I think Indian people are great worriers by nature. Just think about your parents for a second: most Indian parents worry about their mortgage payments, car payments, household expenses, children’s expenses, vacation expenses, they worry about their job security, about their promotion opportunities, they worry about their wife/husband, kids, family in India/North America, and they worry if they’re being Christ-like examples to their kids, if the Church is growing...there are very few things Indian parents don’t worry about, and fewer things they aren’t afraid to tell their kids that they worry about those things! And then there’s our generation we worry about our parents and all their worries, we worry about friends, grades, whether we’ll get into A university/college, then we worry about WHICH university/college we’ll get into, we worry if we’re living how God wants us to, if there are enough youth in our youth group, we worry about our jobs, our future careers, our future families, and then we worry about our future worries . . .
Strategies To Effectively Evangelize The Modern Urban South Asian Diaspora
With over 1.5 billion people in South Asia and about twenty-five million in the diaspora,10 people of South Asian origin play a major role in the world today. Many multi-nationals companies see it as a powerful emerging market for a knowledge-based economy, a pool of resource talent and rich cultural ideas. The modern urban South Asian diaspora is significant, not only because it represents part of an evolving world culture and a cross-section of the world’s major religions, but a vast mission field whose evangelization will have a positive multiplier effect to the billions of souls in South Asia and beyond.
Living By The Spirit Or Loafing In My Spirit?
Speaking in tongues! Hearing the inward voice of God! Giving a word of prophecy! Experiencing spectacular guidance! Doing wonders! Emotional ecstasy! This is what Spirit-led life is to many Christians. But is this what all walking in the Spirit is? While I am not against all these manifestations, however, I have to honestly admit of witnessing sheer carnality among many who emphasize on being led by the Spirit according to the description given above.In our era of ignorance about the right understanding of Spirit-led life we need God’s word to remind us about what it is to walk in the…
Should We Believe the Propaganda About "Green Shoots"?
The correct answer is: No.However, let's be balanced or nuanced or generous - or something like that:There are undoubtedly some "green shoots" ... but a few green shoots don't equate to a healthy garden!If we are really near a recovery, the housing market (for example) would indicate that clearly. But the housing market shows no sign of that anywhere except in the Middle East - and that is hardly a typical market.Moreover, if global savings are of the order of $100 trillion, then consider that the twelve most industrialized countries in the world will have to issue at least about…
What Do they Have That I Don't Have?
Lord Jesus, what do they have that I don't have! Do they pray more? Do they read the Bible more? Do they have a cleaner heart than me? Do they love more? Do they work harder? Do they have more wisdom? What is it? I'm grateful for all the blessings you have given me but still my soul thirsts for the salvation of this community. I want to see souls saved, sanctified, sealed and equiped and released to serve you. Why isn't it happening at a greater measure? What am I doing wrong?-Love, Mr. Bilson"Blessed are those who hunger and…
Say It . . . But Show It!
Read: Matthew 22:35-40 One of them was an expert in the Jewish Law. So he tried to test Jesus by asking, “Teacher, what is the most important commandment in the Law?” Jesus answered: Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and mind. This is the first and most important commandment. The second most important commandment is like this one. And it is, “Love others as much as you love yourself.” All the Law of Moses and the Books of the Prophets are based on these two commandments. (Mat 22:35-40 CEV) Questions for Reflection 1. What is this passage about?——————————- 2. …
Please Listen
When I ask you to listen to meand you start giving me advice,you have not done what I asked.When I ask you to listen to meand you begin to tell me whyI shouldn't feel that way,you are trampling on my feelings.When I ask you to listen to meand you feel you have to do somethingto solve my problem, you have failed me,strange as that may seem.Listen! All I ask is that you listen.Don't talk or do - just hear me.Advice is cheap; 20 cents will getyou both Dear Abby and Billy Grahamin the same newspaper.And I can do for myself;…
The Missing Ingredient
The following is a post by Dr. John Kimball, Director of Church Redevelopment of the CCCC. At Seven Mile Road, we are working to move prayer from the periphery to a central place in our community. Dr. Kimball’s article is a timely reminder of what we’re getting at and why.“I don’t understand. We’ve done everything you’ve told us to do…” This godly man was frustrated and tired. He had such hopes for his congregation. And yet, the issues they had been facing for many years just wouldn’t seem to cease. The truth is, they had not done everything I instructed…
Changing Childhood
Childhood is never the same. 10 years old girls are into diets, manicures and breast implants. See a report in Daily Mail and about Generation Diva in Newsweek. With the onset of puberty at younger years and constant bombardment of sexually charged images, preteens moving from childhood into adulthood, skipping important life stage of adolescence.Another recent survey, by a children’s organisation questioned 150,000 children and found that an astonishing 26 per cent of ten-year-old girls are obsessed with their weight and feel they’re not thin enough. More girls under the age of ten are being diagnosed with anorexia than ever.…
Don't Settle for Less
