Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

How About 99.9%?

WHEN the Ritz-Carlton Hotels won the Malcolm Baldrige National Quality Award, I had the opportunity to congratulate the owner of that outstanding organization, Mr. William Johnson, my good friend who lives in Atlanta, Georgia. In typical humility and his wonderful ‘Southern drawl,’ Bill gave others the credit. He added that now that they had won this prestigious honor, they would need to work even harder to earn the respect that came with it. “Quality,” he said, “is a race with no finish line.” He is correct. Competitive excellence requires 100% all of the time. If you doubt that, try maintaining…

36 Practical Things in Life That Have Helped Me!

by Dr. Samuel R. Chand1. Volunteer for jobs no one else wants.2. Never be on time – be early.3. Respect everyone—especially the “little people”.4. Money isn’t everything. Never make quality of life decisions based on money. Money follows ministry.5. Help others succeed and you will always succeed.6. Don’t forget the people who got you here.7. Never take credit—pass praise on.8. Be a life-long learner. “What did I learn today?”9. Select and enlist mentors.10. Be generous – sow into other's life.11. Determine your finish lines:A. What is “enough”?B. Inheritance vs. legacy12. Forgive quickly.13. Accept responsibility when things go wrong—don’t pass on…

God Is A God Of Second Chances

I just came back from the first night of The Filling Station conference for this year. The theme is Grace. I know....what an amazing thing that is. The speakers this year are amazing. Tonight's message was from Simon Gau, a Youth Pastor right here from Whalley!I've heard so many messages on grace but it never fails to humble me every single time I hear it. A verse from tonight's message struck me so much that I felt I had to write this out.Micah 7 : 8, 9"Do not gloat over me, my enemy!Though I have fallen, I will rise.Though I…

The Saintly Leadership of Mother Teresa

The Saintly Leadership of Mother Teresa taught me some valuable lessons. She was consistent in her quest to save the very poor, calling them "distress in disguise." In an audio series called "Thirsting for God," she tells of the many times when she faced the impossible just to be rewarded because of her consistency. She was loyal to her cause. In her acceptance speech when receiving the Nobel Peace Prize she simply said "I accept this in the name of the poor." These were the people she was called to lead and amidst the degradation and decadence of human decay she found the self-reliance to be loyal to her cause.

Where Is Everyone?

Seven Mile Road is three weeks into weekly corporate worship. So far, we’ve been a bit spoiled. Everything we’ve touched has turned to gold. We need a website – we get a killer one for free. We need a space – we get to use a building sitting on six acres of land. We throw a barbeque – 115 people show up. We launch our first service – we put out seventy chairs but need more to accommodate everyone. . . . So then, it was a shock to my system when we showed up for service in week two and there were only 33 people there. Now I know in my head that numbers don’t matter. Folks on the team thought to themselves, “where is everyone?” Regular visitors came into the room and looked at their watch to make sure that they weren’t there early because they didn’t see people. People noticed.

Thank You Lord, I Just Wanna Thank You Lord

I Come Before You Today, And There's Just One Thing That I Want To Say, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, For All You've Given To Me, For All The Blessings That I Cannot See, Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord . . . . With A Grateful Heart, With A Song Of Praise, With An Outstretch Arm, I Will Bless Your Name, Thank You Lord, I Just Wanna Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord, I Just Wanna Thank You Lord, Thank You Lord.

Caleb the Conqueror!

Life is not a playground, it’s a battlefield! Many Christians are victims of life’s trials and temptations instead of being victorious over them. From the well-know story of Caleb (Jos.14: 6-15) there are at least three characteristics in him that can challenge believers today to be more than conquerors through Christ1. Caleb was Directed by a Cause for God (v.6-9)Caleb had a quest in life – it was to ‘wholly follow the Lord’. He noted how forty years ago, when sent as a spy by his leader Moses into Canaan, God had promised him an inheritance in the land. Caleb…


A few Sundays ago I had the opportunity to witness one of the biggest transformations I have ever seen in a person…and it was all because of Jesus! Several weeks ago a boy in his early teens came to church for the first time. He was so disruptive that no one was able to pay attention to prayer. He was either hitting someone, pulling their hair, lying down on them, stealing their money or just plain talking, through the entire service. No matter how many time we warned him, the boy would not behave!At the end of service, he almost…

NIV Bible To Be Revised In 2011

A revision of the New International Version of the Bible will be available in 2011, according to a recent joint announcement by Zondervan, Biblica and the Committee on Bible Translation. The revision will mark the first complete update of the NIV since 1984.Zondervan also said the new translation's publication will mark the end of the TNIV, the controversial version released in full in 2005 with gender-neutral language."As time passes and English changes, the NIV is becoming increasingly dated," Keith Danby, global president of Biblica, formerly the International Bible Society and Send the Light, said during a news conference at Trinity…

Keep Going On . . . .

