Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Teen Stress – Indian Americans

In a recent report, I came across rising stress levels among teens. Parental and societal expectations, peer acceptance, fear of failure, confusion over who they are and what they want to do in life, changing body, media/culture influences, relationships etc make life hard for teens like never before.A 2005 survey of teens nationwide by the Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation found 94 percent reported feeling stressed at some point in their daily lives. Forty-eight percent said they felt stress sometimes, while 27 percent said it was frequent.Adolescence has never been easy, but it has never been as hard as it…

Nowhere to RUN

LyricsI’ll sing it / One last time for you / Then we really have to go/ You’ve been the only thing/ That’s right/ In all I’ve done / And I can barely look at you/ But every single time I do/ I know we’ll make it anywhere /Away from here/ Light up, light up /As if you have a choice/ Even if you cannot hear my voice / I’ll be right beside you dear/ Louder louder/ And we’ll run for our lives/ I can hardly speak I understand /Why you Can’t raise your voice to say/ To think I might…

Positive Thinking Running Amok?

Why can't we be real before God? Tell Him what we feel, confess to Him if we are perplexed or confused, share with Him our fears and dreams, and ask Him to show us which way we should proceed, all the while expressing our confidence in His love, wisdom and power. What is going to succeed, an honest and sincere cry for help, or a pronunciation of the right words without any conviction behind them? The Bible is so very true when it says that we do not receive because we do not ask (Jas.4:2). Is it not silly of us not to receive the things God wants to give us just because we would not ask? How 'poor' we can be because of a silly understanding of being positive!

Extreme Spirituality

Solomon gave a piece of advice to people that they should not be excessively righteous (Eccl.7:16). What does this mean except that we should not take righteousness to extremes? Isn’t it true that some well meaning people foolishly extend themselves beyond what God requires and, as a result, end up in an unnatural, unrealistic and impractical approach to righteousness or spirituality?  . . . . But in seeking to be really godly, they went beyond what God wanted, and they got sidetracked with silly little issues (e.g., “not touching”), missing the main point (Matt.23:23-25).Like Paul said, all these types of foolish ways look as though they will make us godly (Col.2:23). But they are deceptive. Generally speaking they make us feel superior to others around us. When we begin to go in these directions it does not look as though we are making a mistake. We think we have found a secret of godliness. But even though the deviation may be small in the beginning, ultimately it leads us far away from the goal.

Suffering, Universalism, Exclusivity, Election – All At Starbucks

Sometimes I wish I could bring you in on some of the conversations we have at Doubt Night. So here’s a recount of some from our last one. These aren’t exact quotes or in exact sequence – but an abbreviated version of an hour and half conversation by my best memory a week later. Also names other than mine have been changed.Ajay: Here’s a quote by Epicurus, an ancient Greek thinker.“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able?Then he is not omnipotent.Is he able, but not willing?Then he is malevolent.Is he both able and willing?Then whence cometh evil?Is he…

Life in the Single Lane

"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me. "Brothers, I do not consider myself yet to have taken hold of it. But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. 15All of us who are mature should take such a view of things. And if on some point you think differently,…


Islam makes up around 20% of the world's population. It is the second largest religion in the world, trailing only Christianity. Muslims are spread primarily over the areas of North Africa, the Middle East, South-Central Asia, and Indonesia. Although Islam began in Saudi Arabia, non-Arab Muslims now outnumber Arab Muslims by a ratio of almost three to one. Also, the four nations with the largest number of Muslims today are all outside the Middle East. Indonesia-166 million (88% of the population); Pakistan-111 million (97%); Bangladesh-97 million (85%); and India-93 million (11%). Do you know that Islam is the fastest growing religion in the world today? Do you know that a significant number of immigrants who come to the United States are Muslims? And do you know that these immigrants come from many Islamic countries or countries with large communities of Muslims? Do you know that an estimated 4 to 6 million Muslims reside in the United States?


Hinduism is believed to be the oldest living religious traditions in the world. There are approximately one billion Hindus, making Hinduism the third largest religion in the world after Christianity and Islam, of whom approximately 890 million live in India (around 82% of India's population). It is estimated that adherents to Hinduism make up around 15% of the world's population. Other countries with large Hindu populations include: Bangladesh (11%), Bhutan (25%), Fiji (41%), Mauritius (50%), Nepal (89%), Sri Lanka (15%), Surinam (27%), and Trinidad (25%). Countries like Indonesia, Malaysia, South Africa, Tobago, and Guyana also have large number of Hindus. Nepal is the only nation where Hinduism is the state religion. There are more than two million Hindus in North America. Christian  must consider Hindus as one of the largest people groups in their mission agenda. In the following paragraphs, we will learn about Hinduism in nutshell for the missional purposes.

Meet Your Newest Neighbors: Asians

"And if a stranger dwells with you in your land, you shall not mistreat her/him. The stranger who dwells among you shall be to you as one born among you, and you shall love her/him as yourself; for you were strangers in the land of Egypt: I am the Lord your God" (Lev. 19:33-34, NKJV) There is much we can learn about our Asian neighbors, such as how they view themselves, what they believe about family, and why they have come to America. The more we know, the greater our understanding and enjoyment of Asian individuals-and the easier it is to share the good news of Jesus Christ with them. Below are a few facts about Asians in general.


Sikhism founded on the teachings of Guru Nanak Dev and nine successive gurus in fifteenth century Northern India, is the fifth-largest religion in the world. The history of Sikhism began with the birth in 1469 AD of Guru Nanak Dev. The initiation (baptism) ceremony and other traditions of the religion were formalized by 1699 AD. This system of religious philosophy and expression has been traditionally known as the Gurmat (literally, the counsel of the gurus) or the Sikh Dharma. Sikhism originated from the word Sikh, which in turn comes from the Sanskrit root sisya meaning "disciple" or "learner", or siksa meaning "instruction". Sikhism advocates the pursuit of salvation through disciplined, personal meditation on the name and message of God. A key distinctive feature of Sikhism is a non-anthropomorphic concept of God, to the extent that one can interpret God as the Universe itself.