Keep on progressing. Don't go back to the old way and mediocre things. Don't think that things cannot get better. Don't accept average as normal. Don't settle for less than best."Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for…
I Have Set The LORD Always Before Me
Psalm 16 (New International Version)1 Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge. 2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing." 3 As for the saints who are in the land, they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight. [b] 4 The sorrows of those will increase who run after other gods. I will not pour out their libations of blood or take up their names on my lips. 5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup; you…
Answer to the Point – Guarding Peace at Home
In conversing with your spouse or vice versa, does this question sound familiar, “Why don’t you answer to the point?” I was planning to go to Operation Mobilization library to spend the entire day to study and write. It takes one-hour drive from my house or even more depending on the traffic. To me this journey is often hard, for it is a busy road and I cannot avoid pollution and traffic hassle. So as I was getting ready and informed my wife about my day’s schedule, she curiously asked me, “Are you coming back in the afternoon?” Boom! “What…
Missing Children Of Mumbai, India
Heard of this… on an average 2,000 kids are reported missing every year, but only half of them are found, reveal statistics. ‘Missing’ includes those who have been kidnapped, lost or run away. See report in Hindustan Times and Times of India.In 2006, of the 1,569 kids who went missing, 582 were traced. In 2007, 4,000 children went missing in Mumbai, only 831 were traced – 3,169 kids have still not been located. In 2008 only 2,837 cases of children who went missing.In a City of 18 million people, bubbling with life, business, glamour and decay, 2000 may not be…
But God . . .
On Sunday, we had our third preview service. I have loved every time that we have gathered for corporate worship and get excited at the thought of doing this weekly. We welcomed new visitors, we sang, we read Scripture, we prayed, we gave, we greeted one another, we preached, we took communion, we sang some more, and we ate. It was great. And the whole day was centered on the gospel. We began a three part mini-series looking at Jesus & His Gospel, Jesus & His Community, and Jesus & His Mission. We’re camping out in Ephesians 2 and 3…
True Security Is My Relationship With You Lord
True Security Is My Relationship With You Lord. Concentrate on your testimony, Rajwin. But at the same time, realize that maintaining a strong testimony is no easy task. When you are faithful to Jesus Christ it will cost you something. You will often be misunderstood, even by your closest friends and family members. You will have constant attacks from an enemy you can not even see. Faithfullness to Christ may even cost you your home, your ambition, your liffe. Your full reward will not come only unitil your work is completed. But serving Christ is a great challenge, but no…
Generation WHY?!
Cinema can function as a ‘mirror’ or a ‘smokescreen’. It can engage us with life’s important questions and/or disengage us from them. Rock On (2008) engages us in conversations about identity, meaning, morality, and destiny. I found the song 'socha hai’ thought provoking. In fact, the song raises worldview questions (interesting). What is a worldview? A worldview is the set of glasses we wear through which we interpret the whole of life. The basic worldview questions are How did we come into existence? (Origins) Who are we? (Identity) Why are we here? (Meaning) How do we know what is right?…
The Work of God
Can you believe that there are people who think they do God a favor by serving Him? They think that God needs them to do His work. That God cannot do it without them. It is ridiculous. Have you ever seen Jesus beg anyone for help? Never! God doesn't need any human to do His work and His work can go on without anyone. Just look in the Good book. Did you hear about how God can use anyone but also anything for his glory. "As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds…
Sexting – Teen Fad Creating Legal Risks
A new fad now among teens is taking naked pictures of themselves on cell phones and sending it to their friends. Now popularly called “sexting”, is getting very popular with teens everywhere. Texting which was generally popular among young people, now seems to have evolved into its next phase. See reports on sexting in NYT, AP, USTODAY and KXLY. According to a recent study, 20% of teens aged 13 to 19 have taken nude or semi-nude pictures or videos of themselves and sent them to someone or posted them online. Most send these gifts to their boyfriend or girlfriend (69%)…
Head In The Clouds
It’s a beautiful day on the east coast. The clouds are a beautiful bright cottony white just outside the window. Makes you want to fall into them and party with the angels. I’m on a US Airways flight somewhere in the skies between Charlotte and Toronto and my thoughts are about as scattered as the clouds I mentioned a couple seconds ago. Toronto. A new beginning. A fresh start. A second chance—maybe not so much. Maybe I’m getting a little carried away. It’s definitely another chapter in my life, a new season, a step forward—okay getting carried away again. I’ll…
Marriage Beyond Infidelity
I cam across this interesting article in Daily Mail in UK (leading daily with over 6 million circulation). It was titled – My husband’s affair was the BEST thing that ever happened to our marriage. Check it out entire article for yourself. I wish that was true for more women who made surprise discoveries of their husband’s extra marital affairs. Infidelity wrecks marriages. Restoring broken trust is a near impossible task, especially when a third women is involved. Whether it is a casual one night stand on a business trips or affair with a secretary or old school mate who…