Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Neither Here Nor There

The following is a post by Joe & Lisa who are at 7 Mile Road Boston getting ready to move and be a part of planting 7 Mile Road Philadelphia: We are at a weird stage in our life. Neither here nor there.  We know in less than 6 or 7 months we will be off to Philly, but deciding on what to do with our time now is hard.  We get the updates of what is going on in Philly and we are frustrated because we can not be there.  We see all the great things going on here…

Forced Conversion of Christians to Hinduism

In every camp I visited the main feeling was one of despair and hopelessness at the cruel turn of events.  Practically everyone complained of the threats they had received that their return to their homes was predicated on their acceptance of the Hindu religion.  I was even shown a letter addressed by name to one woman stating that the only way she could return to her home and property again was if she returned to the village as Hindu. Report of the National Commission for Minorities.REPORT ON THE VISIT OF THE VICE CHAIRPERSON, NCM TO ORISSA – 11TH TO 13TH…

I Can Identify Men Who Raped Me – Orissa Nun

While demanding justice, a nun who was allegedly raped in Orissa's riot-hit Kandhamal district has claimed that she can identify the culprits. The nun alleged that she was dragged by her hair by men from a Hindu household where she was hiding. "...Two men were holding my hand, one raped me," she told CNN-IBN from an 'undisclosed location'. She demanded justice not only for herself "but for the sake of the people she was working with." The nun appealed to the state government for ensuring protection to the people of Kandhmal and said the situation had been bad for far…

Democrats and Republicans Tussling Over The Rescue Package

Apparently, a struggle is taking place in the US Congress regarding the exact terms of the rescue package for the US (and international) financial system. Equally apparently, the proposed bill was supposed to have been $500bn, is now $700bn - and no one knows what the final size of the bill may be. A statement issued on behalf of Nancy Pelosi, the speaker of the House of Representatives, reportedly says: “Congress will respond to the financial markets crisis by taking action this week in a bipartisan manner...(but the Democrats) “will not simply hand over a $700bn blank cheque to Wall…

Lord of the Work and the Work of the Lord

"Separate unto Me Barnabas and Saul for the work whereunto I have called them" (Acts 13:2b). There is a pressing need in the Body of Christ to distinguish and discern the difference between the Lord of the Work and the work of the Lord. How easy it is to confuse these two things and treat them as one and the same. Yet the difference before God is quite vast. "Brothers & Sisters ....the work for the Lord is NOT "the" most important thing." !!! Allowed these words to sink into your hearing for a moment.

Pope On Financial Turmoil

'We see it now in the collapse of the great banks that money disappears, it's nothing,' said Pope Benedict.VATICAN CITY - POPE Benedict said on Monday that the global financial crisis showed that faith in God trumped a lifetime spent pursuing material wealth.'We see it now in the collapse of the great banks that money disappears, it's nothing,' the Pontiff said. The global financial turmoil, the worst since the Great Depression, has wiped away hundreds of billions of euros (dollars) in shareholder wealth and felled banking institutions that just months ago seemed untouchable. The pontiff, using a biblical metaphor, said…

Importance of Family – Lessons My Father-In-Law Taught Me!

by Robin SamMY father-in-law passed away on Sept 17. At 8.05 in the morning, the doctors declared Lucas Baby dead. After 9 days of battle with death, he surrendered to the debilitating clot in the brain that left his speech impaired, damaged his already weak kidneys and affected his respiratory ability. When he was rushed to the hospital on Sept 9, we knew it was serious. Yet, we fervently hoped he would come out of it as a victor – like he had done in the past three occasions. After all, he was a great survivor. He had battled the odds…

Archbishops, The Financial System, And The Financial Times

In its Comment ("Canterbury tales", September 25), the Financial Times criticises Archbishops Sentamu and Williams for not having "a proper grasp of how modern finance works". Read Article Here: As readers of my Blog will know, Archbishops are hardly my favourite characters. However, to the degree they may not have such a grasp, the FT is right to excuse them - for the reasons it gives. But I notice that the FT defends the current system by saying that "Everything from home-ownership to old age pensions relies on a successful and sophisticated financial sector". What reasons or excuses should be…

Who Am I Voting For?

While I was in Argentina, one of the topics others asked me was about my opinion on American politics and whether I'm republican or democrat. I'm neither. I registered myself as an independent voter. I am not too happy with either of the main political parties. I have another understanding of American politics when I participated in my university's student government as a senator. As a side note, it's been a good experience but sometimes it can be frustrating and sometimes we can get on each others nerves. It was a good experience and I learned a lot so I…

Our Only Fault Is That We Worship Jesus Christ

FOX 11 News covers Orissa Christian Persecution:Fox 11 LA, the division of FOX TV Saturday night aired This Documentary and the same will be aired today on Sunday focusing on the Attacks on the Christians in Orissa. In what some are calling genocide, dozens of Christians were killed in a series of attacks in India. Now thousands have fled their homes in fear of more violence. Carlos Amezcua has more in this video report: Attacks on Christians in India Continue, Thousands Flee 'Our Only Fault is that we Worship Jesus Christ' Hindustan Times reports: It was an arduous journey for…

Heroic Faith of the Indian Martyrs of Orissa

Revolutionaries are uncompromising men and women. They are unafraid to stand for their conviction. They may give up their life but not their conviction. They do not dilute their stand to please men or to avoid dangers ahead. If such are the characteristics of a revolutionary, then surely Christian revolutionaries are born in Orissa. They were uncompromising men and women. They stood unafraid for their conviction even in the face of sure death. They did not swing the sword of men but sang the song from the Word of God. They were revolutionaries of a different God. They did not take a sword, they did not take a trishul, they did not take a gun but they took their cross. They are revolutionaries of the God who took the cross.

