Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

2009 Christianity Today Book Awards Announced

FOR two decades, the annual Christianity Today Book Awards have recognized outstanding volumes that shed light on people, events, and ideas that shape evangelical life, thought, and mission. According to a release from Christianity Today, this year, the judging process began with 436 titles submitted by 67 publishers. CT editors selected finalists in each category, and then our expert judges sorted out the cream of the crop from 2008. The 10 winners that best shed light on the people, events, and ideas that shape evangelical life, thought, and mission are as follows: Apologetics/Evangelism: ‘The reason for God: Belief in an…

Superbusy Kids

The ambitious Indian American parents are daily raising the bar for their children - more academic and extra-curricular activities than ever before. Extra math and science classes, advance standing courses…. every parents is trying to make their kids into a prodigy (and into ivy league colleges!). Then soccer, basketball, swimming and Lacrosse (their Indian friends are still figuring out what kinds of a game is that!) Then there is cultural elements - learning Indian music, Instruments, dances, languages  etc. Not to mention faith of their forefathers. Parents often say, “We came to America to provide best of opportunity for our…

Day 14 – "The Thief" by Brooke Fraser

Your eyes are fullFull of the future of usThe air changes as you look acrossAt me in that wondering way It is as ifI knew you before we spokeDo our hearts know something we don't?Conspiring, converging, without giving us any say You sing me to sleepTalk down my wallsLook through my windows as I waitYou could be the thiefI give the key to You're ruining meWith secrets and gestures and looksWith sonnets in second-hand booksPlaying the chords in me nobody knew how to play You sing me to sleepTalk down my wallsLook through my windows as I waitYou could be…

71% of Wealthy Americans Are "Green" – But How Many Europeans? How Many Indians?

Fascinating (but totally unsurprising) survey just in, saying that most wealthy Americans Support environmentally- and socially-friendly choices and policies: The 5th Annual Wealth and Values Survey by PNC Wealth Management, a member of The PNC Financial Services Group Inc., reports that 71 percent of "wealthy" (i.e. with at least $500,000 in investable assets) have socially responsible and green investments in their portfolio. As many as 57 percent say they have up to 25 percent of their portfolio in such investments. Nine percent have between 25-50 percent! Other findings:83 percent recycle at home, and 77 believe that “small lifestyle changes can…

Super Bowl Party

ny times :: super bowl XLIIISome 7 Mile Road folks and our friends hung out last night to watch the Super Bowl. In the room were heartbroken Kurt Warner fans, excited Steelers fans, and bitter - I don’t care about the Super Bowl cause that should have been us - Eagles fans. Food, friends, and football make for a great night. 7 Mile Road Church

A Little Something About Visioning

After looking at the many ups and downs in 2008, it brings us back to the drawing board to envision grander things. Especially after all the lessons learned. So what is next you may be wondering? What is going to be written on the next page for 2009? Especially, after looking at some of the sweet victories won in 2008. Well, where do we begin? How about looking at somethings we need to know about vision. We'll start with one thing to believe in. Real vision requires believing God for the impossible. Vision is not vision if it isn't so…

12 Hours Prayer Chain for 21 Days – 7am to 7pm Dawn to Dusk Prayer Chain

12 Hours Prayer Chain for 21 Days 7am to 7pm Dawn to Dusk Prayer Chain*Each Person To Pray For One Hour Everyday, For The Next 21 Days Pray for 1.  Filling of Holy Spirit 2.  Feeding on Word of God 3. Favor with God and Man 4. Fervor – Zeal, Passion and Fire for God 5. Fear of the Lord 6.  Fellowship – South Asian International Fellowship 7.  Family 8. Friends 9. Friday Cell Meetings 10.  Finances 11. Forgiveness 12. Finding Will of God – God’s Destiny for Our Lives 13. Future – Speak and Declare by Faith God’s Best 14. Fitness – Physical, Emotional, Spiritual 15. First Things First…


Well Saints; Today we have started the FAST of 21 Days.  I am sending you some more information regarding fasting, I hope it will be helpful to you, if you have any question or wants to share any thing Please do not hesitate to share with me. First of all, let's look at the root word which is used for "fasting." The Greek word for fasting is nesteia -- a compound of ne (a negative prefix) and esthio which means "to eat." So the basic root meaning of the word simply means "not to eat." But what does this "not…

Day 12

1. Walk with God2. Serve people3. Inspire others4. Change lives5. Lift up the downtrodden6. Mirror Christ7. Share the Gospel8. Offer hope9. Educate children10. Help the poor11. Care for orphans12. Love like Jesus Benita Joy

When To Get Married?

