A Statement on the Prosperity Gospel | Lausanne Movement

There’s always something to be said about something controversial; people who never usually have opinions will suddenly have something to say; and people who generally do will pull out their soap boxes and start preaching. So where does the modern day church stand on controversial topics? Sure we like to talk about the ones that are likely to hit CNN’s headlines abortion, gay rights, affirmative action... but what about the real topics that matter? Topics that are at the root of the Church’s problems today, topics that aren’t receiving enough attention, but should be receiving the most. I’m talking about backbiting, gossip, church split ups, breakups, mess-ups, leadership problems, and all the little things that go on the back-ground that no one likes to talk about because if we do we’ll have to deal with them. What state does this leave the church in? A chaotic mess!
A lot more people are talking about it every day. There seems to be an increased attempt to spread awareness about “safe sex” these days. Rightly so, perhaps, with the rate of HIV/AIDS and other Sexually Transmitted Diseases’ (STDs) infections steadily increasing, especially among the youth. We might not have to ponder long over the seemingly intensifying lust among men and women. Pornography and erotic scenes are aired right into our unsuspecting living room; the newspapers which form our opinion every morning and the huge billboards along the road are certainly no better. Agreed, sex is the most exhilarating physical pleasure. Yet if it is not enjoyed in the proper way there is untold pain lurking behind.