Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

The Cost of Obedience

It's funny how over the last year (or two or three), whenever I'm faced with a decision where I have to choose between obedience to my parents or pursuing what I believe is God's plan for my life, in my mind, I always resort back to that verse in the Bible where it says, "Obedience is better than sacrifice." The opposite of obedience being rebellion in that I'm following my sense of reason instead of choosing to remain within the authority of my parents and elders, whoever they may be. But lately though, I've really been questioning how far obedience…

Satyam And Asatyam

It is an irony.  The word ‘Satyam’ means truth, but the IT company occupied the front pages of newspapers and prime time of television news channels for ‘asatyam’, which means untruth or false or fraud.  The Chief of Satyam, B. Ramalinga Raju confessed that he doctored the balance sheets to a tune of about Rs. 7000 crore to keep his company’s reputation, client attraction and stock rates at the highest level for several years.  The country's fourth largest IT Company with 53000 employees - after TCS, Infosys and Wipro and ahead of HCL - was for several years cooking its books by inflating revenues and profits. It was a creative, innovative accounting fraud.  This pulled the stock market down and it would affect more in the coming days.

Eight Signs You Are Walking In Integrity

With the start of the New Year many people are evaluating their lives, including many ministers and leaders who are making vows and resolutions to the Lord. In light of all the scandals in the church and the intense scrutiny all leaders in society are presently under, my proposal is that one of the primary vows leaders make should be to walk in integrity. What is integrity? Integrity is basically wholeness or perfect condition; one root word of “integrity” means “soundness, wholeness;” also the root word “integer” means “whole,” that is to say, it has to do with a person living a simple life in which their public and private lives are the same, because their public persona lines up with their interior life and motivation.

2008 Review

As we get older the years feel like months and the months like days and the days, minutes. Time flies and the good thing is that we get a breath closer to being absent from the body but present with the Lord. The bad thing is that we wonder if we are making the most out of every waking moment and second of this life. None of that will matter at the end of all things. And now here we are at the end of another year and it is that time again. It is time to reflect on the…

Indian Student Population Highest In US Universities

Asian Indians continues to top the list of foreign student in American universities. During the academic year 2007-2008, there are 94,563 Indian students enrolled in American campuses which constitute 15 percent of total foreign enrollement. This is highest we have ever seen in a year! I have cited more data and information on this in the Coconut Book. Also get latest research report called Open Doors from the Institute of International Education. See also American going to India for higher education. Here is a news report in Times of India. Interest in American education and everything else that comes with…

Periodic Check-Up For Pastors

1. Am I regular in prayer life? (Acts 3:1; Lk 5:15,16) 2. Am I systematic in Bible meditation? (Ezr 7:10; Lk 4:16,17) 3. Am I serious about thought purity? (Prov 4:23; Mt 15:18,19) 4. Am I careful about my words? (Js 3:1,2; Eph 5:4) 5. Am I self-controlled in food habits? (Prov 23:1,2; 1 Cor 6:12,13) 6. Am I satisfied with simple lifestyle? (1 Tim 6:6-8; Phil 4:11-13) 7. Am I faithful to my spouse? (1 Tim 3:2a; Rom 2:22a) 8. Am I dutiful as a parent? (1 Tim 3:4,5; Dt 6:6,7) 9. Am I obedient to civil laws? (Mt 17:25-27; Rom 13:1-7) 10. Am I transparent in money…

When To Settle

Something I found on Boundless, a Focus on the Family webzine. Thought it was worth reading, it's too long to post in it's entirety, but it's the ending that I was most interested in: Choosing to marry a man — whomever he is — inevitably involves compromise (on his part, and yours). That's why it's not truly settling. It's just making a decision. Something we do every time we pick one thing over another. In most areas, it's called being decisive... What's needed is a new, objective standard for what makes a good match, because, for a Christian woman, there…

Global Trade Damages The Global Economy Without Global Rules Which Make Possible A Global Level Playing Field

Regarding my PBS broadcast a few days ago, a friend writes: "I like most your suggestions for new financial rules, as opposed to state interference (overt nationalisations). Have you parallel bullet points on global trade? As facing down speculation surely also requires looking at how asset classes held by the global south should not be ripped off in the future by the developed north." My answer: Trade is always a good thing, but has been distorted by subsidies as well as by differences in regulations across the globe in relation to the environment and social justice. So my three bullet…

Get Ready For Oil At $100, And Chinese Stocks To Fall Another 65% In 2009

You will recollect that when oil was around $120, and some were forecasting oil going up to $250, I forecast oil at $40. Then, when I was proved right, others started forecasting oil at down to $25. I stuck to my guns and said that while oil prices were volatile, the natural point of gravity for oil then was 40, not 25. Though oil did dip occasionally to around 33 (so that I was even at the bottom price more right than the doomsayers), it has continued to be around 40. Today, I tell you that we will soon see…

Year 2009: Our Nemesis?!!

