Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Murder Capital Of The World – India

Ever wondered which nation in the world would be called Murder capital of the world. This might come shocking to you. This dubious distinction goes to India, according to recent report. See BBC, Time of India, Gulf Times etc. According to data put together by National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB), there are more than 32000 incident of murder recorded in India during 2007.  Twice as that of US or three times that of neighboring Pakistan. India was closely followed by South Africa with nearly 31000 incidents of murders. The rate of murder in India is three per 100,000 people while…

The Privilege Of Following Jesus

Jesus helps bring God’s presence in our lives. God’s presence in our lives is characterized by Truth, Love and Freedom. God is Truth. He is the ‘really’ real. He does not change. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. As we stand in the spotlight of his Truth, we stand exposed. All our pretences are just empty. His Truth unmasks us. We see who really are - dirty, disgusting and defiled. It is not an easy experience as many men and women of God have recognized. Our righteousness (even if it is the most expensive brand) is just filthy…

On The "Strong" Anglo-American Economic System

A family friend who is Indo-American has just published a very short piece reflecting on the "strength" of Anglo-American economic system. He says: "Time and again I see articles in Business magazines that financial systems in Asian Countries are not well organized and we need to make them strong as American and Western Financial System. Work made me live in Asia, Middle East, Europe and America and I really wonder sometimes as to what is a Strong Financial System. What kind of strong American Financial systems do we want to impose on Asian Countries?- One which leads to sub prime…

Nothing is Wasted

Nothing is ever wasted if it is done in the name of Jesus. Not the Bible Studies that no one came to... Not the times that enemies got our blessings instead of wrath... Not nights of agonizing and wrestling in prayer... Not the people who we invested in and turned their backs on us... Not hours of seeking in the Word of God.... Not the times we kept going when there was no strength left... Not the times pain of being misunderstood and insulted by the ones we loved... Not the pain and anguish felt when things went wrong and…

Providing A Defense For Our Faith

I came across an online forum that was discussing the evidence of God and one’s adherence to faith and such. Someone posted an article I wrote 1 on said forum. Let me just say that when you write something, you never expect it to be used for any other purpose than for what it was written for. It was a pleasant surprise to see my article used as a resource in this online discussion. Looking back on the article, I realize I hadn’t written it as a defense for the Christian faith, but rather an invitation to the Christian faith.2…

The Bible In Manga

Christian thinkers have tried to make the Bible accessible for centuries. In the past decade, Bibles are being created to serve certain specific groups such as Revolve (Like a glossy mag for teenage girls). Here’s the latest - the Manga Bible. Ajinbayo Akinsiku wanted the world to know Jesus Christ. He has pictured Jesus as a samurai in his  abridged version of the Bible in Manga - the Japanese form of graphic novels. Why the Bible in Manga? The Book is meant to be a first taste of the Bible, which many feel it uncomfortable to read. Moreover, the Book…

His Eye Is On The Sparrow

I listened to this song about a month ago. It seems I now wake up with this song on my lips. why should I feel discouragedand why should the shadows comewhy should my heart feel lonelyand long for heaven and home when Jesus is my portiona constant friend is HeHis eye is on the sparrowand I know He watches over meHis eye is on the sparrowand I know He watches over me I sing because I'm happyI sing because I'm freeHis eye is on the sparrowand I know He watches me It's such a simple song but it never fails…

Me Too. I Confess . . .

Yesterday was one of my favorite Sundays of the year. 7 Mile Road Boston had its annual Baptisms. Matt preached briefly from 1 Timothy 6 as Paul charged Timothy to take hold of the eternal life about which he had made the good confession in the presence of many witnesses. He was to do this just like Jesus made the good confession before Pontius Pilate. So standing before Pilate and many witnesses, Jesus confessed the truth; that He is Lord. And since then, Timothy, and millions of followers have said, ‘Right! He is Lord.’ 3 of our folks gave their…

The Secret Place

"And when you pray, do not be like the hypocrites, for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and on the street corners to be seen by men. I tell you the truth, they have received their reward in full. But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you." (Matthew 6:5-6) When they gossip about you...Go to the secret place When they use you...Go to the secret place When they provoke you...Go to the secret place.…

Cohabitation – Who Wants Marriage?

