Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

More SAGC 2009 Pictures

For more pictures on SAGC 2009, please click here Mr. Bilson The convention is over now. All we are left with are notes, videos, pics, etc. So now it is a time to reflect on all we learned, felt and experienced. Today was a good day to remember the humorous bits. There were many... The one that stuck out the most was when Sungeeta Jain opened her sermon of living beyond fears with the words, "I can't do this... There are so many people here... Pastor Pritam I cannot do this..." People hooted and whaled, cheering her on. But the…

Blessed Is The Man Who Trusts In You

Psalm 84  1 How lovely is your dwelling place,        O LORD Almighty! 2 My soul yearns, even faints,        for the courts of the LORD;        my heart and my flesh cry out        for the living God. 3 Even the sparrow has found a home,        and the swallow a nest for herself,        where she may have her young—        a place near your altar,        O LORD Almighty, my King and my God. 4 Blessed are those who dwell in your house;        they are ever praising you.        Selah 5 Blessed are those whose strength is in you,       …

A Ministry of Reconciliation

On Sunday, we were joined by Rob Burns, pastor and planter of ReaLife Church here in Philly. ReaLife was planted out of a former bar – turned cafe. Rob’s a brother in the Acts 29 Network and has been a huge encouragement to me in this journey. I began connecting with Rob even while we were still in Boston and so it was a joy for me to have him connect with our crew.Rob led our Sunday Gathering and taught from 2 Corinthians 5. A couple of things from the night.1. Words can become so overused that they mean everything…

SAGC 2009 Report – South Asian Global Convention 2009 (SAGC 2009)

The South Asian Global Convention 2009 (SAGC 2009) took place from July 22-26, 2009 in Singapore. SAGC 2009 is the Third Trans-Denominational and International Christian Gathering for South Asian Youth and Young Adults for Mission Mobilization. “This day is sacred to our Lord.” Nehemiah 8:10c. The theme chosen for SAGC 2009 was “Beyond Boundaries” based on Isaiah 54:2. Many, O LORD my God, are the wonders You have done. The things You planned for us no one can recount to You; were I to speak and tell of them, they would be too many to declare. Psalm 40:5 Glory to God in the Highest for SAGC 2009.

Connext 2009 – Unleashing Your Leadership Potential – September 17th-19th, 2009 Chicago, IL. USA

Connext 2009 is the Convergence of Emerging South Asian Christian Leaders. Its purpose is to gather young Christian leaders of the South Asian community to connect, encourage, equip and serve together for Kingdom Impact. The theme for Connext 2009 is "Unleashing Your Leadership Potential." Connext 2009 is a three-day gathering of young South Asian Christians to transform participants personally, professionally and spiritually in their leadership calling, abilities, and development and to identify, invest, resource and further support key emerging leaders in the community on an ongoing basis. Click here to the Connext 2009 website.

Where Is The Money Of The Church Going? – Giving – Part 1

Did you ever think about how the early churches had spent their finance? I wonder how many believers and leaders truly thought about this matter. And if they thought about this issue and know the answer then I wonder how many are serious enough to follow the example of the early church. Incidentally, it is obvious in the early churches of the New Testament that they didn’t practice the concept of tithing, for they were not under the finite system of law but in the infinite freedom of grace. The renowned bible teacher, Ray C. Stedman wrote, “Nowhere in the New Testament do you find tithing taught or laid upon Christians.” Does this mean they didn’t practice giving at all? Certainly not! The fact is that the early church gave more than a tithe. They practiced generous giving, for they were taught to live by grace.


said and done, this heart is sobercan hardly breathe, it's too soondreaming is for the ridiculousand optimism is for the foolsure, if you're halfway luckythen the birds are singing your songbut sunny days aren't for everyoneonly a wish gone hopelessly wrongreality is grey and meaninglessit's hard to escape what just isall that remains is the aftertasteof when living was even worth itBenita Joy

Deadly Pessimism Of Youth

A  new study has found almost 15 percent of American teens believe they will die before age 35 — a perspective strongly linked to risky behavior. Read the report in Forbes. ALso see NIH findings on Adolescent Mental Health.Last week, I lost a friend and he was only 30. Recently I was speaking at a youth camp and I was shocked at a their sense of doom awaiting them. They are living with a sense of fear about their uncertain future and dabble with risky behaviors. Such widespread teen pessimism is dangerous to church, society and nation. Economic uncertainty, living…

Intelligence And Influence

Reading: John 7:1-10"You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light" (Eph 5:8) God is not against us acquiring knowledge. But He would not have us put "knowledge" before "life." Man would not have lost Paradise if he had chosen to eat of the Tree of Life rather than the Tree of Knowledge. Human knowledge without divine life is deadly. True wisdom comes as a result of walking in the fear of God (Prov 1:7).We are to use our common sense and acquired knowledge in making decisions for the routine matters of life.…

Are You In Love With Jesus?

