Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Awareness & Humility

Response and protest help us come alive. It is that constant imbalance we find ourselves in with our environment. I would argue that response and protest must be married to awareness and humility. In our being, doing, and relating, as we respond and protest, we must be fully aware and willingly humble. Without this, response and protest become a discourse in apathy and arrogance. There are too many people who respond and protest in a way that shows how apathetic they are, and how arrogant they are. To be fully aware requires us to throw ourselves into life. It requires of…

She Said It Best

Something borrowed from Niki's blog, a philosophy I have recently adopted, not so much in terms of earrings and clothing, but in terms or how I choose to live my life..."When someone doesn’t approve of something I do, I continue doing it unless I too have a problem with it. For example, my earrings, or choice of clothing, or even what I write on my blog. Maybe someone doesn’t like it, but it’s mine not theirs."Benita Joy

Attending SAGC in Singapore

Attending SAGC in Singapore July 23, 2009 Filed under: Youth — cocogen @ 11:45 pm SAGC is a gathering of South Asians from around the world. This time it is in Singapore. Previous gatherings were in London in 2007 and Vancouver in 2005. It is amazing to see the gaining of momentum and great internetworking among emerging leaders of South Asian origin. I got here couple of days ago. Good to be back in Singapore after many years. But it is quality of people that you meet and see what God is doing around the world in this community. It is…


Prayer Points for SAGC 2009EXACTLY ONE WEEK TO THE OPENING NIGHT OF SAGC 20097 days to 22nd July 2009 - Week 7 – 15th July 2009“ASK The Lord For Rain” Zechariah 10:1Did you hear the sound of rain. Did you see and feel the torrential outpour of rain this morning in Singapore.Yes, people of God ,what you saw in the physical is about to be opened up for the upcoming SAGC 2009 Convention.Yes, there is an explosion. It is here and as we like King Jehoshaphat set himself to seek the Lord...... and the people gathered together to seek the…

"Is That From God?"

These days are characterised by gimmicks, techniques, showmanship and sensationalism even in Christian circles. Many ‘new’ things are happening and are being taught by preachers and writers, and we are getting confused not always knowing whether or not something is from God. We know that in the last days there will be many false prophets and teachers bringing out such deceptive signs and wonders that even the elect could be deceived (Mt.24:24). We need to know how we can preserve ourselves in sanity and faith when we are being bombarded by Satan and his demons on one side and slick human operators on the other side.

Great Leaders Are Great Givers

We come to know through the Holy Scriptures that one of the primary qualifications of a leader is to be hospitable (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:8). However, can we imagine hospitality without being generous? Reflecting on the life and ministry of Paul—an apostle of Christ and a laborer in Christ’s service—we notice that many times he worked with his own hands and was generous with his earnings. He himself acknowledged: You yourselves know that these hands of mine have supplied my own needs and the needs of my companions. In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.' (Acts 20:34-35)

Connext Conference In Chicago

I am very excited about the forthcoming gathering of young South Asian Christian leaders of North America. Last one was in New York in Sept 2007 and we saw great momentum in what happening among South Asians Christians all over the continent. This time, it is going to be in Chicago and I am part of the local organizing team. This year's focus will be on leadership development and we have a great line up of leaders as resource people. Theme is "Unleashing the Leadership Potential." See details at

I for You . . . You for Me!

Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:13-27"That there should be no schism in the body, each member should have the same care for each other" (1 Cor 12:25) We continue our meditation on the need for and the means to achieve unity of heart and purpose among us as God's children. Recognise and respect the strengths of others.Instead of recognizing the strengths of others, we normally criticize their weaknesses. No wonder we all suffer discouragement. When Paul realized that God had primarily called him to evangelize the Gentile world, he recognized that Peter was specifically equipped to reach the Jewish community (Gal 2:8). Similarly Peter…

The Work of God

Can you believe that there are people who think they do God a favor by serving Him? They think that God needs them to do His work. That God cannot do it without them. It is ridiculous. Have you ever seen Jesus beg anyone for help? Never! God doesn't need any human to do His work and His work can go on without anyone. Just look in the Good book. Did you hear about how God can use anyone but also anything for his glory."As a result, people brought the sick into the streets and laid them on beds and…

Expect Great Things from God – Attempt Great Things For God

Week 6 –7th July 2009 Prayer Points for SAGC 2009 14 days to 22nd July 2009May this prayer points leap in your spirit as GOD IS INDEED GOING TO DO A WORK THAT WILL ABSOLUTELY BLESS, BLOOM AND BLOSSOM FOR HIS GLORY. INDEED GOD HAS CALLED US FOR SUCH A TIME AS THIS. Esther 4:14"EXPECT Great Things from God - Attempt GREAT THINGS FOR GOD"DECLARE PROPHETICALLY1. God is BEYOND DESCRIPTION. Meditate on Exodus 3.God's Greatness, Goodness, Grace and God's Glory.2. God will perform mightily in and through His people Beyond Our Wildest Imagination. 1 Corinthians 2:9,103. Picture the scene in…

Connext Conference In Chicago

I am very excited about the forthcoming gathering of young South Asian Christian leaders of North America. Last one was in New York in Sept 2007 and we saw great momentum in what happening among South Asians Christians all over the continent. This time, it is going to be in Chicago and I am part of the local organizing team. See details at Focus this year is going to be on leadership development and we have a great line up of leaders as resource people. Theme is Unleashing the Leadership Potential. If you are serving South Asian community in…

Chosen by God

In a crazy, unexpected, surprising (but welcomed) left turn, the group of folks that I’ve been doing Doubt Night with have agreed to study through the book of Romans with me. One of the nights led to a conversation about predestination, and so now we’re pausing our discussion through Keller’s book and will take a few weeks to study Romans. How cool is that!In preparation for that, I’m reading R.C. Sproul’s Chosen by God. It’s a highly accessible, easy-to-understand read about predestination. Anyway, I was immediately arrested by a paragraph from the introduction where Sproul talks about his journey towards…

Missions: Wanna Go Deeper?