Just Dig A Hole

Most miracles don't just happen. We usually have to take the first step of faith to set the miracle into motion. In 1968 Oral Roberts University was growing so fast that we outgrew our original dining hall. But we had no money to build a new one. Then I had a strong leading that I recognized as being from God. He said, "Dig the hole." The faculty, student body, and the board of regents gathered around that huge hole, and we all joined hands and prayed. We said, "God, we've dug the hole. Now we're asking You to fill it…

French Canadian White Guy Speaking Perfect Punjabi

"...if we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself." (2 Timothy 2:13) We had an awesome Sunday Service. It was time for the youth to take over. We made some adjustments and gave it an "Ignite" makeover. Marcel Mourneau was our guest speaker and man can he let it rip! He spoke of Moses and how God was still faithful and used him inspite of his failures. MM didn't cheap on using his Punjabi either. We were all at the edge of our seat. God I love this man. He is a true inspiration. He obeyed that…

Digital Addiction – Importance of Family

We live in a world of emails, cell phones, instant messages, Blackberry and what not. Life without them almost seem impossible. In Jan issue of Fast Company, I found this article to be interesting - all these technology tools are aimed at helping us become more productive, right? Wrong! “A Day-timers survey confirmed that instant-communication technology is making it harder, not easier, to get things done. The number of people who report feeling very productive has dropped from 83% in 1994 to 51% today.” When we are driven by these tools and we fail to define clear-cut boundaries, these tools can…

Dating, Relationships, Love, Marriage – Importance of Family

I'm going to write a few blogs about that. I am never going to post specifics about a particular guy. If I'm in a relationship, I'll not talk details about it to everyone. I don't like drama. I feel that would be disrespectful towards the both of us. I'll discuss generalities. I'm discovering the true meaning of love. As a young adult, one of the things I think about is marriage. Occasionally, I dream about waking up in the arms of my significant other instead of an empty bed. Mom cracks me up. After coming home from Priya's wedding she…

Excited, Exhilirated And Even A Bit… What Is The Word… Expectant.

I'm going to tell you one of my secret pleasures. It is a secret though, okay? Can you keep a secret? It can't go beyond us! Okay, I hope I peaked your curiosity! Or maybe I should keep blabbering on and on and on to build the suspence. It is quite fun! I can't help myself! Hee He he!Well, I'll go on. You are probaly thinking, "Good, get the point and stop being so annoying!" or if you are cool, you are giggling with me. I hope you are cool. Oh, was I babbling again. LOL!I was experiencing so much…

Actress Nagma Is A Christian And Christ Follower

POPULAR actress Nagma  opened up about her faith and mission in her life for the first time to the media in an exclusive interview  with The Christian Messenger. This newspaper’s founding editor Robin Sam spoke to her for close to five hours in an exhaustive interview concerning her faith, the recent issue over her testimony at Nalumavadi in Tamil Nadu, the rising violence against Christians, her personal life and plans for the future. Excerpts:  When did you come to realize the saving power of Jesus Christ?  I was born on Christmas to a Muslim mother and a Hindu father. I went to a convent school from childhood. I was exposed to Christianity from a young age. I went to Mount Mary Convent School in Bandra, Mumbai. There, Mass was a routine feature. I always thought I am very special to God because I was born on Dec 25th - perhaps because the world celebrated the day.

Global Financial Crisis: Theology for History

I was thinking Whole nations, at least the entire world of finance and investment, are presently watching the unraveling of money—the “only critical ingredient of life!” No one knows what to do. Politicians are acting without integrity—but that is not new. Large banks are having to assert their liquidity, and the louder the assertions, the harder it is to believe them! No one wants to acknowledge that we have reached the limits of intellectual ability. We constantly run to history to guide us. And yet, the valuable lessons of history seem to be irrelevant to an entirely new hyper-global reality.…

Be Ready For Persecution

For more than 30 years I have preached that we must prepare Christians in India to face persecution for their faith. Finally, those days have begun. I want to offer FOUR commands of our Lord as advice for these days: 1. 'Be wise as serpents and harmless as doves' (Matt.10:16). We must not be foolish in our witnessing. The day for public preaching on the streets in India and for house-to-house evangelism in India may be slowly getting over. We have to be more wise in our witnessing from now on. Our lives must speak for Christ now, where we live…

The Third Fire

I. Introductiona. The Bible teaches that fire is a metaphor describing three types of purging people can experience:• The fires of testing• The fires of evaluation• The fires of damnationb. The third fire is for anyone who refuses to allow themselves to go through the first two fires.c. This is not a popular message that is preached often in today’s pulpits.d. The justice of God must be satisfied before sinners can come into His presence.e. Romans 3:19-26.f. For example, if I was to ask 100 Christians why Jesus died on the cross for them, many would say because He loves…