We await the New Year. We hope for the best for we truly don’t know what it holds for us. Sadly, we are denied that divine privilege and perspective . . . .As humans, we must become better – in our grasp of reality, truth, love, hope, freedom. The Year 2009 seems like the worst of times. The Credit Crunch, Climate change, Job Loss and War are issues that need immediate affirmative action. But then, we must truly become human to give our remedial measures a human touch (identity, responsibility, relationality and destiny).

Biblical Significance of Number 9

Check Out This Book  Number in Scripture:Its Supernatural Design and Spiritual Significanceby E. W. Bullinger Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland.Isaiah 43:18 But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:13-14 God is a God of New Things. He is…

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Last Saturday was our last 7 Mile Road event for 2008. St. Mark’s, a local church, let us use their hall for free, and we hosted a small Christmas celebration. All of our teammates who were still in town and some friends in the city gathered for a great night. We sang some Christmas songs, read Scripture, praised God for sending a Savior, and prayed for one another. We spent the rest of the night devouring deserts, laughing a ton, and enjoying community.  From all of us, to all of you…   Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! 7 Mile Road…


i understand how it feels to have your dreams crushed.i have learned what it means to have a broken spirit.i know what it is like to physically suffer from a chronic illness.and i have experienced the pain of a broken heart. as 2008 comes to a close, i really don't have a whole lot to say. i won't write a recap because that would be unbearably painful. i guess the year started out amazing, anything was possible. as it ends, my room has become a refuge from the world and also a sort of prison. from here? i don't know.…

Solving Your Search – January 1, 2009

Are you happy? Not just temporarily or superficially happy, but truly happy? If not, would you like to find deep happiness" happiness that money cannot buy? Happiness is not the default state of the human situation, but it is our default desire and our default need. Find out how to go beyond happiness and solve your search for happiness. Begin your personal journey today. Prof. Dr. Ramesh Richard Ph.D., Th.D.Ramesh RichardSpiritual Philosopher & Global Mentor

A Prayer Of Dedication For 2009

"If my people, who are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14 Dear followers of Christ,The prayer below is written with intent that every follower of Christ to dedicate themselves, their family, their vocation / occupation/ business, their church / ministry / fellowship-group and our beloved land of India into God's hand in 2009. A. W. Tozer mentions "Anything God has ever done He can do now. Anything He…

Is God Happy With Your Life

Of the 600,000 Israelites who perished in the wilderness in their unbelief, it is written that "God was not well-pleased with them" (1Cor. 10:5). Those Israelites had been redeemed out of Egypt by the blood of the lamb (symbolic of our redemption through Christ), they had been baptised in the Red Sea and in the cloud (symbolic of baptism in water and baptism in the Holy Spirit) (1 Cor.10:2). Yet God was not happy with them. God was nevertheless very good to them, in that He provided all their physical and material needs supernaturally. "Your clothing did not wear out…

Russia's leadership of the new "Forum of Gas Exporting Countries"

Though this newly-constituted group will not be able to flex its muscles properly for a decade or so, it is being led by Russia while being headquartered in Doha (Qatar). Why will the new Forum be unable to flex its muscles properly for a decade or so? Because its ability to fix prices and influence production is limited by the long-term supply contracts that are usual in the gas industry. Moreover, in comparison to oil, the transportation possibilities are relatively limited. What is the significance of its being led by Russia but being headquartered in Doha? It indicates that Russia…

The God Who Creates New Year For You

The year 2008 is done. Never to come back. The clock has ticked. The bells have rung. Time flies even before you can think of it! Just when you thought you had time,  a year is gone.  “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” wrote William Shakespeare years ago. Maybe you struggled a lot in the past year. There was debt. There was accident. There was illness. There was disappointment. There was a lot that went wrong. Now here you are peeking into 2009. You are hoping against hope for something new this year. You see, hope is what kept many Jewish prisoners alive in the Nazi camps. Many died for simply lack of hope.

WWW.2009 – Waiting, Watching, Working

We are going to enter a New Year - 2009. There are elaborate arrangements in various parts of the world to mark this occasion.  Every new day brings us closer to eternity.  Either the Lord’s coming is getting ahead by a day or our death.  Therefore, it is essential to anticipate the future with serenity.  This is possible, only by rescheduling our lives according to Luke 12: 35-43.  There are three principles written in that.  They are Waiting, Watching and Working.  Those who are familiar with the Internet can understand the significance of www.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

To all my readers, May your life be filled with joy, eternal peace, and satisfaction beyond measure, regardless of the curveballs life presents us with. So, wishing you all a Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and Warm Season's Greetings! Indu Shanmugam