata swarga maPrabhu tapain kai naam uchha ma. * twice Nepali Christmas in Seoul02 Nepali Christian Song

Fighting Spouses

Truths to Build Your Life Fighting Spouses I was thinking… I heard recently of a fist-fight that broke out at a wedding, between newly wed spouses! I am told that they had to sleep in separate rooms on their wedding night.Indeed, a troubled way to start a wedding. And certainly a terrible way to continue a marriage. You’ve noticed that the ones closest to us can cause us the greatest pain. We have to find ways to overlook light offenses, the fender-benders of life. However, deeper offenses demand a strategic solution—forgiveness. We can overlook stuff, but forgiveness ends stuff. How…

Questions To My Readers

I want to ask you guys what part of this blog you find the most meaningful and helpful to you. I want to know what you think about my writings. So I would invite all my readers to write-in your feedback…     * Beatitudes - This is a series of articles I’ve just started. For the longest time, Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount found in Matthew 5-7 have been the passage that has spoken volumes to me, and for the first time, I’ve started writing specifically out of it. How is my writing style? Do you feel like you can…

Tamil Christian Songs YouTube

Kadum Puyalile - En Meetpar Vol.2 Title: En Meetpar Vol.2Singer: Freddy Joseph Freddy Joseph in Malaysia Araatanai Devanae Makilvom Makilvom Precious Music Aalakkadullulye Youth Song - Tamil Youth Tamil Christian Music Video, especially geared towards the youth with Bollywood/Kollywood style dancing. :)

Statistics Versus Evidence And Detective Work In Non-Western Countries

A friend, who has been based in an extremely senior capacity with a commercial organisation, writes regarding that country: "we have no shortage of anectodal material (much of which is based on innuendo and quite frankly, half educated talk). Even after many years here, I find good and reliable unbiased evidence in remarkably short supply. We require not statisticians but high quality detectives here. Sherlock Holmes would have had a good career!" Though he intended the comment only in relation to the specific country in which he is based, this is an observation that is accurate everywhere east and south…

Language And Culture Shock – Argentina, South America

Last night, I was somewhat cranky. I´m feeling a bit overwhelmed with the language and differences in food. I feel that the food is just sitting in my stomach and sometimes making me feel nauseated. Just when I thought ¨At least the food isn´t too weird,¨ I had this fried fish with tomato sauce, layered with slices of ham and drenched mozzarella cheese as topping. I couldn´t eat the whole thing but I didn´t want to appear rude so I made myself scarf it down. Oh, gosh! I didn´t throw up or anything but carried that sick feeling all day.…

Children Of Immigrants

I read his distrubing story on children of immigrants in  Chicago Tribune. Most of the stories covered were from lower socio-economic class and people south of the US border. But I concur with the struggles of immigrant children and see many similiar trend among Asian Indian community as well. There is no doubt that immigrant life is hard. But life for the children is even harder. For the later it is social, psychological and spiritual. Being a adolescent has never been easy and it is harder now than ever has been. For immigrant communities, the challenges are multiplied. Need for…

Can We Bring Yesterday Back Around?

Discussion material on Sugababes Song: About You Now by Samuel Thambusamy What is the world tuning to? This week Sugababes have moved places. ‘About You Now’ has moved from No 35 to the top of the UK chart. Music has a way of finding us and entering our ‘mind-space’. Here are some questions that you can take with you as you listen to the song. Hopefully, these questions (and the answers you bring to them) will help you engage in an informed conversation with your friends. Listen to the Sugababes song, ‘ About You Now‘ It was so easy that…

A Swedish Atheist, An American Mormon, And An Indian Christian Walk Into A Korean Restaurant . . .

Russell Peters would have a field day with that title. The other night I had dinner with my doctor whom I had recently met. Great guy - hardworking, thoughtful, super intelligent, loves his family, cares about the planet, cares about people, and up for a good conversation. He had graciously and excitedly taken me up on my invitation to read Tim Keller’s The Reason for God and talk about it over a meal. In fact, it turns out that hardly anyone in his circle is willing to talk with him about the existence of God. The only other guy is…

Greetings from Argentina

Bueños dias, mi famila y amigos. I´m writing from my hotel room in Rosario, Argentina. It has been along trip but I made it. I´m exhausted and a bit jet lagged. I´ll have to keep my posts short because of time but I´ll try my best to update whenever I get a chance. The trip: I arrived at the Portland airport at 5 am. From there I flew to Washington, DC, where I had a 5 hour layover. Then at 10:00 pm I took the flight to Bueños Aires, Argentina. That flight was about 11 hours long. Fortunately, at the…

Do I Fall In Love Or Fall For Love?

I was struggling with this question for a long while....Do i fall in Love or fall for Love? Some of you would never understand this question or the magnitude of it till you face it...Many of us respond to love (FOR)Some of us live to love (IN) I choose to follow the latter....I have fallen IN love rather than FOR love.... Shared this with a friend of mine and she went "Bala.... that is so profound" and i went "It is what's in my heart" nothing to be profound about.... well God gives u experiences and gives u words to…

Fall Into Your Arms

Smiling at the thought…the wonder of knowing YouYou sought me…found me…and kept meAll I am is Yours And everyday I know it’s going to get betterEvery moment is going to be better than the lastEvery feeling will forever draw me closer Take what You will…and use me I prayMake me lost in Your love…as one drunkHelp me dream again…of a hope and longing Let my eyes see the glory of YouHelp me to forget what others may sayLet my life be a love song to YouHelp me to lay all else aside…as I follow You I wait in eager anticipationWhen…

Closing the Gap

"Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled." (Matthew 5:6) “Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine. When you pass through the waters, I will be with you; And through the rivers, they shall not overflow you. When you walk through the fire, you shall not be burned, Nor shall the flame scorch you. For I am the LORD your God, The Holy One of Israel, your Savior; " Isaiah 43:1-3) Come on now! We have all felt the gap before. It is the…