The Privilege Of Following Jesus
On The "Strong" Anglo-American Economic System
Nothing is Wasted
Providing A Defense For Our Faith
The Bible In Manga
His Eye Is On The Sparrow
Me Too. I Confess . . .
The Secret Place
Cohabitation – Who Wants Marriage?
US Energy Markets Watchdog Agrees That Speculation Is Contributing To The Record Oil Price
Preparing for Argentina
A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions
A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions and Beliefs fills a need for Indian Christians who are searching for guidance when confronted with beliefs, traditions, rituals and practices in the non-Christian Indian community. This book: * Reveals the truth about Christian living. * Discusses certain Indian spiritual and religious practices. * Gives advice on the daily struggles of believers. Written from the agape (love) perspective, this resource is helpful for the new convert to Christianity, the generational Christian who may need to adjust his life, and leaders who seek some form of consistency in approaching the Indian Diaspora.
Why Pastors Fall? Why Pastors Fail? Any Solutions!
I was shocked years ago when I realized that not all pastors are leaders. Someone with little or no mantle of leadership trying to lead a congregation will eventuate in people going in their own direction looking for the real leader in their midst. I agree with George Barna (as stated in his book A Fish Out of Water) when he says that there are habitual leaders (born leaders) who are so gifted that leadership comes naturally to them; they simply intuit leadership. I also agree with John Maxwell who says that we can grow as leaders by asking people to mentor us and by taking the time to study on leadership. God has called each leader to know and articulate their own mission statement.