Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Article 355 Is Believed To Be Issued By The Centre Against Orissa To Ensure That The State Government Carry Out Its Constitutional Responsibilities

New Delhi: The Union government has warned the government of Orissa, the scene of violence against Christians over the past two weeks, invoking a rarely used constitutional provision that typically precedes the declaration of Central or President’s rule in a state if it goes unheeded. A senior minister of the Congress-led United Progressive Alliance, or UPA, government in New Delhi told Mint that Prime Minister Manmohan Singh had, on 4 September, personally asked home minister Shivraj Patil to issue a warning to the Orissa government led by the Biju Janata Dal (BJD) under Article 355 of the Constitution. The minister…

The King Is Dead, Long Live the King: On the Fall of Investment Banking (And Its Potential Rise)

So Goldman Sachs (GS) and Morgan Stanley (MS), the last surviving global investment banks, have become regulated banks! That is to say, they are now subject toregulation by the Fed. In addition to giving GS and MS the ability to take deposits from savers, thus reducing their reliance on funding in the short-term repo market, both GS and MS can now take advantage of loans from the Fed against the various kinds of collateral that are acceptable to the Fed. It is worth recollecting that investment banking started as a separate industry following the consensus, after the Depression, that the…

Persecution of Christians in India

Earning Our TrustPersecution of Christians in Indiaby Charles Colson (September 19, 2008) If you were asked to name a country where it is dangerous to be a Christian, you would probably name an Islamic country or a dictatorship like China. You probably wouldn't name the largest democracy in the world, India. Yet some of the most horrific persecution of Christians is taking place in its state of Orissa. On August 23, a Hindu nationalist known as "Guruji" was shot to death along with four of his followers. While Guruji had many enemies and was mostly likely killed by Maoist guerillas,…

Pray More! Appropriating God’s Power

And he spake a parable unto them to this end, that men ought always to pray, and not to faint, Luke 18:1 The human body is a most complex and supreme creation. God’s hand is manifest in the intricate interplay between the various body cells, organs and biochemical reactions that have to go on to maintain a healthy life. Every body part has a distinct and unique function. In order for our body to be healthy, all our organs have to do their job correctly and at the right time. So it is not surprising that the apostle Paul used…

Just A Robot

1. honesty, yet again, has come back to screw me over. you'd think that at least after the last post, i'd be more inclined to indulge in the fine art of fibbing. unfortunately, childhood lessons of obedience have developed deeper roots than previously imagined. and now my life is as shitty as ever. 2. it sucks to have all your decisions made for you--to never have the luxury of choosing, to never have the chance to seek God for the answer and instead have people just decide on everything for you. and if you ever make the horrible mistake of…


What to do when you perceive that Christ is no longer the cornerstone. The gospel of Christ is no longer the focus; instead the gospel of the American mega-church culture has taken over. I understand that not all churches are perfect. They are made-up of flawed people just like myself. Little things, inconveniences and offenses don't bother me. It's the major things that are worth paying attention to. I faced many problems in my past so I'm not easily offended by petty inconveniences. How about having major doctrinal disagreement with your church? I wanted to leave but wanted to for…

Western Media Coverage Of The Ethnic Cleansing Going On In Orissa And Other Parts of India

Comment regarding my post, on Western media coverage of the ethnic cleansing going on in Orissa and other parts of India.Dear Prof. Guptara, I am surprised to learn that the killing of Christians and destruction of their habitat is considered by the Western media to be by what you term"religious nutters". In fact it is a planned attack on Christan's by VHP (Vishwa Hindu Parishad) and Bajrangdal on the tribal Christians in Orrisa because these tribals and backward class people have found freedom in Christianity from the caste system and from bondage to the upper castes. The upper castes, who…

First Pakistani General Superintendent of PAOC BC/Yukon District

Congrats to Ken Russel We have a newly elected General Superintendent at our PAOC District Office. His name is Ken Russel. He is the first Pakistani General Superintendent ever for the BC/Yukon District! God is great! "...for my house will be called a house of prayer for all nations." (Isaiah 56:7) Mr. BilsonPAOC - Pentecostal Assembly of Canada

Sangh Parivar in Orissa – A Fact Sheet

The Hindutva private army in Orissa, and its bloody track record. [1964-1998] Since 2000, the Sangh has been strengthened by the Bharatiya Janata Party's coalition government with the Biju Janata Dal. In October 2002, a Shiv Sena unit in Balasore district declared the formation of the first Hindu 'suicide squad'.In March 2006, Rath stated that the 'VHP believes that the security measures initiated by the Government [for protection of Hindus] are not adequate and hence Hindu society has taken the responsibility for it'. (In June 2008, Bal Thackeray said, "Hindu suicide squads should be readied to ensure existence of Hindu…

The Business of Faith

There was a time the Christian missionary spread the word of god in a simple and direct way. He would step off a boat, make friends with locals and after years of effort, count a sizable flock. Cut to 2008 and it's a different scenario altogether. Church planting agencies, as they are called, have taken over the evangelical role. They ensure that growth targets are set and new churches built. There is quantifiable growth. In the four years from 2003, 22 new International Churches of Christ were built. The Adventists has concrete plans to build 500 new churches too. The…

Persecution In Orissa

“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”  Hebrews 13:3 The body of Christ in Orissa is currently undergoing severe persecution.  Followers of Jesus are being beaten, burned in the streets, hacked to pieces, and forced to hide in jungles. Churches have been burned to the ground, pastors have been assaulted, and nuns have been gang raped. Worse, the violence against Christians is spreading to other parts of India. Pray for the persecuted bride of Christ in Orissa.

