Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Financial Crisis – What’s A Christian To Do?

WE have all seen the headlines: multiple bank and business bailouts, rising home foreclosures, jobs lost and firms downsizing, 401Ks and IRAs dropping in value, rising utility, grocery, and gasoline prices. What are Christians supposed to do when we’re hit by a national or personal financial crisis?How we weather a financial storm depends mostly on our attitude about who the money belongs to in the first place. Do we view our money as just that, ours? Or do we view it as coming from and belonging to God? If we see our income as being from the Lord, it makes…

Dealing With Toxic Assets – The Only Three Alternatives

A friend kindly writes:"Dear Prabhu,"It has been great to listen to you speak on PBS online and also to read your letter to Barack Obama. You have provided a wonderful oversight of the economic global crisis in terms of what must be done - I see predominantly lots of comments analysing without proposing. And of course it all comes with a sense of how God's heart is hurting as those at the bottom suffer most.Some questions. In London we read a great deal of the problems of inter-bank lending. You deal with this in passing. The dichotomy is that Gordon…

Homecoming of a Hindu Pujari and His Life Transforming Story

Veeranjaneyulu is the grandson of a Hindu mystic who was buried alive as per his wish.  Veeranjaneyulu followed his father’s tradition of being a Pujari for Hindu gods. In 1992, he participated in the Ayodhya Procession along with his uncle who was a VHP representative from Rayalseema. Yet when the Lord Jesus Christ called him, he and his family left everything and suffered excommunication and humiliation to follow the one True God. Veeranjaneyulu shares his life transforming story with C Stephen David.

Why Goals Can Be Harmful

The older and more mature in the Lord I become, the more I have learned to simplify my life and personal goals. Years ago my personal mission statement, vision statement, and goals were about two pages long. Now they are all one short sentence: “Love God and love people.” In my opinion, many of the popular self-help teachings in books today are for people that don’t know themselves or God very well. The more you mature in the Lord the less you rely on these “training wheels.” Many self-help teachers and motivational speakers get into things that are very practical, but without the leading of the Lord it is often akin to humanism.

I Became A Free Man In Jesus Christ

Most of the early years of my life, I lived a life of illusion trying to cover the vacuum in me through food, friends, entertainment, education and work. My conscience knew for the most part what was right and what was wrong. Yet I leaned towards doing what is wrong. I was never able to prevail against the power of sin. I tried to beat the shortcomings in my life, but to my dismay all the contending was in vain. I knew my life was being led in a way opposite to where my own conscience accused me. But I was stubborn and made all excuses and justifications to lead my life the way I wanted. Gradually my conscience started to get hardened and I found myself spiritually estranged and in bondage to all kinds of evil deeds. I used to wonder if there was ever a way out of the burden some, monotonous cycle of life's misery.

The Poverty of The Soul

In our humanity, we find a ‘false richness’ in the many things that surround us. We find our fulfillment in the words of encouragement from our friends; we lust for pleasure and comfort; we run after things that we think really matter; we find ourselves in the secular game of being fashionable and relevant and ‘well-put-together’. In his words Jesus asks us to embrace our poverty. We are the frail and worn, the weak and needy, the sick and wanting, the hidden and poor. Through our unique walks of life, we encounter our own poverty. We are the poor, not the rich. When Jesus speaks of poverty, He does so to imply that on our own we are capable of little. We are vulnerable to weaknesses in our flesh, weakened by the gross sinfulness of the world, and powerless to fight the attacks of the enemy. On our own we do not amount to much. At the end of the day, we are possessors of nothing.

Weird Christians I Have Met (or Have Been)

I am reading the book, Weird Christians I have met by Phil Baker (Senior Pastor in Australia). It is a fascinating book. I was struck by these words:There is a suble balance between normal Christianity, with its appreciation of diversity, and that which is erroneous, misleading and ultimately damaging. The authentic christian is one of the most attractive and compelling reasons for seeking the truth of Christianity. However, we are our worst enemy, for the inauthentic christian – the overly religious, fanatical or sidetracked believer – repels the seeking soul. Indeed, the number one reason why many people will not consider…


Have you ever had a problem that you couldn't address? And the reason you couldn't address the problem is that it had the potential of embarrassing people? And to make matters worse, if you didn't address the problem, the problem would only get worse? This is a typical leadership scenario.I've learned that in this situation, you need to measure the ramifications of not addressing the problem to the ramifications of addressing the problem. If the consequences were too severe if the problem is not addressed, than risk the embarrassment. If the embarrassment is more severe than don't address the problem.…

God is a God of Second Chances

I just came back from the first night of The Filling Station conference for this year. The theme is Grace. I know....what an amazing thing that is. The speakers this year are amazing. Tonight's message was from Simon Gau, a youth pastor right here from Whalley!I've heard so many messages on grace but it never fails to humble me every single time I hear it. A verse from tonight's message struck me so much that I felt I had to write this out.Micah 7 : 8, 9"Do not gloat over me, my enemy!Though I have fallen, I will rise.Though I…

Answer to the Point (Guarding Peace at Home)

In conversing with your spouse or vice versa, does this question sound familiar, “Why don’t you answer to the point?” I was planning to go to Operation Mobilization library to spend the entire day to study and write. It takes one-hour drive from my house or even more depending on the traffic. To me this journey is often hard, for it is a busy road and I cannot avoid pollution and traffic hassle. So as I was getting ready and informed my wife about my day’s schedule, she curiously asked me, “Are you coming back in the afternoon?” Boom! “What…

Plans Etc. . . .

