Satyam And Asatyam

Eight Signs You Are Walking In Integrity
With the start of the New Year many people are evaluating their lives, including many ministers and leaders who are making vows and resolutions to the Lord. In light of all the scandals in the church and the intense scrutiny all leaders in society are presently under, my proposal is that one of the primary vows leaders make should be to walk in integrity. What is integrity? Integrity is basically wholeness or perfect condition; one root word of “integrity” means “soundness, wholeness;” also the root word “integer” means “whole,” that is to say, it has to do with a person living a simple life in which their public and private lives are the same, because their public persona lines up with their interior life and motivation.
2008 Review
Indian Student Population Highest In US Universities
Periodic Check-Up For Pastors
When To Settle
Global Trade Damages The Global Economy Without Global Rules Which Make Possible A Global Level Playing Field
Get Ready For Oil At $100, And Chinese Stocks To Fall Another 65% In 2009
Year 2009: Our Nemesis?!!
We await the New Year. We hope for the best for we truly don’t know what it holds for us. Sadly, we are denied that divine privilege and perspective . . . .As humans, we must become better – in our grasp of reality, truth, love, hope, freedom. The Year 2009 seems like the worst of times. The Credit Crunch, Climate change, Job Loss and War are issues that need immediate affirmative action. But then, we must truly become human to give our remedial measures a human touch (identity, responsibility, relationality and destiny).
Biblical Significance of Number 9
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Solving Your Search – January 1, 2009
A Prayer Of Dedication For 2009
Is God Happy With Your Life
Russia's leadership of the new "Forum of Gas Exporting Countries"
The God Who Creates New Year For You
The year 2008 is done. Never to come back. The clock has ticked. The bells have rung. Time flies even before you can think of it! Just when you thought you had time, a year is gone. “Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow, Creeps in this petty pace from day to day” wrote William Shakespeare years ago. Maybe you struggled a lot in the past year. There was debt. There was accident. There was illness. There was disappointment. There was a lot that went wrong. Now here you are peeking into 2009. You are hoping against hope for something new this year. You see, hope is what kept many Jewish prisoners alive in the Nazi camps. Many died for simply lack of hope.
WWW.2009 – Waiting, Watching, Working