Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Compliance and Ethics in Asian Firms

A few weeks ago there was an article in the South China Morning Post (on 17 May, to be precise), where the head of a consultancy argued that the very notion of anyone with a responsibility for ethics and compliance (an Ethics Officer or a Compliance Officer) goes against Asian culture, where everything is done on the basis of relationships. The author was writing in a specifically Chinese context, so he refers of course to guanxi, which is entirely alien to rules-based ways of doing business - which are what enabled the West to begin to catch up with the…

I'm Christian Dating a Non-Christian Possibly Intending To Get Married. Need Advice

I am a Hindu and have received a proposal from a Christian girl who converted from Hinduism three years ago. Whilst my parents expect her to follow my religion after marriage; I am of the view that she can follow her religion but she has to partake in all my Hindu religious activities; and that we have to have a Hindu marriage. I also respect Christianity and she can go to church etc. with myself accompanying her whenever possible. She has come back to me saying that all the above will be a sin in Christianity and that she will be punished if she participates in my activities. I have been advised by my Hindu priest to participate in her activities where possible. I respect her choice of religion because for me there is only one god; it's just that we all have our own ways of faith.

Hindi, Punjabi and Urdu Christian Songs – Blessings from Bethlehem Punjabi Church New York

Whatever reason might have brought you to this website, one thing is certain. God has a plan and purpose in your life. You are not here by chance or accident. You have a specific God-given assigment on this earth. You are precious to God and He loves you so much, that is why He has created you in His own image. You can’t find God’s purpose and plan in yourself, or in other people, or in the things of this world. God has made that plan for you and that plan can only be found in God alone.

Six Men Met In An Indian Airport: One Of Them Was Definitively Narrow-Minded

Through an imaginative dialog between six men with different worldviews, Praveen Raju of the Sakshi Times illustrates the implications of each in relation to the meaning and destination in life. At the Indian international airport, in a small restaurant,  five people are seated  around a long table relishing steaming tea . There is also a sixth person seated in a corner, on the next table, mutely watching  everyone. The announcer in her concerned yet pleasant voice apologizes the passengers for bad weather and thick fog  and  announces  in a regular and serious tone concerning flight  delay for about three hours. Suddenly, when the announcement was over, one of the five, Mr. Atheist, bangs the table and yells … 

Terrorized By A Spider

This morning while I was in the shower, a spider jumps on me. I freak out. I flick this creepy hairy fiend off to the side. Then, this creature starts jumping. Oh, great! With my soap dish I scoop it up and quickly throw it out before it escapes from my catch. Yuck! I'm surprised that I didn't scream as I usually would. A guy once said, "Women are amazing. They are brave enough to go through hours of childbirth. Some of these ladies are not afraid do the most admirable, courageous and daring things, yet they scream the loudest…

Happiness In Marriage

Recently a Harvard psychology professor (Dan Gilbert) came out with a book on happiness in marriage. It is called ’Stumbling on Happiness’. See the report in New York Times or Telegraph. See Dan Gilbert blog here. Among the many distorted views being promoted by this researcher is that children spoil happiness in marriage. How wrong this is. It probably is indicative of the growing selfishness of adults in the western culture. Whether it be marriage or children, our culture is all about what is in for me. A quote from the book, which gives the slant of the entire book, I…

Without Details

1. Been in mumbai for some time now, and been particularly busy the last two weeks working with 'vision rescue' (feeding and teaching slum children), conducting assemblies at a couple private schools, as well as playing on the praise and worship band at church. really really exciting and also challenging stuff...but i can't put all the details on here at the moment. 2. Have some major life decisions to make this month... 3. Will continue to trust in the faithful provision of my Savior... Beni

Mighty To Save Hillsong YouTube

Everyone Needs CompassionA Love That's Never FailingLet Mercy Fall On MeEveryone Needs ForgivenessA Kindness Of A SaviorThe Hope Of Nations SaviorHe Can Move The MountainsMy God Is Mighty To SaveHe Is Mighty To SaveForeverAuthor Of SalvationHe Rose And Conquered The GraveJesus Conquered The Grave So Take Me As You Find MeAll My Fears And FailuresFill My Life AgainI Give My Life To FollowEverything I Believe InNow I SurrenderShine Your Light And Let The Whole World SeeWe're Singing For The Glory Of The Risen King. . . . . JesusShine Your Light And Let The Whole World SeeWe're Singing For The…

Can “The Coldest Heart” Skip A Beat?

A discussion on The Coldest Heart (Classic Crime) by Bobby Thejus A couple of years and I’m a silhouetteMy halo is broken now and I’m all that’s leftI hate to disappoint but it’s the way things wentI was bound to the things I didAnd after what was saidTie up these loose endsThese voices are calling me outI’ve got the solutionYou can feed me to somethingThat is leaving this doubt (Chorus)Whoa, I’m losing hopeThere’s a hole in my heartThat’s been cut out of stoneWhoa, cold comes cold goesCould you fill this hole?Cause I can’t do it aloneA couple of tears and…

A New . . . .