Who wants marriage these days? Just live together and break up when you want. Why sign papers and carry the burden of all legality issues associated with it. Who cares about long term commitment anyway? Relationships are meant to last as long as love lasts. As emotions ebb and flow, so do people wallk in and out of relationships. What a distrubing line of reasoning that is. Just yesterday my wife was sharing about a colleague who after 5 years of cohabitating just broke up and walked out of the relationship. The emotional fall out is going to last rest…

US Energy Markets Watchdog Agrees That Speculation Is Contributing To The Record Oil Price

I am interested to see that the US energy markets watchdog seems to agree with my analysis that speculators are contributing to the record oil price, and wants to introduce limits on traders' positions Whether they will come up with sensible regulation is a different matter. In my view, limits on the activity itself is the wrong way to go about what is needed. Activity should be unlimited but subject to certain norms that help the market. Here are sensible ways to regulate. Traders should be free to trade, provided they hold all their positions for a certain length…

Preparing for Argentina

I'm getting ready to leave. I'm VERY excited but can't help being a bit nervous. I want to have fun, learn as much Spanish as possible, meet new people and make the most of this trip. 6 weeks will go by fast. I'd like prayers for traveling mercies and things like not getting sick. I'm praying for a smooth transition and able to quickly adjust to language. I have to think before I speak a sentence. I'll take plenty of pictures and maybe post some up here. I'll also be updating this blog to let my family and friends know…

A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions

A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions and Beliefs fills a need for Indian Christians who are searching for guidance when confronted with beliefs, traditions, rituals and practices in the non-Christian Indian community. This book: * Reveals the truth about Christian living. * Discusses certain Indian spiritual and religious practices. * Gives advice on the daily struggles of believers. Written from the agape (love) perspective, this resource is helpful for the new convert to Christianity, the generational Christian who may need to adjust his life, and leaders who seek some form of consistency in approaching the Indian Diaspora.

Why Pastors Fall? Why Pastors Fail? Any Solutions!

I was shocked years ago when I realized that not all pastors are leaders. Someone with little or no mantle of leadership trying to lead a congregation will eventuate in people going in their own direction looking for the real leader in their midst. I agree with George Barna (as stated in his book A Fish Out of Water) when he says that there are habitual leaders (born leaders) who are so gifted that leadership comes naturally to them; they simply intuit leadership. I also agree with John Maxwell who says that we can grow as leaders by asking people to mentor us and by taking the time to study on leadership. God has called each leader to know and articulate their own mission statement.

My Soul Longs For You! Nothing Else Will Do – Check Out This YouTube

My Soul Longs For You! My Soul Longs For You My soul longs for You My soul longs for you Nothin' else will do nothin' else will do My soul longs for You My soul longs for you Nothin' else will do nothin' else will do... I believe You will come like the rain... You'll come like the rain So let it rain let it rain let it rain let it rain... Hallelujah Halleljujah You'll make all things newSource: Misty Edwards Mr. Bilson

LEAD! Leadership Enrichment And Development

[Or maybe: Leadership Equipping And Development] Good news! My pastor bought off on my proposal breaking next year’s Leadership Training into three 12-week semesters, structured as a focused bible study. We are using “LEAD!” as the working title. The initial draft syllabus is below. The catch is that I am signed up to produce all these (though once we nail down the outline, perhaps I can get others to fill in specific pieces). I suppose I’ll start by just blogging appropriate bible studies and going from there. At least I have until September… I. THINKING THEOLOGICALLY Here is my best…

Word From The Past Which Speaks About The Present

Holding my handsAre my hopes as small as the sandsHopes which are faded as they are jadedWith the wordls ugly hatred Will things fadeeven before it is made?Am i not a humanbeyond the skin that God has made? Will You cross that line?A line which is dimwith unsure future which lies down aheadGod if its is your willlet it be donein Yours and Yours alone..... David Bala

The Long Road Home

Wondering how the journey ahead will fareAs the road seems to linger ever onI cannot but stop and recollect the thoughtsThat question the path and destination Where do heart and feeling coalesce?When will it all seem to make sense? Maybe I was never supposed to find outMaybe I was never to ask such questionsMaybe I was never to know I’ll keep walking… Ashish Joy

Teen And Internet Usage

More than 80% of all U.S. teens are online at least one hour every day, according to BurstMedia. Among teens who go online from home, friends’ homes, libraries or other locations, 37.4% say they spend three or more hours per day online. Teen males are slightly more likely than females to spend over three hours a day surfing: 39.9% do so compared with 34.7% of females. The survey found that while teens are online, they are often simultaneously doing homework or watching television or other things: 48.9% say they work on homework while online, 33.8% say they watch TV or…

This Is What I Told My Wife On Our Anniversary

Lanusenla (Eunice) and I have been married for six years now. Today, is our wedding anniversary. The feeling is great. We’ve had the best of times. We have been there for each other. We have faced challenges together. Despite the odds, we’ve made it. This is no fairy tale wedding. It is in every way just a normal wedding but we’ve grown stronger in mutual love, mutual submission and mutual respect. I have a comment about anything and everything (a problem when you cross 35 I think) I wanted to tell my wife so much. And what did I finally…