Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Quotes For Contemplation

“The Great Commission is not an option to be considered; it is a command to be obeyed” – Hudson Taylor, a sacrificial missionary to China. "Any church that is not seriously involved in helping fulfill the Great Commission has forfeited its biblical right to exist." -- Oswald J. Smith. “The Great Commission was given to every follower of Christ” -- Rick Warren. "I have but one candle of life to burn, and I would rather burn it out in a land filled with darkness than in a land flooded with light" -- John Keith Falconer "People who don't believe in…

Whatever You're Doing

1. i've never been much of a romantic, but i've come to appreciate movies like titanic, the notebook, dirty dancing, and aladdin. (if you catch the theme, don't mention it.) 2. last night, i left the radio on while i was praying and this song came on. i had never heard it before so i went and looked it up. the song is called "whatever You're doing" by santus real. love the words. it's where i'm at. it's not that i've been running from God or anything. for me, it's making that decision to count the cost and follow through…

Charging The Next Hill

Haven’t blogged in a little bit. In a way, its sort of reflective of the past few weeks. Things have been great - it’s just a lot of our time and effort have been behind-the-scenes kinda work. We ended December on a really high note. We had a great first four months of planting 7 Mile Road and ended the year with a small, but good Christmas Celebration.  We then took a break for the first two weeks of January. We let our college folks go home on break and let the rest of our team enjoy the holidays with…


It tries to make you feel responsible for what is beyond your means. Than make you feel worthless for not being able to control it.Mr Wilson Matthews

The Remedy

I have got good news for you about freedom from your life imprisonment. Our imprisonment is self imposed, which means we can ask for help to get out of our prison. This is good news because you can change your negative view of your body. Many people dichotomize between your material part and immaterial part and feel constrained by your material part. But you shouldn't do that. Your body is not intrinsically evil. Your body is part of you. Don't separate yourself from your body. We identify and re-identify you by your body, because your body shows similarity between yesterday…

Physical Imprisonment

I was thinking... Have you noticed that your body, I mean your physical body, keeps following you around? You can never leave it anywhere can you? Like a coat or an umbrella that you forget? We are geographically imprisoned because of our bodies. Unlike birds which fly, we can't carry ourselves too far. A bird just decides, revs up its wings, and flies to wherever it wants. I wish I could fly. Humans have been ingenious in inventing automobiles and airplanes to transport us to places. But we are dependent on others to takes us places. Will I ever be…

The Election Of A Non-White President In The USA, And The Nature of Democracy

As some of you know, I am an admirer of Dr Vishal Mangalwadi's work. Ten videos of his discussion of different aspects of Obama's election are now uploaded for free viewing at: I disagree with a lot of what Dr Mangalwadi says. But what matters is neither my agreements, nor my disagreements. What matters is that, in his very winsome way, he makes you think! The most useful thing he provides in these videos is easily-understood and very valuable correctives to many popular illusions about democracy in the USA. The videos are important for Americans, no doubt. But they…

Building Relationships

1. Communicate (talk) with each other. (So you can understand each other) Say what you need to say and stop when you need to stop. 2. Spend time together to find areas of common interest. 3. Support each other and be there for each other 4. Always be honest with each other (Never superimpose yourself to someone else) Hiding something is an unnatural thing. 5. Apologize, forgive, and make up to each other 6. Remember to keep things confidential. (something’s are not appropriate to share) 7. Remember to maintain your relationship on a regular basis 8. Really make an effort…

Blessings From His Prayer House

Happy New Year 2009Dear Brothers & Sisters in Christ As all of us prepare to welcome 2009, we want to thank you for your continued support. It's hard to believe 2008 is over. Many of us will be glad that 2008 has ended as it has been a tough year for many believers around the world. No one can predict with certainty how calm or stormy the new year will be. We do know, though, that we, who have Jesus, have our future securely moored to Him. Jesus, who did not fail us in the past, will not fail us…

Spiritual Dangers When We Are Blessed

The Gifts Remain, But Is The Grace Gone? When the blessing of the Lord comes upon our life and labours, we face many dangers. Spiritual Pride The first of all dangers is spiritual pride. Whenever God blesses us, Satan will tempt us to compare our spiritual growth and ministry with that of others. God opposes every proud person - believer or unbeliever. So we are safe only if we keep our face in the dust before God always. Pride will make us lose the grace of God, even if we do not lose our gifts. We may still have a…

S WORD Sword

S WORD Sword "Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God." (Ephesians 6:17) S piritWORD Mr. Bilson

Wanna Learn Chinese?

