Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Spirituality In The Common Things

Sometimes you get a realization of truths that most people take for granted at the most unexpected and most ordinary things. I always hear church VBS, youth camps, church conferences and specifically designated church events advertise, "Come here to find God, grow in spiritually and be fullfilled..." and basically anything along those lines. It´s as though you are expected to have a road to damascus sort of experience at these places or else you are missing out on something. Christianese jargon, hype and other clichés surrounding these environments. I have nothing against them. However, there tends to be a subtle…

Nothing Is Wasted

Nothing is ever wasted if it is done in the name of Jesus. Not the Bible Studies that no one came to... Not the times that enemies got our blessings instead of wrath... Not nights of agonizing and wrestling in prayer... Not the people who we invested in and turned their backs on us... Not hours of seeking in the Word of God.... Not the times we kept going when there was no strength left... Not the times pain of being misunderstood and insulted by the ones we loved... Not the pain and anguish felt when things went wrong and…

Raising Support

In April, I had attended the Dwell church planting conference in NY. One of the seminars was about raising funds for the work of church planting. The speaker challenged us to be bold and ask specific requests to potential supporters. I took his advice and decided that I would begin by asking 2 friends of mine to consider committing to give towards 7 Mile Road monthly. This week I got to hang out with one of those friends. But get this. Before I could ask him, he and his wife gave us a card. In it was a check and…

An Overdue Update

Its been crazy days.... Things are looking up for me... I want to thank God for his grace and mercy in my life.... Look out for more soooooon David Bala

India – Diabetic Capital of the World

India has a new dubious distinction now - Diabetic capital of the world! A Recent Report tells about the dramatic rise in diabetic cases in India, amouting for nearly 25% of cases in the world. WHO reports that by 2025, India will have over 57 million cases of type 2 diabetic. November 14th is the World Diabetic Day (never heard of that?) Guess what, Indians are some of the leading medical reserachers and scientists in this field. In my own families,  many suffer from Diabetics and I have lost some due to this disease. Changing lifestyles, work habits, diets, new…

God Gave Me A Heart Of Worship

God gave me a fresh understanding of His forgiveness and purpose in my life and the vision of a new ministry called "AWAAZ (Voice) INT. MUSIC" came in my heart. Since 1995, I directed my efforts to the NRI community overseas and those South Asians who live in other parts of the world and have served the South Asian community reaching many North Indians, Fiji Indians and Pakistani and have helped many new Indo-Pak churches to serve the community in many parts of the world. The countries God opened for ministry and Concerts, seminars and conventions are Singapore, Indonesia, Malaysia, Korea, Philippines, England, West Indies, North America, New Zealand, Fiji Islands, Holland, Suriname and Australia.

Christ, My Bodhisattva – Interview by Andy Crouch with Ram Gidoomal

Multinational businessman and politician Ram Gidoomal talks about 'translating' the gospel in today's world . . . More than 50 members of my family have come to Christ. We are all Sindhis. There are very few Sindhi believers in the world, and the majority that have come to Christ, maybe 10,000 out of 20 million, came to Christ abroad, in the diaspora. This diaspora has largely followed economic opportunities. If you look at the early church and its growth, it also followed trade routes. The gospel was spread from port to port. Well, who paid for those boat trips? Business people. Business gives you access, geographic access as well as access to relational networks. As an Asian businessman, I have access to people and networks around the globe.

Book Review – True To His Ways: Purity & Safety in Christian Spiritual Practice

One thing I have written before is that Satan, our enemy, loves to imitate the things of God and make a mockery of the things he cannot imitate. In her book, True to His Ways, Ms. Davis goes into great depths pointing out the biblical errors in major counterfeit religious beliefs of our day. The information given on the spiritual dangers of yoga is invaluable in regards to biblical discernment. Christians who think that yoga is a harmless form of exercise to relieve stress are deceived. Just like Eve, these Christians are eating a forbidden fruit of spiritual destruction. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: - Genesis 3:4 [KJV]

Mobilizing People For God and for Country

I was born and raised as a Hindu worshipping the idol gods in a village, Kurumaddali, Andhra Pradesh, India. My father died when I was four years as he was witch-crafted by a witch man that was paid by another family in order to kill my family. My mother and grandparents tried every thing to get him cured. They offered the animal sacrifice in a graveyard in the midnight hour with the help of another witch doctor. They took him to mental hospitals and Hindu temples. They finally took him to a big temple where millions of Hindus go to shave their heads and give hair offering to the god of seven hills.

Beef Tongue for Dinner, Anyone?

