A week after the Tiger Woods scandal broke many folks began saying that Mr. Woods is a sex addict. As reported recently, “Manhattan author and therapist Bonnie Eaker Weil said of Woods’ situation that repetitive cheating is an addiction. ‘What begins with a desire to relieve stress or mute depression easily progresses to a preoccupation with where their next ‘fix’ will come from.’….Pro athletes, accustomed to the rush of celebrity, often look to sex for a similar high.” The article continues: “Dr. Drew Pinsky, host of VH1’s ‘Sex Rehab With Dr. Drew,’ told CBS News that addiction ‘has people doing things that don't make sense.’ [Jaimie] Grubbs claims to have more than 300 text messages from Woods saved on her phone and has released a voicemail she says is from Woods, asking her to change the name on her caller ID, saying that ‘my wife may be calling you.’”
Eight Lessons Leaders Can Learn from Tiger Wood’s Life
The epic saga of Tiger Wood’s fall from being touted as a model citizen
and athletic superstar to a reckless, self-centered, out-of-control sex
addict serves as a leadership lesson for all of us. The following are
important principles we need to take seriously for ourselves and those
we are leading. Leaders need to build their lives upon the solid foundation of good character and morals, not on gifts and abilities. You
can master the art of making money but miss it in the arena of
developing moral standards. This will eventually drag you down.
Character serves as the wind beneath our wings carrying us into a
successful future! Abilities will give us immediate recognition and
possibly fame but will only last a brief period of time!
A Wake Up Call To Mothers Across The World!
The saying goes: “Behind every successful man there is a woman.” Well I believe that even behind a successful bachelor, there is a woman - a mother. Even if you look into the lives of those that have lost their mothers at an early age, there would surely be another woman – may be an aunt, a teacher, an elder sister, or a church elder who loved them just like their own. Mothers can play a vital role in shaping their children into history makers. The all important role of mothers has not changed at all over the years, but sadly, our changing culture has led to a drastic change in the way we perceive the role of a mother today.
Young People – Rise Up for Jesus
What change would you like to see our generation bring about to the church and the world? I believe that this generation is a generation of power. This generation will not be one of simple believers but one of worshippers who will move in God’s power of signs and wonders, establishing God’s word. Sadly in most of our churches today the youth have taken a back seat. God’s kingdom has a lot of work in conquering nations and I wish to see youngsters rise up. They don’t have to wait till they are 40 or pass out of a bible college or have a pastor’s potbelly to joke with. It’s my prayer to see a holy generation moving with great power to bring down God’s kingdom. I am sure that God would bring the next move of revival through youngsters. So youngsters! Gear up for it!
I Was Once Lost But Now Am Found!
I am Sunil Rane and this is my story. I come from a Goan orthodox Hindu family. Ever since my childhood, I
had a very strong desire to learn more about God. My parents taught me
prayers that I used to chant every day while worshiping the idols
placed in our house, but I had many questions and queries which neither
my family members nor the priests in the temple could answer . . . Such was my immense craving for God that I traveled to different places just to
learn more about spirituality and meditation, I went to ashrams, I met
Gurus and I read many religious books. I was already working at that
time when in 1996, I came across a religious book exhibition where I
found some old scriptures in Hindu books called Vishnu Puran and Books
on Vedas .
Unsocial Hours – Unsocial Families?
Though I am an admirer of the work of The Relationships Foundation and generally try to keep up with their work, I have only just got around to reading their pamphlet ‘Unsocial Hours: Unsocial Families’.It is necessary reading for everyone concerned with the health of individuals, of families and of society.Written by Clare Lyonette and Michael Clark, "Unsocial Hours: Unsocial Families?" surveys the international literature on the impact of long and atypical hours working on family life, but particularly on the effects on couple relationships and the wellbeing of children. To read more click here http://preview.tinyurl.com/ydr544s Prabhu Guptara
Who can stand this self professing consultants. They act like they are an authority on almost everything.I prefer the real ones. These are the ones who truly know what they are talking about. They are the people that can back what they say in one of many categories. Here are a couple1. Positive Results. The real consultants can back their words becasue they have proven results exceeded expectations or quotas and goals.2. Education. The real consultants have done their research. They have a vast aray of knowledge to draw from. They know what has worked and what hasn't and why.3.…
Teens & Sexting – Porn Addiction
Youth once again is in the forefront of embracing a new technoculture – phone texting. Cell phones are becoming a constant companion of young people and texting is growing in popularity with the young. Young people with cell phones and unlimited texting also found to exchange not only simple text messages, but also nude pictures of themselves or others – a phenomena popularly known as ’sexting.’According to a new poll by Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, about 1 in 7 American teens with cellphones say they have received nude or nearly nude photos by text message. Among…
Why Young People Stay In Church
We all have seen many studies on young people who have dropped out of immigrant churches. Ever wonder if those of next generation who stay in the church, why they do? Or those who dropped out, if they ever join another church, what makes them stay there?According to a recent study by LifeWay research, the most common reasons young people keep attending churches are:a) Church is vital to a relationship with God(65%), b) They want church guidance in everyday life decisions (58%), c) It helps them become a better person (50%), d) They are committed to the purpose and work…
I Will Survive – Comeback Stories of a Corporate Warrior
What does it mean to overcome adversities and to live boldly? This inspiring story takes you on a journey from Sunil Robert's childhood of battling poverty to support a family of six, to his becoming a global, award-winning communicator. Rich and intensely felt, the experiences are also the raw material based on which Sunil Robert identifies the qualities vital for life's journey. Candid and endearingly personal, Robert bares his conflicts, struggles, triumphs and yearnings, making a compelling case for faith, hope, and diligence. I Will Survive invites you to pay closer attention to your life, to give yourself what you truly need and to know that you, too, can choose in that moment, to live fearlessly by your own rules.