One step forwardIn my waysJust to be challengedin His days Strength to hang on is gonewith what the world throws onWith nothing leftthan the passion that has melted Beneath the heartis what we always long foris just a dreamwhich is foregone... David Bala

The Long Road Home

Wondering how the journey ahead will fareAs the road seems to linger ever onI cannot but stop and recollect the thoughtsThat question the path and destination Where do heart and feeling coalesce?When will it all seem to make sense? Maybe I was never supposed to find outMaybe I was never to ask such questionsMaybe I was never to know I’ll keep walking… Ashish Joy

The Sick Society Produced By American Capitalism

One in 32 American adults is either behind bars or on probation or parole, according to the the results of a Pew Charitable Trust report released in February 2008, quoted from BreakPoint Professor Stephen Marglin would perhaps say that this is only to be expected. See my post on his book, THE DISMAL SCIENCE: HOW THINKING LIKE AN ECONOMIST UNDERMINES COMMUNITY (Harvard University Press, 2008). One of his colleagues tells me that "no one" from the Department of Economics at Harvard speaks with him. He is a brave man and has written a brave book. He will be proved right by…

A Prayer For The Artists

(So, I get this from David Taylor's blog . Amen, it reminds me of what really matters) Lord, remember your artists. Have mercy upon them and remember with compassion all those that reflect the good, the ill, the strengths and the weaknesses of the human spirit. Remember those who raise their voices in unending song,those who pour their souls into music loud and soft. Remember those who put pigment to surface,carve wood and stone and marble,who work base metals into beauty,those building upwards from the earth toward heaven. Remember those who put thought to paper by computer and by…


For the last few weeks, we’ve been doing the busy work of getting ready to start life in a brand new city. All of our stuff has been packed into boxes and taken down to Philadelphia. Ajo & Juby (one of the couples on our team) are letting us store our stuff in their garage until we officially move down. We spent the last week apartment hunting and found a 2 BR apartment in Northeast Philly that Shainu loved. I was overjoyed to see how excited she was. They told her she could paint the walls and stuff and now…

YouTube Teen Pregnancy Pact In Massachusetts

An appalling story from Massachusetts on teen pregnancy. 17 pregnancies over this past school year in girls age 16 and younger. Many of them made a pact to get pregnant so that they can raise them together. Read the report in US news or watch on AP video on Youtube below. Sex education program in the country is seriously being questioned. Is this the failure of kids, parents, school or the government? Finger pointing is on and it has spurred many ideological conversations. But when these kids drop out of school and end up in welfare, no body blames the…

A New Breed of Leadership – Young, Sacrificial, Faith-Filled And Godly

"The thief does not come except to steal, and to kill, and to destroy. I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly." (John 10:10) There is a new breed of leadership rising up in the kingdom. God is stirring up young leaders who are truly laying down their life, denying self, sacrificially giving and leaving everything behind to follow him. They have and edge over other Christians. They can tangibly see the hand of God meet everyone of their needs to the glorious riches in Christ Jesus. They are filled with renewed…

My Soul Longs For You! Nothing Else Will Do – Check Out This YouTube

Pastor Wilson Mathews, my BEST friend, my close brother, my constant encourager, the man I respect and admire . . . .the Youth Pastor at the International Punjabi Masihi Church in Vancouver, Canada, introduced this song to me. Guess what! I have been listening to "My soul longs for you, Nothin' else will do nothin' else will do" over and over again. At night, during the day, while online, while asleep, . . . in fact all the time. Thank you Pastor Wilson.This song is incredibly annointed! Listen to it and you will know why?My Soul Longs For You My soul longs for You…

A Full Glass Of Milk

One day, a poor boy who was selling goods from door to door to pay for his hungry stomach, decided he would ask for a meal at the next house. On the way through school, he found he had only one thin dime left and he was very hungry. However, he lost his nerve when a lovely young woman opened the door. Instead of a meal he asked for a drink of water. The woman thought he looked hungry, so brought him a large glass of milk. He drank it slowly, and then asked, "How much do I owe you?"…

A New . . . .

One step forwardIn my waysJust to be challengedin His days Strength to hang on is gonewith what the world throws onWith nothing leftthan the passion that has melted Beneath the heartis what we always long foris just a dreamwhich is foregone...David Bala

Terrorized By A Spider

This morning while I was in the shower, a spider jumps on me. I freak out. I flick this creepy hairy fiend off to the side. Then, this creature starts jumping. Oh, great! With my soap dish I scoop it up and quickly throw it out before it escapes from my catch. Yuck! I'm surprised that I didn't scream as I usually would. A guy once said, "Women are amazing. They are brave enough to go through hours of childbirth. Some of these ladies are not afraid do the most admirable, courageous and daring things, yet they scream the loudest…