Average age of first marriage has gone by an year. Official numbers are out for the year. It is 28 for men and 26 for women. It is up by an year for both men and women from last year. Americans are waiting longer to get married. See the report in USA Today of the study by NFI & University of Texas. Once people married their childhood sweethearts; then they met their future mate at college campuses and now life partners are found at workplaces. With rising educational needs to survive in a competitive market place, 20 something are more…

Zogby's "First Globals"

You may not be aware of the American pollster John Zogby ( but don't go rushing off to his site before you have read the following. Among his conclusions is: “We are in the midst of a fundamental reorientation of the American character… Away from wanton consumption and toward a new global citizenry in an age of limited resources.” He describes 18 to 29 years as the “First Globals": a “digital generation” that accepts all races, sexual orientations, and national cultures equally, intent on living sustainably in a unified world. However, in order to assess that properly, you may want…

What On Earth Is Happening To The World Today?

The shaking and dismantling continues around the world’s systems, within the church systems, and within each of us. False foundations exposed brings opportunity for godly foundations to be established. It is another year of God exposing us . . . . exposing the weaknesses in our systems and methods of trying to touch Him, and trying to touch the world around us. We seem to continue to lower our standards in valuing character and integrity, especially in those who lead. Many have fallen into experiential leading of self-agenda’s, comical methods, and frenzied impressions of His presence. Nobody is laughing any longer, these are serious times, and it demands a people who know the wealth we carry in us, and the God who designed us for so much more. “The shaking we are experiencing today is a move of God . . . .

Building Relationships

1. Communicate (talk) with each other. (So you can understand each other) Say what you need to say and stop when you need to stop. 2. Spend time together to find areas of common interest. 3. Support each other and be there for each other 4. Always be honest with each other (Never superimpose yourself to someone else) Hiding something is an unnatural thing. 5. Apologize, forgive, and make up to each other 6. Remember to keep things confidential. (something’s are not appropriate to share) 7. Remember to maintain your relationship on a regular basis 8. Really make an effort…

Effective Study Methods

IntroductionStudy is a part of life for any one who goes to school or college and every person studies in different ways to some degree or the other. Webster’s New World Dictionary defines ‘study’ as following: “the act or process of applying the mind so as to acquire knowledge or understanding, as by reading, investigating, etc., or careful attention to, and critical examination and investigation of, any subject, event, etc.” This definition makes it clear that study is an intellectual activity involving the application of our minds for the purpose of gaining knowledge or understanding. Even in Christian life it…

Prayers for Nepal

We continue to praise the Lord and give thanks for all He has been doing in the Himalayan Kingdom of Nepal.  We pray that the Holy Spirit will continue to flow over this nation and more revival would breakthrough that would transform lives, communities and the nation both spiritually and physically.  Please continue to pray: 1.     for permanent peace, prosperity, reconciliation, healing of the nation and more spiritual revival. 2.     for the forthcoming Election of the Constituent Assembly and making of a new constitution of Nepal. 3.     for the present interim Government and the Prime Minister of Nepal Mr. Girija…

Transcript of Rick Warren's Prayer

LET us pray. Almighty God, our Father, everything we see and everything we can’t see exists because of you alone. It all comes from you. It all belongs to you. It all exists for your glory. History is your story. The Scripture tells us, “Hear O Israel, the Lord is our God. The Lord is One.” And you are the compassionate and merciful one. And you are loving to everyone you have made. Now, today, we rejoice not only in America’s peaceful transfer of power for the 44th time. We celebrate a hingepoint of history with the inauguration of our…

How Rick Warren Ought To Have Prayed!

By Bill Keller  I want to share with you my invocation at the US president's inauguration. This is the prayer Rick Warren should have prayed if he weren't more a marketer than a minister, more a businessman than a bishop, more a politician than a prophet. "Almighty God, hear the humble pleas of your people today. Oh God, we have no right to even ask for your blessings on this day. We are a wicked and sinful people. We slaughter four thousand innocent lives every 24  hours. We've made a mockery of your holy institution of marriage and the family.…

Thoughts About Fasting

Fasting For BreakthroughHe replied, "This kind can come out only by prayer and fasting." Mark 9:29There is much we want to see the Lord do in our lives, Church, City and world. It is good to have expectations and desires for a better life, a spiritual breakthrough, maybe even a breakthrough in healing or restoration in a relationship. Just having an expectation is not enough; we must combine that expectation with action. Fasting is one way of seeing breakthrough come in our lives. There are some things that can only be changed by prayer and fasting. The discipline of fasting…

God And Private Property

What should the belief of Christians be about private property? Should one make wealth? How should one use private property and the wealth acquired? George Paul Answers. God as the absolute owner and we as the stewards of His wealth The right for private property was established by God in the Bible. This was done when God asked Adam and Eve to “replenish the Earth, and subdue it.” Gen 1:18; God while asking Adam to replenish and subdue the earth transferred His creation to Adam. Through this transfer Adam and Eve owned the earth to subdue it. Moreover, Adam and…

Are There Rules To Live By

We can do almost anything we want to do. We can transplant heart and other parts just like how we change spares for our motorbikes. We are exploring cutting edge technology in cloning. We can do almost anything we want to do except tell the difference between right and wrong. We do not know what is right?, What is wrong? and worse the difference between the two. Now, how do we then live? For some, what is morally right is determined by the culture (the Cultural argument). For others, What is morally right and wrong depends on the situation (situational…