One day a young lady was driving along with her father.They came upon a storm, and the young lady asked her father, "What should I do?"He said "keep driving". Other cars began to pull over to the side, the storm was getting worse."What should I do ?" The young lady asked."Keep driving," her father replied.Once up a few feet, she noticed that eighteen wheelers were also pulling over. She told her dad, "I must pull over, I can barely see ahead. It is terrible, and everyone is pulling over!"Her father told her, "Don't give up, just keep driving!"Now the storm…

Growing Women Smokers In India

Urban Indian women are leaving a new trail – smoke. Women are catching up fast and narrowing the gap across gender lines in the domain of smoking or chewing tobacco. See a report in India Today. It is based on a World Health Organization’s global survey of tobacco usage.Here are Some Disturbing Finding:31% women tobacco addicts in India are between age 15-49.25% Indian women light up over 10 cigarettes per day.62% of women smokers die in their prime compared to 38% of those who don’t.1 in 20 women in India to die between age 30-69 due to tobacco in 2010s.20%…

Hosanna, You Are The God Who Saves

Praise is Rising, Eyes are Turning to You, We Turn to You, Hope is Stirring, Hearts are Yearning for You, We Long for You, 'Cause When We See You, We Find Strength to Face the Day, In Your Presence All Our Fears are Washed Away, Washed Away - CHORUS - Hosanna, Hosanna, You Are the God Who Saves Us, Worthy of All Our Praises, Hosanna, Hosanna, Come Have Your Way Among Us - We Welcome You Here, Lord Jesus

God Would Use Me One Day To Impact Millions

At the altar Mark Buntain, a missionary to Calcutta from North America laid his hands on me and said a prophetic prayer as to how God would use me one day to impact millions. Now I see the fulfillment of this prayer. I was married on January 27, 2000 in Calcutta to my beautiful wife Mary, and I moved to the United States on February 22, 2001. I left home with $50 and two suitcases stuffed with my clothes and books for a new life overseas. In about four weeks on arriving on the east coast I ended up for an interview at Network Plus on the 81st floor of the World Trade Center. I was escorted to the conference hall. Through the glass windows of the room I saw the most glorious sight of all - the Statue of Liberty.

September 11, 2001 – Out Of The Ashes – Sujo John – A Survivor's True Story

I worked on the 81st floor of the North Tower or Tower 1 of the World Trade Center and my wife Mary worked on the 71st floor of the South Tower or Tower 2. It was just an incredible experience working in this incredible building especially for an immigrant who had just arrived in America in February of that year. We enjoyed so much working together in the same complex. . . . . "September 11, 2001, started out as such a nice day- no, a beautiful day. Then it all turned. 9:05 am. Terror struck America and changed us forever. None of us will ever forget where we were, who we were with and what we were doing that fateful day when tragedy struck America on what looked like a beautiful day in New York city . . . As we deal with the loss of thousands of innocent lives we were also reminded that history books will also tell the tale of many Americans that faced terror with courage.

Runaway Convert – Fathima Rifqa Bary

Over the last few weeks, popular media has been covering the story of the conversion of Sri Lankan second generation Muslim girl, Fathima Rifqa Bary. Youtube and Facebook has been at the heart of this controversy. Fathima Rifqa Bary even has an URL after her name –

Listen to Fathima Rifqa Bary testimony on Youtube.

Fathima Rifqa Bary of Columbus, Ohio was raised in a Muslim home, studied the Quran, and practiced the ways of Mohamed. Several years ago, she converted from Islam to Christianity when she found that Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Fathima Rifqa Bary continued living in Columbus with her family, sneaking out at night after her parents had gone to sleep to attend prayer meetings and to read her Bible. After her father threatened to kill her for apostasy, a crime under Islamic Sharia law, Rifqa hitchhiked to the bus station and fled to Florida.

Where Is The Money Of The Church Going? – Giving – Part 2

Sadly, where is most of the money going today? Are poor and needy in the priority list of the modern day churches? Sometime back, I did a survey of some churches in my city to rate their overall activity in charity. Do you know what the result was? Not more than 8% of the churches are active in doing service to the poor and the needy. It seems most of the money is going towards buildings, administration and programs, but the poor and needy are greatly neglected by the churches when they should be on their priority list. We need to ask, “Is this pleasing to God for whom the church exists? There is a great necessity to do the former which is our highest priority.

Dictionary of Teenage Language

Parents who struggle to understand the language of their teenage children can now brush up on their slang skills with a new dictionary of “teenglish” terminology.So, when their child complains that their mother or father’s behaviour makes them feel “owned”, they will realise that they mean that they are merely fulfilling every parents’ duty of embarrassing their offspring.Or that when they say they are “flossing”, they are not practising good oral hygiene but actually showing off.Called Pimp Your Vocab, the book aims to demystify the jargon adopted by British youngsters.Other terms explained are “teek”, which means very old, and “fraped”…

Solid Vs Liquid Church

Solid ChurchFormalInstitutionalOrganized CongregationStructured Time and SpaceFaithfulnesss = attendanceSuccess = numbersWorship and teaching are standardardizedMembership is exclusive and self servingLiquid ChurchInformalFluidrelationship with others through communion with ChristFlexible to needs of communityNot about the building but spiritual activityChurch is a verb not a noundfundamental motivation is missionGuder, Darrell L. Missional Church: A Vision for the Sending of the Church in North America. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1998.Mr. Bilson

Why Pain Comes Before Promotion

In my 31 years as a Christian I have often noticed most of my emotional and spiritual growth has come during times of intense pain and challenges to my leadership. Most of us would love to grow merely from the accumulation of information. But the truth is that we need to experience our revelation in order for it to transform our inner being. That is why I tell people all the time we cannot grow only from attending Bible studies and saying prayers; we must live these studies and prayers out in our lives so we can grow! There is…