Drawing a Blank
in need ofrestful sleep,a deeper walk,patience,thankfulness,kindnessand lovecreativity,knowledge,resource,faith,and peaceperfection,solitude,cleansing,and rejuvinationand yet, He is sufficient for me.
Those Who Honor Me – I Will Honor
Eric Liddell, often called the "Flying Scotsman", was born in 1902 in North China, second son of the Rev & Mrs James Dunlop Liddell who were Scottish missionaries.He went to school in China until the age of five.At the age of six, he was enrolled in Eltham College, Mottingham, a boarding school in England. At Eltham, Liddell was an outstanding sportsman, being awarded the Blackheath Cup as the best athlete of his year, playing for the First XI and the First XV by the age of 15, later becoming captain of both the cricket and rugby union teams.Eric Liddell became…
Wake-Up! The World Has Changed – Just In Case You Didn’t Know!
As Story-keepers, we are called to communicate the gospel to screenagers. Communication is not data transfer. So, it is important that we recognize the inner dynamics of the ‘image-culture’ and understand how it is changing the way we ‘see’ and ‘listen’ and ‘think’. I needn’t remind you that the world has changed. The best metaphor to describe the change we are experiencing is T20 cricket (although it arrived late in the scene).If you had followed the T20 format, you’d agree with me that the face of the game has changed so much. The ‘hit and giggle’ game ( as it…
Think Before You Speak!
THINKThink before you speak! Make sure what you say is:T- TruthfulH - HelpfulI - InspiringN - NecessaryK - KindMr. Bilson
Holiness & Health
Reading: Isaiah 53:1-12"He who raised up Christ from the dead shall also quicken your bodies by His Spirit which dwells in you" (Rom 8:11)All the three Persons of the Godhead are interested in our health. (Psa 35:27). God the Father bound Himself to His people with a promise, "I am the Lord who heals you" (Ex 15:26). God the Son bore our sicknesses on the Cross (Mt 8:17). God the Holy Spirit bestows gifts of healing and gives life to our mortal bodies (1 Cor 12:9; Rom 8:11).Though healing is a free gift from God, there are several conditions to…
Book Review of Sunil Robert's Book "I Will Survive"
Sunil Robert has written his own story which could inspire thousands of young people to dream big, tap their inner potential and accomplish great things. Sunil Robert who had to face adverse circumstances, overcomes those circumstances and emerges victorious. As he journeys in life, he learns lessons from ‘school of life’ and move forward. . . . Sunil Robert was always clear that he wanted to become a postgraduate. Sunil Robert provides tips for making dreams come true. 1. When Life Is Hard (Even If It Is Not) Reject The Status Quo And Aim Higher. 2. Dream Your Dream, Chalk Out A Plan Of Action, And Just Get Going. 3. Live As If Your Dreams Are Coming True And They Almost Always Will. Follow Your Passion And Believe In Your Dreams. 4. Build Your Contacts And Turn Them As Your Friends.
Ten Things Congregations Wish Their Pastor Understood
I. Congregations wish their pastor would preach messages relevant to their daily needs and struggles1. Many pastors out of seminary are answering questions no one is asking.2. Many pastors are preaching over the head of the average believer.3. Many pastors are preaching abstract truth not easily applicable in the lives of the congregation.4. Much preaching is too idealistic and not realistically taking into consideration the humanity of the believer.II. Congregations wish their pastor understood the high demands of their schedules1. Some churches preach on family but then violate family relations by demanding church members regularly attend five church functions per…
Honor God and People
Many pastors and leaders are frustrated because they do not sense the power and presence of God in their churches. Also, many people in the church are frustrated because they do not feel appreciated and released into their kingdom destiny. We think this will come automatically with prayer, fasting, healings, and great preaching. But, if pastors would help create a culture of honor in their churches and if members would learn how to respect and honor spiritual authority there would be an incredible release of the glory of God in our midst!
Christmas – Jesus Christ Is The Reason For The Season
Here are 12 Christmas love quotes to help us remember that December isn't just about presents and tasty treats -- it's about the heart.1. "I will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all year." ~ Charles Dickens2. "Christmas is most truly Christmas when we celebrate it by giving the light of love to those who need it most." ~ Ruth Carter Stapleton3. "Christmas is not a time nor a season, but a state of mind. To cherish peace and goodwill, to be plenteous in mercy, is to have the real spirit of Christmas." ~ Calvin Coolidge4.…
Effective Study Methods
Our minds have a central place in
our spiritual lives. Romans 12: 2 teaches that we need to be
transformed by the renewing of our minds and that without this renewal
we cannot know God’s will. Without the knowledge of God’s will, we won’t
be able to live lives that are pleasing to God. Moreover, we are to
love God with our minds, because He created us as rational beings in
His own image and likeness and intellectual growth is an integral part
of spiritual growth. That is what we learn from the life of our Lord
Jesus Christ (Luke 2:46-47 & 52) and the lives of Daniel and his
friends (Daniel 1:4 & 17). Even in the Christian life it is very critical,
because it is a discipline that strengthens the mind and enriches the
soul. Strengthening the mind is very important, because we are to serve
the Lord, our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all
our minds.