There are many who say they have been born again and that they are children of God. Some of them may be deceiving themselves. But even among those who are truly born again, it may not be always true that they are in love with Jesus. They 'accept' Jesus as their Saviour, but somehow they don't know Him well enough to have fallen in love with Him. They have probably not experienced the depths of His love, mercy, compassion, tenderness and kindness, or seen Him as being 'altogether lovely', and as the 'fairest of ten thousand.' There was a woman…

SAGC Day 4 – Beyond Fear and Failure

I didn’t sleep a wink last night. I’m so exhausted.Today, the second day of the conference, was the day I was supposed to present in the evening. I woke up not feeling well. Actually I have not been well for quite some time. I have been getting sick with one thing or another ever since we returned from the US, about 3 months ago. Now, I am experiencing extreme pain. Ranee Didi even offered to take me to the doctor so I could get medication to control the pain. But, I decided not to go because I needed to prepare…

Personal Reflections of SAGC 2009

“The song of Asian believers filled with Gods Holy fire” still echoes in my heart. Though some weeks ago, this line in the theme song “He Reigns” by ‘Newsboy’ seems to ignite a new ember in my incense of prayer to God; to raise an army of South Asian believers wherever they may be to move beyond their boundaries to embrace the Great Commission.I am a layman; just an undergraduate and through the course of this convention God has stirred my heart and bestowed on me a motivation, a new joy, a passion that leaps in my heart and at…

Post "Beyond Boundaries" Songs of Gratitude

Beloved saints in Christ, I am still drinking in of the oil and the wine. The signature of GOD has been upon every minute detail of this event. Long before its birth,God sawGod sealed it andGod birthed forth songs & sons of Salvation and Strength (Exodus 15)Indeed, God has already raised up a strong South Asian army marching through the land.Not only that, He has placed strategically sons and daughters of Issacchar. "Beyond Boundaries" was altogether a glimpse of the Faithfulness of GOD.His favour was upon us, individually as well as collectively.Did you smell/ taste the fragrance of the Lord amongst the…

Attending SAGC In Singapore

SAGC is a gathering of South Asians from around the world. This time it is in Singapore. Previous gatherings were in London in 2007 and Vancouver in 2004. It is amazing to see the gaining of momentum and great internet working among emerging leaders of South Asian origin.I got here couple of days ago. Good to be back in Singapore after many years. But it is quality of people that you meet and see what God is doing around the world in this community. It is very humbling to hear stories of life transforming and stories of new ministries. There…


Here we are again. At the end of another successful South Asian Global Convention. This one was far different than all others. It would take place in another playground called Singapore. Not also would the playground be different but also the theme which is Beyond Boundaries. And this convention would exceed all others in advancing beyond previous boundaries. Sure, there were more people, nations and ministries profiled at this one than the others but there was something more... So where do we begin? Where to start? How about the opening night.The convention would open with Ice Breakers from some crazzzed…

Personal Evangelism AND Community Evangelism

This past Sunday, our Launch Team talked through mission. We talked about what keeps us from being on mission and how the Gospel might overcome our barriers. A special joy was having Reid Monaghan and some of the foks at Jacob’s Well. Reid moved his family about a year ago to plant a church in Jersey. (I know, who voluntarily moves to Jersey?) Reid made a great contribution to our conversation. He reminded us that we were on mission as individuals AND as a community.We often see evangelism in an individualistic and linear way. So I meet Bob who doesn’t…

For Better Tomorrows

For Better Tomorrowsdoes it have to be impossible?is it too much to ask?is the adventure too much to handle?or will we stick to wearing a mask?the mask that says we're bettersociety's civilized claimor is it that change just frightens usand we don't stand to gain?what's left is below the surfacehushed tones and smiles all aroundbut there's a remnant willing to contendto seek what was meant to be foundfor if we throw up our hands in defeathang a white flag on the window sillimpossible will remain just that--simply impossibleBenita Joy

One year later: Fear, persecution remain high in Orissa

MANINI Digal knows the wrath of Hindu fundamentalists in India. Manini, 17, from a poor family, was caught by fundamentalists last August during the outbreak of anti-Christian violence in Orissa. They tore off her clothes and attempted to rape her. Then they poured kerosene over her and set her on fire. Her body was severely burned. Manini arrived at a hospital in critical condition. Photo caption: Manini, who continues to be under medical care, is doing some physiotherapy exercises to regain strength in her right arm. Photo courtesy: Voice of the MartyrsOpen Doors co-workers covered her medical expenses during her recovery…

RSS disrupts VBS, threatens pastor in Tamil Nadu

A Vacation Bible School that was in session was disrupted and the local pastor threatened by some activists of the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS), a fundamentalist Hindu organization, in Tamil Nadu in May this year, it has emerged now.   Around 90 children were in attendance in the VBS on May 12 when three persons, who identified themselves as activists of the RSS, barged into the class that was being held in a school in Theni district of Tamil Nadu.   One of them hit a girl and asked the children to run out of the school while another man tore…

Why Giving Up On God And Self Doesn't Make Sense!

THE real message of the book of Job is: 1)don’t quit on God, and 2) don’t quit on Yourself! Job has always been the classic example that God gave to us, to help us deal with the very real trials and tribulations of day-to-day life that we all face.   One of the great insights that God shares with us in Job is where these trials and tribulations stem from. When we sin against God, when we rebel, there are always consequences. Sometimes those consequences are more severe than at other times. The important thing to never forget is that…