Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Importance of Family – Children Of Immigrants

I read this distrubing story on children of immigrants in  Chicago Tribune. Most of the stories covered were from lower socio-economic class and people south of the US border. But I concur with the struggles of immigrant children and see many similiar trend among Asian Indian community as well. There is no doubt that immigrant life is hard. But life for the children is even harder. For the later it is social, psychological and spiritual. Being a adolescent has never been easy and it is harder now than ever has been. For immigrant communities, the challenges are multiplied. Need for…

Another Approach

In recent months, I've been hearing only one word in response to every desire I have for my life, and that is a sharp, determined, unyielding "NO!" So in the last few days, I've been thinking, pondering, meditating upon, and re-thinking the following: Am I crazy? I re-read some favorite portions of Scripture, old stuff I'd written, journal entries from years ago, notes from sermons and messages that impacted my life significantly, etc. And all of that just seemed like confirmation. But confirmation doesn't help me. It only makes me all the more determined and my mom all the more…

Vision Night

This past Saturday, we had a Vision Night for people who had expressed interest in 7 Mile Road and wanted to hear more.  The night was great.  First we sat around chomping down on appetizers and home-made calzones.  Eating together will be a regular and important part of life at 7 Mile Road.  It was great to see people sharing a meal, talking, and laughing as they met each other for the first time.  My mind’s eye saw the embryo of what could be a beautiful community.  After dinner, we shifted our attention to talking about this brand new church…

India's Reputation Wounded By Religious Killings

Anti-Christian violence, which began in a remote district of India's tribal belt in the eastern state of Orissa in late August, has become an international embarrassment for India's secular Congress-led government. It has spread to four more states, including Karnataka, the home of the subcontinent's information technology hub in Bangalore. On the sidelines of the signing of an Indo-French nuclear deal this week, Nicolas Sarkozy, the French president and current European Union president, said he had conveyed to Manmohan Singh, India's prime minister, the EU's "serious concerns" over "massacres of Christians". Mr Singh has condemned the violence and asked state…

Diary of a Wimpy Kid

When you are around kids, you'll always hear about the video games, TV shows, movies, music and books they read. I don't get the popular music and trends with kids. Seriously, stir-up leggings are coming back? There is this book, "Diary of a Wimpy Kid" that seems to be pretty popular with 10-13 year olds. Even the kids that refuse to open a book are excited to read this. Out of curiosity, I picked up a copy. To be honest, I didn't really get why it's so popular. I tried to think like a 12-year-old and can somewhat see how…

Archbishops, The Financial System, And The FT

In its Comment ("Canterbury tales", September 25), the Financial Times criticises Archbishops Sentamu and Williams for not having "a proper grasp of how modern finance works". Read article hereAs readers of my Blog will know, Archbishops are hardly my favourite characters. However, to the degree they may not have such a grasp, the FT is right to excuse them - for the reasons it gives. But I notice that the FT defends the current system by saying that "Everything from home-ownership to old age pensions relies on a successful and sophisticated financial sector". What reasons or excuses should be adduced…

Anbe Sivam – Love In God

The God debate is inescapable. Some believe in God. Some disbelieve in the idea of God (There are reasons but no excuses). Some cling on to the belief in God because they don’t want to accept defeat (which is pitiable). Some pride themselves in being atheists (which sometimes borders on arrogance). Who (or may be what) is God? Events, experiences and Pain evokes questions about the existence of God. In the face of evil, pain and suffering we are unable to make sense of the divine. The idea (and belief) of God who is good, loving and all powerful simply…

The GOD Factor In Our Present Economic Upheaval

I believe the current economic shakeup is part of the wider adjustment God has been doing for the past two and a half years in all facets of society (just look at all the scandals in the church, politics, sports, celebrities, etc.)  Although there has been a shake-up across the board, the Bible teaches us that “judgment must begin first with the house of God” (1 Peter 4:17). As we look at Scriptural references to visitations from God, we see that His visits not only result in revival and renewal but also judgment and adjustments (read Exodus 13:19; Amos 5:18; Luke 21:20-22)! The church and the world will eventually learn that God not only functions as a masseuse but also as a chiropractor! That is to say, sometimes, in order for long-term health, He has to adjust His body and even crack some bones!

Divinely Connected To My Creator, Master, and True Living God

My name is Inder Mohan Singh. I had a foot-and-a-half long beard, had long hair and tied a turban till about 1996. I was born into a Sikh family of very devout and religious people, made up mostly of physicians and Army officers. I was the youngest, fattest and most spoiled of four children, three male and a female! My two older brothers and eldest sister had not studied in private schools (called public schools in India!) but my father, a retired Army officer who had spent 42 months in Italy and Egypt during the Second World War, was determined that I be educated in an English-medium school . . . . We used to be taken to the Sikh temple regularly and we read the Sikh scriptures off and on (a copy of which was kept ritualistically ‘adorned’ at our home)!