I haven´t had it yet but my friend did. As for me, I´m getting better used to the food and environment. I´m getting over my brief culture shock and want to experience more of this place. The italian food here is the best I´ve had so far. I´m sure it wouldn´t beat being in Italy (where I´ve never been). I love italian food so I felt I was in heaven. I had canneloni with spinach and chicken and homemade white sauce and Argentine white wine. Their wine is good. The next day, I ask my friend what she had. Her…

Missions And Worship

1. Since I haven't written any serious updates of late... 2. Imagine walking down some street and scraggly looking slum kids who come begging suddenly recognize you and smile sheepishly... "Hello Teacher!!"...their grimy but loving hand extended. And even though I can only communicate with them in my very broken Hindi, it's a really good feeling, knowing you've impacted their life in some way, however small. 3. I also go every week to a couple schools. The kids have started recognizing us so as soon as we're on the premises, I hear "Goodmorning Miss!!" all over the place. I can't…

How Much Is China Opening Up?

Today's Financial Times (London) has a story which seems to indicate that at least part of the ruling elite is continuing to resist any opening up: China seeks to muzzle quake victim parentsJul 01 2008 23:31Chinese security forces are pressing parents to abandon demands for a full investigation into why so many schools collapsed in the May earthquake in SichuanRead more >>Prabhu Guptara

Doctor, Is My Medicine Effective?

Or else, "Doctor, Is My Medicine Counterfeit?" When we fall sick, a medicine is given to cure us of that illness. This pill contains a substance that essentially neutralizes the organism or substance that is causing sickness. For example, penicillin neutralizes the bacteria that cause pus formation. An insulin preparation neutralizes the effects of high sugar in the bloodstream. Doubtless I have oversimplified what medicines do, but a treatise on pharmacology is not the point. The point? It is essential that the correct medicine be given for the correct illness. The wrong medicine can either have no effect, or worse,…


"My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one." (John 17:15)Are you equipped? Jesus was! He had a ministry to dirty, filthy sinners like you and me (Matthew 9:10)! He would clean us up and makes us into saints! He calls us to imitate him and reach out to others who need a bit of healing and cleansing (1 Corinthians 11:1)!But we can't do it without a bit of equipping! Jesus spent time teaching the disciples. Sometimes he would use words and other times he'd use actions! A…

After We Had Torn Ourselves Away From Them

And when he had said these things, he knelt down and prayed with them all. And there was much weeping on the part of all; they embraced Paul and kissed him, being sorrowful most of all because of the word he had spoken, that they would not see his face again. And they accompanied him to the ship. After we had torn ourselves away from them, we put out to sea and sailed straight to Cos. Acts 20:36-21 With many tears, we tore ourselves away from saints at Seven Mile Road Boston. Our heart grieves and our spirit mourns. Yet…

The Power of Television

This Vblog presents Oprah Winfrey’s Life Time Achievement Award acceptance speech at Emmy Awards, 1998. She talks about how a daily simple prayer, “Lord Use Me” took her into Television and consequently helped her touch lives through the Television Medium. It was simple prayer. But…you never know what God can do to make us beacon of light to others around. And more importantly, help us transform and redeem different arenas of human engagement. Samuel Thambusamy

To Question

What if everything and nothing could be redoneTo a shade or a color or a word or a song? What if depravity and audacity could be unsaidTo a leaf or a branch or a tree or a field? What if life and death were not as it wereRather a wind or a whisper or crash or a cry? Every moment tries to steal the heart awayOr is it the other way ’round? Every feeling seeks to step on anotherOr is that we’re so deceived? I wonder… but never seeWas I supposed to? I seek… but I don’t findIsn’t that ok?…

Wasted Power

I was thinking… “Scientists across the world are seeking ways to turn waste heat from motor vehicles into power, to achieve lower carbon dioxide emissions and lower fuel consumption.” All the best scientists! We are waiting for this and other answers to the huge energy crisis overwhelming our world at the moment. Hopefully, this and other crises will be solved before long, making this dated news. I’ve got spiritual good news for you. Even though your full spiritual capacity is being wasted at this very moment, God has provided for a spiritual thermoelectric converter to take your wasting life and…

Nepali Christian Worship Songs

Lord I Lift Up Your Name On High Nepali Worship Song. Prabhu tapain ko naam uchalchhu ma, Stuti gauna chahanchhu tapain ko, Khusi chhu mero jivan ma aaunubho, Khusi chhu malai bachhauna aunubho, Swarga bata dharti ma aunubho... baato dekhauna, Dharti bata Kruusama,mayro.. riin tirna, Kruusa bata chihan ma, chihan bata swarga ma, Prabhu tapain kai naam uchha ma.

Unhealthy Habits Of Teens

Guess, what are some of underlying causes of unhealthy habits of teens… TV in their bedrooms! A new study published recently by the University of Minnesota School Public Health found that teenagers who have a television in their bedroom are more likely to have unhealthy lifestyles: from poor eating habits, to bad grades, to less time spent with the family. See a report in Science Daily. We all know having television in kids bedrooms increases media consumption. Kids are more likley to watch shows in the privacy of their rooms what they would not watch in the living room with…