By this time next year, I would like to...1. be able to support myself2. complete the social service worker diploma program3. obtain my life skills coach (training) certification4. apply for jobs in the field of social work5. apply to master's in social work programs6. having done 4 and 5, wait for God to point me in the right direction7. keep praying for indiaBenita Joy

Converting Out Of Christianity

Christians has been in the forefront of religious conversions. Many religious groups feel threatened by the aggressive missionary conversion agenda of the Church. Leaving faith is seen as betrayal of family, community, faith and nationality. Now a new fad in the ‘Christian’ West - renouncing Christianity by choice.A new faith renouncing ceremony has emerged. It is called ‘de-baptism’ and is a growing phenomena in Britian, a nation that send out Christian missionaries all over the world. See report in TIME and USA Today.Brits are not converting to any other faith, but are simply unchristianizing themselves or say converting to atheism.…

Unpublished Letter to the Editor of Financial Times – On Speculation

Unpublished Letter to the Editor of Financial Times - On Speculationfrom Mr. Prabhu S. GuptaraSir, How interesting that the Center for Public Integrity has now documented what we all knew anyway ("Subprime Explosion: Who Isn't Guilty?", May 6).What is widely overlooked is that the subprime crisis was the result of the inability of a mass of people to pay their mortgage premiums. However, those people had been paying their mortgage premiums regularly till something caused them to start being unable to pay. What was that something? Skyrocketing oil and commodity prices.So who is going to stand up to provide an…

On A New Ethic

Violence as seen in the Old Testament, was a part of God’s plan for the nation of Israel, but violence is abdicated through the person of Christ, his Cross, his message, and his body. Non-violence is the path of the Christian, and we must return good for evil and kindness for violence.1Death is but a byproduct of a sinful world. If then the Christ-follower is martyred, he rejoices for he is now with his Savior, and his life was given for the sake of him who sent him.True humility, true obedience, true love, true selflessness…does not consider oneself, but the…

Changing Childhood

Childhood is never the same. 10 years old girls are into diets, manicures and breast implants. See a report in Daily Mail and about Generation Diva in Newsweek. With the onset of puberty at younger years and constant bombardment of sexually charged images, preteens moving from childhood into adulthood, skipping important life stage of adolescence.Another recent survey, by a children’s organisation questioned 150,000 children and found that an astonishing 26 per cent of ten-year-old girls are obsessed with their weight and feel they’re not thin enough. More girls under the age of ten are being diagnosed with anorexia than ever.…


One of the major causes of human pain is the pain of not forgiving. "It has been three years, and I have not forgiven my brother. I never will," she burst out in anger."If I ever get a chance, I will repay him for what he has done. And nobody will ever stop me" remarked another bitter man about his previous employer."How many time can I taker her back? She says she is sorry; and then comes back and does the same thing to me." Bitterness is a problem of life, for we humans have an incredible capacity to wound…


Have you ever had a problem that you couldn't address? And the reason you couldn't address the problem is that it had the potential of embarrassing people? And to make matters worse, if you didn't address the problem, the problem would only get worse? This is a typical leadership scenario.I've learned that in this situation, you need to measure the ramifications of not addressing the problem to the ramifications of addressing the problem. If the consequences were too severe if the problem is not addressed, than risk the embarrassment. If the embarrassment is more severe than don't address the problem.…

Please Listen

When I ask you to listen to meand you start giving me advice,you have not done what I asked.When I ask you to listen to meand you begin to tell me whyI shouldn't feel that way,you are trampling on my feelings.When I ask you to listen to meand you feel you have to do somethingto solve my problem, you have failed me,strange as that may seem.Listen! All I ask is that you listen.Don't talk or do - just hear me.Advice is cheap; 20 cents will getyou both Dear Abby and Billy Grahamin the same newspaper.And I can do for myself;…

They Met Without Us

One of the coolest things happened this past weekend. Shainu and I were in Boston for the weekend, visiting our sending church, reporting on what God had been doing in the last eleven months. So since we were away, you figure we had to cancel our Sunday Gathering right? Nope. Seven Mile Road gathered for prayer, study, conversation, and community just like we always do. Nothing changed.Dennis led the gathering, Phillip led the singing, Jeremy did the teaching, Anne and Leena ran the nursery, Reny took care of the food, Winson helped count the offering, and on and on the…

Youth Not Keen On Serving Society

THE calling of God to His ministry was always clear in Rev. Paul Francis’ life. His parents, who were childless for a long time, had taken a vow to the Lord to offer their son to His work, when He gave them one. Years later, Paul then a post graduate in English literature, refused a lecturer’s job and decided to be a pastor. According to his own admission, his mother, one of the first women lay preachers of the CSI Church, was a great influence in his life. Her preaching and serving have left an indelible mark on his life…