Married Folks Twice Happier Than Singles

A new Pew Research Center poll reveals something that’s not new at all: married people are happier than singles.In the most recent poll, 43 percent of people who are married reported being happy, compared with just 24 percent of singles. Even in spite of the beating marriage has taken in recent years, this number is as true now as it was a generation ago. The results were exactly the same for women as for men.The Pew happiness study didn’t confine it’s focus only to marriage. Here are some other interesting findings:Money may not buy happiness but it does reflect it.…

The Key to Reading the Bible

Just read this today and loved it…Responsible interpretation and application of any biblical text does not begin with the question “How do I apply this passage to my life?” but with “How does this passage connect to the great narrative of redemption which climaxes in the gospel, the story of Christ, and his people?”7 Mile Road Church

Problems Part 2

Got problems? Don't you just want to tell the right people about them in hopes that they can help in some sorta way? What if you are the one who always hears about people's problems? It can be taunting at times because you know that the problem is big and their is this expectation that you can solve it. The expectation can be to0 big to live up to. You may not have the answer. Or better yet, you know you don't have the answer and the person with the problem is ready to blame you because you don't know…

Make It Stop

today would be a good day for the world to end, or for me to end in the world. don't want to face any more tomorrows.just to clarify... i'm not suicidal. i'm scared shitless of going to hell. but doesn't life sometimes just become a grossly tedious affair?it's all about who you know and what you have and how much you're worth and this constant struggle to "make it". whatever happened to simplicity. i wish stuff wasn't so damn complicated. ignorance isn't bliss and knowledge isn't power and no amount of money will ever be enough.let's just say fml and…

He Reigns – It’s All God’s Children Singing, Glory, Glory, Hallelujah He Reigns

It’s the song of the redeemed, Rising from the African plain, It’s the song of the forgiven, Drowning out the Amazon rain, The song of Asian believers, Filled with God’s holy fire, It’s every tribe, every tongue, every nation, A love song born of a grateful choir . . . . It’s all God’s children singing, Glory, glory, hallelujah
He reigns, He reigns, It’s all God’s children singing, Glory, glory, hallelujah, He reigns, He reigns.

What Is ‘Success’ Really About?

Who we are before God is much more important than what we do for Him. From this message to Zerubabbel we can deduce the kind of people God is looking for. At least three qualities stand out: First God uses those who are humble. Not the pushy type or those who seek the spot light but are ‘lampstands’ filled with God’s gentle spirit. Second, God can use only those who are available: like these olive trees, people who are ‘there’ and ready to feed and serve others. Finally, God delights to anoint and use people who are reliable, who like Joshua and Zerubabbel stand continuously in the presence by the Lord. Humble, available and reliable. Are you someone God can use?

The Third Jesus We Need To Ignore

A recent book that’s appealing to a lot of post-moderns titled The Third Jesus: The Christ We Cannot Ignore  by  Indian-born doctor-turned-guru Deepak Chopra has got a lot of people seriously interested in thinking about Jesus–albeit in a different way. Definitely not in the way Jesus would want you to think about Him. This is a dangerous philosophy floating around with a lot of mumbo-jumbo sticking to it, much to the delight of unhappy Christians. Chopra, author of over 49 books on new-age subjects, portrays Jesus as a mystical person not the Savior of the world, certainly not an exclusive Savior. Jesus is not the only son of God, He is not the only way to heaven, He is not the exclusive God and the only God that orthodox or Biblical Christianity believes. To Chopra, Jesus would never offend homosexuals, or sinners. He simply accepts them. He is here to make us all experience God-Consciousness–a term confusing and bewildering that many despaired Christians find riveting due to its esoteric appeal. Sadly, many Christians who don’t understand the deceptions of Eastern philosophies like Yoga and New Age would easily shift their worldview to this new-age claptrap.

Kids On Facebook Get Lower Grades

Heard of this? Kids who use Facebook have lower GPA than those who do not. A new study by a doctral candidate has now confirmed what parents always was suspicious about. Too much time spend on computers on social networking apps are taking precious time that should be spend on studying. See the report in TIME.Critics say you don’t need a doctoral dessertation is show what is obvious. Others say study does not suggest that Facebook directly causes lower grades, but there is a relationship between the two. “Networking may not be need now,” parents say, “they need to focus…

Prayer Points for SAGC 2009 – Week 2 – June 10th 2009

EVERY WEDNESDAY WILL BE A DAY DEDICATED TO PRAYER FOR SAGC 2009. PRAY WHERE YOU ARE OR IN SMALL GROUPS. 1. Pray for continued favor for all who receive the SAGC brochures. 2. Pray for letters that are posted to reach the right destination at the right time with favorable responses. 3. Pray for grace and wisdom for the International Coordinator - Pastor Pritam Singh, the Advisor - Dr. TV Thomas, the Administrative Secretary - Susanna Kumari, the SAGC 2009 TEAM, the Worship/ Dance/ Drama teams and each of the Plenary and Seminar speakers. 4. Pray for the release of…

I Have Set The LORD Always Before Me.

Psalm 16 1 Keep me safe, O God,        for in you I take refuge. 2 I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord;        apart from you I have no good thing." 3 As for the saints who are in the land,        they are the glorious ones in whom is all my delight. [b] 4 The sorrows of those will increase        who run after other gods.        I will not pour out their libations of blood        or take up their names on my lips. 5 LORD, you have assigned me my portion and my cup;        you have made…