I'm Christian Dating a Non-Christian Possibly Intending To Get Married. Need Advice
I am a Hindu and have received a proposal from a Christian girl who converted from Hinduism three years ago. Whilst my parents expect her to follow my religion after marriage; I am of the view that she can follow her religion but she has to partake in all my Hindu religious activities; and that we have to have a Hindu marriage. I also respect Christianity and she can go to church etc. with myself accompanying her whenever possible. She has come back to me saying that all the above will be a sin in Christianity and that she will be punished if she participates in my activities. I have been advised by my Hindu priest to participate in her activities where possible. I respect her choice of religion because for me there is only one god; it's just that we all have our own ways of faith.
Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu Christian Songs – Blessings from Bethlehem Punjabi Church New York
Whatever reason might have brought you to this website, one thing is certain. God has a plan and purpose in your life. You are not here by chance or accident. You have a specific God-given assigment on this earth. You are precious to God and He loves you so much, that is why He has created you in His own image. You can’t find God’s purpose and plan in yourself, or in other people, or in the things of this world. God has made that plan for you and that plan can only be found in God alone.
Six Men Met In An Indian Airport: One Of Them Was Definitively Narrow-Minded
Through an imaginative dialog between six men with different worldviews, Praveen Raju of the Sakshi Times illustrates the implications of each in relation to the meaning and destination in life. At the Indian international airport, in a small restaurant, five people are seated around a long table relishing steaming tea . There is also a sixth person seated in a corner, on the next table, mutely watching everyone. The announcer in her concerned yet pleasant voice apologizes the passengers for bad weather and thick fog and announces in a regular and serious tone concerning flight delay for about three hours. Suddenly, when the announcement was over, one of the five, Mr. Atheist, bangs the table and yells …