What is striking and humbling is that Peter could have refused to hear Jesus’ words or at any point said, ‘No’ to his: ‘let me use your boat’, ‘launch out deeper’ or ‘follow me to be a fisher of men’. At that particular point, Peter would have missed out, not just on the catch of fish, but in experiencing the miracle and more so the blessing of being called and sent in Missio Dei! Peter goes deeper, risking the loss of his reputation and career only to gain an experience of God in Christ. He discovers Christ is no ordinary teacher-preacher or miracle-worker, but God’s agent and his ‘Lord’. Jesus is Liberator from guilt and sin; Lord of Peter’s daily work and the true Leader of our missionary endeavors. He finds ‘in Christ’, God’s grace is greater than all our sin, Truth that sets us free and Love that casts out all fears.

Ox Weds Donkey! – Do Not Be Unequally Yoked Together With Unbelievers

Many a young Christian has ruined his life because of unholy alliance in marriage. Marriage is a yoke. The Bible forbids unequal yoke (2 Cor 6:14). "You shall not plow with an ox and a donkey together" (Dt 22:10). Both the Old and the New Testaments strongly condemn intermarriage with unbelievers. Intermingling the "holy seed" with the unconverted is called as "trespass, transgression, iniquity and guilt" (Ezra 9:1-6). Even a widow who is a believer is not permitted to marry an unbeliever. "She is at liberty to be married to whom she wishes, only in the Lord" (1 Cor 7:39).

Seven Things Leaders Can Learn From Michael Jackson's Tragedy

As the tragic events surrounding Michael Jackson’s death on June 25 unfold, we find that it was more related to the tragic events of his life, starting with his childhood. As we look back we can see that many child stars eventually led tragic adult lives and/or had careers that began to go downhill as they grew older. (For example, Mark Hamill of Star Wars fame, the Olsen twins, Britney Spears, Lindsay Lohan to name a few.) In these instances I blame their parents for pursuing fame and fortune for their children at the expense of their emotional health. Regarding the church, often people launch out into public ministry platforms while they are still emotional infants and not ready for “prime-time.” It is obvious from the recent autopsy report that Michael Jackson died (emotionally) years ago, using drugs to deaden the pain of his miserable existence.

21 Days – 12 Hours Daily Prayer Chain for SAGC 2009

21 Days - 12 hours Prayer Chain for SAGC 2009 [Fasting is Optional]*Start Date: Wednesday July 1st 2009*End Date: Tuesday July 21st 2009*Every Day Prayer Begins at 12 noon Every Day Prayer Ends at 12 midnight [You are welcome to pray at others hours!]*Each Person To Pray For One Hour Every Day, For The Next 21 Days* PRAY WHERE YOU ARE OR IN GROUPS. YOU ARE ENCOURAGED TO FORM YOUR OWN LOCAL 12 HOURS TIME SLOTS GROUPS or you may e-mail and tell Ranee your preferred time slot to join a global group.*The Lord has instructed me to proclaim…

Prayer Points for SAGC 2009

Week 5 – 1st July 2009 Pray for... 1. God to bring the right person at the right time for each of the various tasks at hand.2. Faith to arise, the fire of God to protect every delegate, the fear of God to encamp around everyone involved in the Convention.3. Quickening in every detail to be handled efficiently and in the grace of God.4. Declare that GOD will be our Prayer Warrior, our Power from on High, our Provider, our daily Presence, and that indeed we will serve God's Purposes in our Generation. (Acts 13:36a)Ranee QuireySAGC 2009 Prayer Coordinator South Asian Global…

The Rich Young Man Who Went Away Empty Because He Had Too Much!

Mark 10:17-31 (New International Version) 17As Jesus started on his way, a man ran up to him and fell on his knees before him. "Good teacher," he asked, "what must I do to inherit eternal life?" 18"Why do you call me good?" Jesus answered. "No one is good—except God alone. 19You know the commandments: 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not steal, do not give false testimony, do not defraud, honor your father and mother.'[a]" 20"Teacher," he declared, "all these I have kept since I was a boy." 21Jesus looked at him and loved him. "One thing you lack," he said.…

Anger Management with Bitterness

Do you know what really wrecks relationships? Anger and bitterness. I met a man who set up some rules with his wife regarding this issue. They said that if there is anything between them, they have 24 hours to address the problem or else they lose their right to be hurt. How true that is!""In your anger do not sin" Do not let the sun go down while you are still angry, and do not give the devil a foothold." (Ephesians 4:26)"But I tell you that anyone who is angry with his brother will be subject to judgment. Again, anyone…