Say No to the Status Quo

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.  2 Corinthians 5:17 Status quo is Latin for "the mess we're in." Leaders see what is, but they also have a vision for what could be. They are never content with things as they are. To be leading, by definition, is to be in front, breaking new ground, conquering new worlds, moving away from the status quo. Dissatisfaction with the status quo does not mean having a negative attitude or grumbling. It has to do with a willingness…

Fear – A New Headline for Today’s News

Three newspapers I regularly read seem to have copied headlines from each other this last week of September 2008. Key repeated words include: crisis, panic, turmoil, woes, and fears. Recurring phrases in editorials include “day of reckoning,” “uncertain fate,” and “runaway greed.” There has not been a global financial crisis like this one in recent memory, especially since the whole world became financially integrated. Some experts are terming the crisis a “financial tsunami,” or a “financial 9/11,” though no losses of life have (yet) been reported with the crunch, squeeze, and downturn. Yes, there have been losses of job, confidence,…

Don't Quit

When things go wrong, as they sometimes will,When the road you’re trudging seems all uphill,When the funds are low and the debts are high,And you want to smile, but you have to sigh,When care is pressing you down a bit,Rest, if you must, but don’t you quit. Life is queer with its twists and turns,As every one of us sometimes learns,And many a failure turns about,When he might have won had he stuck it out;Don’t give up though the pace seems slow–You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal is nearer than,It seems to a faint and faltering man,Often…

Understanding The Chinese Government Mentality

I thought my view of India-China relations was my utterly singular. So I am a little astonished to see that it is shared by Arun Shourie - with whom I rarely find myself in agreement! His latest book, just published is: ARE WE DECEIVING OURSELVES AGAIN? The reference is to India's self-deception in response to Chinese assurances of peaceful intent in relation to India between roughly 1950 and 1962 (when the Chinese invaded India). China has astonishingly risen to world power status in some 20 years. Equally rapidly, as I have suggested in this Blog, it may find itself descending again,…

Persecution of Indian Christians in Orissa, India

“Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body.”  Hebrews 13:3 The body of Christ in Orissa is currently undergoing severe persecution.  Followers of Jesus are being beaten, burned in the streets, hacked to pieces, and forced to hide in jungles. Churches have been burned to the ground, pastors have been assaulted, and nuns have been gang raped. Worse, the violence against Christians is spreading to other parts of India. Pray for the persecuted bride of Christ in Orissa. 7 Mile Road Church  

Modern Life Leading To Depression

The newspaper article "Modern Life Leading To Depression" (DC 15 Sept 2007) caught my attention. Every one wants to live ‘fully’ and ‘meaningfully’ and yet…urban life just falls apart.  Computers and Internet (both emails and websites) have become our worst enemy.  They assaults our personhood, assaults our imagination, affect our attitudes and worse, takes away quality time with the family etc. The article stated that there is a direct corelation between increased hours of Internet usage and depression. We drove our kids to computers and even felt proud when they were at it. Now, we trying to woo away kids…

iCare Consultation – First Ever South Asian Christian Counselors Consultation

It was a momentous gathering. For the first time ever, South Asian Christian Counselors came from all across United States and Canada to Chicago to talk about our community issues. Over the last weekend, we had a consultation of Social workers, counselors, clinical psychologist, psychiatrist, lay counselors, pastors, community leaders and theologians. See The consultation was organized by Parivar in patnership with Agape Intl. It was intended at identifying caregivers within Asian Indian community in North America. So we focussed on networking, sharing and learning from each other. Besides plenary talks by Dr. T.V. Thomas and Dr. Paul Meier,…

Al's Revival

1. started taking guitar lessons again. it's been great and Al's loving it. all those frets i never bothered with all these years finally getting a bit of attention. good times i tell ya. my hands are getting a workout and my callouses are better than ever! not to mention, it's not just about knowing a whole bunch of chords and strums now, i'm actually understanding the guitar. it's amazing! i had been wanting to take some lessons for a while cuz my guitar playing was kinda getting to be in a rut. i felt like i wasn't learning anything…

God’s Disappointment

Many churches today produce wild grapes. “Wild grapevines are often considered a nuisance weed, as they cover other plants with their usually rather aggressive growth” (Wikipedia)* Is this not a picure of today’s mainline churches that have gone off focus? They have had agressive but untidy growth. Masquerading as Christians at the top, they have diluted the pure doctrines and introduced all kinds of errors into church life. Pluralism and syncretism are the order of the day. In the name of “tolerance”, many mainline churches have strayed from the path that produces good fruit. In both the areas that matter,…

Are You Carrot, Egg Or Coffee ??

You will never look at a cup of coffee the same way again........ A young woman went to her mother and told her about her life and how things were so hard for her. She did not know how she was going to make it and wanted to give up. She was tired of fighting and struggling. It seemed as though just as one problem was solved, a new one arose. Her mother took her to the kitchen. She filled three pots with water and placed each on a high fire. Soon the pots came to a boil. In the…

Hurt? Now What?

"If an enemy were insulting me, I could endure it; if a foe were raising himself against me, I could hide from him.But it is you, a man like myself, my companion, my close friend,with whom I once enjoyed sweet fellowship as we walked with the throng at the house of God."(Psalm 55:12-14) Have you ever been hurt before? By someone close? Who hasn't? The pain can go so deep. It can even feel like there is no relief in sight. There are many ways to react to the pain. Some take 'pain relievers' with harmful side effects. They can…