Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

What God Is Doing Through Me

My Life, My Dreams and My Future Is In God's Faithful Loving Hands

Love and greetings to you from Benji. It is my pleasure to have you on my mailing list so that I can be in touch with you. I am always aware of the weapons Satan uses to destroy the relationships between Christians. Satan encourages us not to be tuned with fellow Christians and he diverts our thoughts whenever we want to write a letter or call our Christian friends.

Isn’t it strange to read what I am writing? Of course it is, but it is the reality. Jesus prayed that His disciples will be one. John 17. Paul encouraged all to pray for each other. In fact we ought to encourage one another. I hope you are tuned with God and to the fellow believers in fellowship where ever you are.

It is getting hotter and hotter here in India. Today the temperature is 40 degrees Celsius and it is baking by 9.00 in the morning. How do you like it such an environment? It's HOT! I guess that you don’t want to think of being in India at the moment.

My Personal Life

God is polishing me and taking me through the fire that refines me. You know it is hard to go through the refining fire though we know that we will become a cleansed weapon in God's hand after the process. Believe me I recently thought of even quitting from Christian ministry. But God works in a special way that we don’t even think of.

There has been a big stress within me with the issue of serving God in this secular world by bible based faith. I have been going through a financial crisis which is the worst time I ever had. I thought of doing a secular job and doing God's ministry. You could be a witness everywhere you work but it is hard for those who are called to be fulltime workers. I hardly get time to do ministry if I do another job. At the end of the day, I am sure that the Lord is faithful and He knows all about our needs. Please do pray that God will meet all my needs and empower me to do His work.

What God is doing through me?

On the other hand, God is using me to bring many people to the Lord. I cannot go without sharing my little stories of how God uses us in our little world. I always carry my little Bible in my shoulder bag. One time my friend Mois, who is a Muslim was curious to know what was in my bag. He asked me if he can see what is in the bag.

My reply was: Of course if you are curious, you can check. He opened the bag and finds my Bible and asked: "Can I read your Bible?" Yes I said. He reads some verses and started to enquire about Jesus and the second coming of Jesus. We had great time of talking about God. Please pray for him.

I have a friend called Sai whom I have known for only for a month. Now Sai is a typical Hindu and no way could he believe in Jesus. In fact he hates Christian people thinking that these people all the time speak against Hinduism. For some reason we have a very good friendship even though he knows that  I am a Christian and that I do speak from the Bible.

We have coffee friendship almost everyday. He would ask me to join him to the coffee room to have coffee so that we can have some nonsense chat. One day Sai asked me: "Hi Benji can I join you to church this Sunday?"
What? I was amazed! Did I share the good news with him? Not at all. I remember a saying: Share the good news with your deeds, speak the good news if you really need to. I want to encourage you my friend to be a witness for the Lord to your little world.

What am I currently doing?       

• Assisting my dad in the church ministries in the villages of Perali and Gollapalem.

• Helping the kids at My Home Project (Children Home). Please read Yesu Bhagyam Jogi
profile and pray for the children.

Child’s Name: Yesu Bhagyam Jogi
Age: 7 years

Yesu was born to Ratnam and Mariyamma in the village Perali. Ratnam and his wife feed themselves with their daily wages of not more than £0.50p a day. They live in a little hut - the only property they have. Although they are happy to send Yesu to school they could not afford to spare money for her education. It was when they were in confusion whether to send her to school or not we assured a helping hand to Yesu Bhagyam. Yesu is now studying 2nd standard in an Elementary school and living at our ‘My Home’ Children Home in Perali. She asks for your prayers and support.

She sings well and she wants to become a good singer. You probably don’t understand what is on her head? A bunch of jasmine flowers knit together with a tread and kept on her hair so that she smells great!! There is an old tradition in India that all the ladies keep a bunch of jasmine flowers in their hair .I guess they couldn't find perfume bottles when they were shopping in the olden days. So they used the natural jasmine that smells great. They still follow the tradition. Not every one though. We are influenced by the West. Ooops!

• Conducting Open Air Gospel meetings to encourage Christians and to share the Good news to non-Christians.

• Preaching the Gospel at the Gospel meetings.

• Encouraging evangelists/pastors and Gospel workers to continue to do God's work.

• Planning and praying that I would be able to start a church exclusively for the Students in Bapatla town from July 2008 because that is when the Academic Year starts here.

• I would appreciate your prayers in this regard. I need capital fund to rent a hall and buy some chairs and sund equipment like drums and duitars. If you would to help me, please write to and this request will be transferred to me to follow up.

Hot News

Last week I was travelling with my new friend. He bought me a water packet. I enjoyed drinking the water. Very soon I found that the water was contaminated. My goodness I suffered with a terrible fever for the whole week. Now I am getting better. I would appreciate your prayers. Thank you. (:

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