Charging The Next Hill
This Is Taliban — How Can That Be?
Wired Generation Of Teens
Analyzing David Wilkerson's Prophecy of Calamity
Over the past several days Pastor David Wilkerson’s prophecy regarding a great calamity coming upon the United States (starting in New York City) has been headlined on the Drudge Report and has been read by millions. . . . In summary, it is obvious to all that this nation is in trouble and that God is judging us (including the church) for our greed, and for preaching a gospel that is based more on the satisfaction of self more than crucifying the flesh and abandoning all for the Kingdom of God. This is a season of fasting and praying, but is also a great opportunity for the church to meet the needs of the thousands finding themselves homeless, unemployed, facing foreclosure, and those on Wall Street that are on the verge of losing all of their assets. What a time to stand in the gap as salt and light for our cities, whether they are under God’s judgment or not!
Growing Women Smokers in India
Don't Settle For Less
My Life Would Suck Without You!
Globalization, Caste and Arranged Marriages
Like every girl, I enjoy a good love story. However, this one was different. As children growing up in Kerala, Marcus and Annamma Chacko lived just five kilometers apart. Their communities never intermingled. Marcus explains, "Though we hail from the same place, her people and my people had nothing much to do with each other because we belonged to two different castes." They finally met in Uttar Pradesh. Marcus was a guest singer at a music hall where
Annamma was in the audience. She instantly felt an affinity to Marcus when he sang in their mother tongue, Malayalam. After a three-minute conversation, they parted ways. Two years later they ran into each other again while working for the same nonprofit organization. Though in separate departments, they couldn't help but admire each other's warmth, energy, and passion for social justice.
CONNEXT 2007 – North American Youth Leaders Conference in NY
The Future of the Global Crisis
Note To Self
What Do they Have THAT I Don't Have?
Web Surfing, Watching TV, Video Gaming & Depression Among Youth
All You Need
Living for Jesus
Divorce Is Bad For Health
International Women's Day (March 8) – Women You Are Valued, Significant and Important

It’s about two women - Naomi and Ruth -
who lived on the other side of a ‘Shining’ India.
Vanga Vango (come come) and listen to this inspiring story. Despite all the economic boom and 100 billion dollars in forex reserve,
life remains a struggle for many.
Starvation, poverty and poor yield
make the struggle for survival for many very difficult.
As a way of escape, some people commit suicide
While others leave to the cities in search of ‘better’ life
sorry… sorry… ‘ to a bitter’ life.
Naomi’s family was pushed to life’s edge.

They migrated to Delhi.
Why Delhi?!!! It could be any city, even yours
Was it to make big money?
Nope! Just to find enough food –
Konjam (little) happiness and to survive.
Slumdog Millionaire – Slumdog Mission
It was a pleasant surprise to watch Slumdog Millionaire win the Oscars. Rarely a movie pricks the conscience of a nation. But when it does it comes with a lot of soul searching to do. I see the soul of India searched again. I thought this was a fitting tribute to India’s 21st century reality. Though I live today in the comforts of the West I have experienced the slum dog moments in my growing years in India. It’s real. It’s everywhere. There are no ghettos in the west that can be compared to the squalor and abject poverty that stains the slums of India. It’s pretty difficult for any westerner to comprehend life in the hellish slums. I don’t think the movie is in anyway slamming down India. Slums do exist in many parts of Asia and Africa.
Slumdog Millionaire Jai Ho Full Video - Oscars Best Original Song - Thank You Anil Kumar190184