LEARN CHINESE IN 5 MINUTES(make sure to exagerate and say it how the chinese do it... ) Are you harbouring a fugitiveHu Yu Hai Dingwho u hiding See me ASAPKum Hia Naocome here now Small HorseTai Ni Po Nitiny pony Did you go to the beach?Wai Yu So Tanwhy u so tan I think you need a face liftChin Tu FatChin too fat It is very dark in hereWao So DimWhy so dim? I thought you were on a dietWai Yu Mun ChingWhy u mun ching This is a tow away zoneNo Pah KingNo paaa kiingg.. Our meeting is scheduled…

Motives Matter

I can still be so religious.  I hate that. Over the last 5 years or so, I have rediscovered the Gospel. Grace and mercy have been refreshingly renewed in my heart and my soul has been set free. Instead of striving to get to God, I am overwhelmed by what He did to get to me. I know that I don’t need to work for His love, perform for His acceptance, earn His favor. All of that is a free gift extended to me through Christ and received through faith. All that being true, I can finally stop seeking external…

Dreams And Thoughts

These are some thoughts of mine as I think about my faith, the body of Christ, and what it means to incarnationally present Christ to the world.A manifesto of hope, freedom, salvation;1 a place where the kingdom of God is made real and alive;2 a deliverance from bondage and oppression;3 the invocation of a life better than the one that is lived;4 the glorious advent of missional Christ-followers making a difference.5 What would the world look like if we brought Christ, the pure and undefiled Savior and Lord, to infect and transform our realities;6 where our thoughts, words, actions, and…

Is Beauty Skin Deep?

Discussion based on the movie Beauty and the Beast by Samuel Thambusamy Once upon a time, in a faraway land, a young prince lived in a shining castle.  Although he had everything his heart desired, the prince was spoiled, selfish, and unkind.  But then, one winter’s night, an old beggar woman came to the castle and offered him a single rose in return for shelter from the bitter cold. Repulsed by her haggard appearance, the prince sneered at the gift and turned the old woman away, but she warned him not to be deceived by appearances, for beauty is found…

Whatever You're Doing

1. i've never been much of a romantic, but i've come to appreciate movies like titanic, the notebook, dirty dancing, and aladdin. (if you catch the theme, don't mention it.) 2. last night, i left the radio on while i was praying and this song came on. i had never heard it before so i went and looked it up. the song is called "whatever You're doing" by santus real. love the words. it's where i'm at. it's not that i've been running from God or anything. for me, it's making that decision to count the cost and follow through…

Next Generation – Missing from Church

In last few months, I had several conversations with Indian Pastors/Christian leaders from various denominations in different cities (none of them know each other, I think) and interesting they all raised a common concern - ”The Next Generation is dropping out of church - what can we do? A generation who had grown right within these walls, who went to our sunday schools and youth fellowship and even got married here, now is not interested in the church anymore?” Having authored a book on this generation, they feel I should dole out some quick fixes. Of course, I have raised…

Frank Teo Kong Guan’s Eulogy: A Celebration of Life

Frank Teo Kong Guan was called home to be with the Lord on 11th December 2008. He was the Training Consultant with South Asian International Fellowship in Singapore, a member of South Asian Connection and part of the SAIF Church Pastoral Ministry Team. This whole eulogy is written by Frank Teo's sister Teo Jin Lee. "The past two days has been a tremendous revelation for me about this person I have called my brother for my entire life. The testimonies from various people have given me new found love, respect and admiration for my brother and for the work he has done that has touched the lives of so many people….he has emerged larger then life to me. We are here not to mourn his passing but to celebrate Guan’s life. Guan is how he has always been called by his family.  I will try to do justice to the various facets of his life. Please celebrate with me Frank Teo Kong Guan’s life."

Why This Is The Season Of The Pastor

With all of the turmoil in the world today, I believe the Lord is shifting the emphasis to the ministry of pastors. I am not saying that the other ministry gifts are not important in this season, just that there is a real need for people to be nurtured and feel connected to the Body of Christ at this time. Apostolic leaders can thrive in these seasons because they see every challenge as an entrepreneurial opportunity, but nowadays the average person is not looking for entrepreneurial ideas that may be perceived as high-risk; they are looking for stability, safety, and community—and all three are strengths of pastors! The best thing apostolic leaders can do at this time is to use their leadership giftings to strategically make room for the pastors among them to shepherd, comfort, and nurture the sheep.

Youth Ministry Ideals and Lesser Evils

The ideal youth ministry is one that is fun and focused on discipleship. But there are always extremes. Some youth ministries fall into the trap of being all about fun and forget discipleship.There is no word of God, prayer or messages about the love of Jesus. There are games, crafts, fun but no substance. Ask kids about any bible verses memorized or lessons learned and you get a blank stare... The good thing is that there is allot of righteous fun and who is against that? Also, it is a great atmosphere to destroy peoples pre conceived ideas about Church.…