Attacks Against Indian Christians: What Is Our Reponse?

I am appalled at the rampant insensitivity in most Indian-Christian responses to the gross human rights violation in Orissa. In 1999, We didn’t know how to respond to the attacks against the Church in Gujarat. It’s been almost a decade now and We still haven’t learnt to respond to attacks against hapless tribal christians. We can only view it ‘religiously’. We speak about the glories of martyrdom. We resort to jingoism and claim it to be signs of an impending explosion of churches. We moralize and ask our brothers to forgive the perpetuators. We treat these ghastly acts as events that would bring revival. Sadly, we do everything but stand alongside our brothers and sisters in Orissa.

The Hindustan Times Exposes Another Lie Of RSS Against Christians

Are Christians converting poor people by allurement? RSS says so. But all the evidences point exactly in opposite direction. Excerpts from the Hindustan Times reports.Sakshi Times had reported by citing National Commision for Minorities  report that there is not a single case of conversion by inducement in Orissa.  On September 6, 2008, Sakshi Times had also reported by citing two studies of (1) Sabrang Communications & Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai, India, and The South Asia Citizens Web and (2) Awaaz — South Asia Watch Ltd that it is RSS who uses foreign donations for violence.  Some may have dismissed it…

Put VHP, Bajrang Dal On Terror Watch List

New Delhi: Communist Party of India-Marxist (CPI-M) leader Brinda Karat on Tuesday asked the central government to immediately put the Bajrang Dal and the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) on the watch list of organisations indulging in terrorist-like activities. In a letter to Home Minister Shivraj Patil, Brinda said the two Hindu organisations are spreading violence against minority Christians in Orissa, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan. "There are reports of attempts being made to spread the violence to states such as Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan by these organisations. In addition, their leaders are making the most rabidly communal speeches. These actions seriously undermine national…

The Monetarist Gods That Have Failed

The collapse of the largest insurance company, the two largest mortgage companies, and three out of the five largest investment banks - all within the last few weeks! - means that if we are not *in* something like the 1929 recession, we are certainly very near it. Many people (including myself) have for some years now been trying to present solutions for the inherent instability of the global financial system. But there are none so deaf as those who do not want to hear! Regulators were even pressed to avoid implementing the few safeguards that existed! Entirely needlessly, tens of…

Graham Staines and His Two Young Sons Burnt Alive. Wife Forgives Unconditionally!

Graham Stuart Staines was the Australian missionary who was burnt to death along with his two sons Philip, aged nine and Timothy aged seven while sleeping in his station wagon at Manoharpur village in Keonjhar district in Orissa, India in January 1999. Graham Staines had been working in Orissa among the tribal poor and especially with leprosy patients since 1965. He spoke fluent Oriya and was very popular among the patients whom he used to help after they were cured. He used to teach them how to make mats out of rope and basket from saboigrass and hand weaving. The widow of Graham Staines, Gladys has said the perpetrators of the crime should be forgiven. "I've no hatred for anyone.  "I've no anger," Mrs. Gladys Staines responded."

"'Father They Are Going to Burn Me" – Rajni's Last Words.

Ms. Rajni Majhi, a 20 year old student who lived in the orphanage and was also working as an auxiliary nurse in the orphanage confronted the mob of Hindus. When Fr Sequeira arrived at the spot, the mob locked him and Rajni into separate rooms, and ordered the children to vacate the orphanage. The mob then ransacked Fr Sequeira's room, poured petrol on him and Rajni and set the orphanage on fire. I could hear the cries of Rajni, and the mob was cheering and shouting through the window. These criminals tied her hands together - they made a huge bonfire in the orphanage room and threw her onto the fire. They used sickles, shovels and other weapons to prevent her from running away, these extremists did not allow her to even move from the burning flames". All the while I could hear the cries of Rajni from the next room where she was writhing in agony. After sometime, there was silence. Rajni Mahji was burnt alive.

"God Is In Control" – Message From Orissa

Juria Bardhan, Gospel for Asia's state leader in Orissa, India, knows what it's like to be hunted by anti-Christian extremists bent on killing him. During the past two weeks, he has seen dozens of churches burned to the ground. He has seen missionaries and Christians beaten and killed. But during all these horrific attacks, Juria has had one thought. "We know the Lord is in control," Juria said in an interview Thursday. Juria's comments may sound naïve to Western ears, but to Christians in volatile parts of Asia, they ring true. They expect persecution rather than peace. They know that…

From Kashmir To Orissa, The Saffron Camp's Violent Role

Just as the deaths of 'kar sevaks' (Hindu pilgrims) in an arson attack on their train led to retaliatory violence by the Hindutva brigade against Muslims in Gujarat in 2002, similarly the murder of five Hindus, including the head of an ashram in Orissa, has sparked off attacks against Christians by the Vishwa Hindu Parishad (VHP) and Bajrang Dal activists. Why the Christians should have been targeted is not clear because the murders were reportedly committed by Maoists. However, since it is not easy to track down the Maoists in their jungle hideouts, the saffron warriors seem to have vented their…

Three Teenage Girls and Two Women Buried Alive in Pakistan

ISLAMABAD, City of Islam, Aug 29:  National assembly, Correspondent Ahmed Hassan  reported 30 Aug, 08 in web edition of Daily Dawn that “Balochistan Senator Sardar Israrullah Zehri stunned the upper house on Friday when he defended the recent incident of burying alive three teenage girls and two women in his province, saying it was part of “our tribal custom.” The girls were allegedly accused of not marrying according to the wishes of men in the family! Pakistan has become a lawless society where anarchy rules. Violent criminal are elected in a so called democracy in a  poverty stricken nation where trigger…