Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Who Says There's Nothing To Do In Portland?

There are many places to go camping, snowboarding/skiing, hiking, kayaking, water sports and others. I'm not very outdoorsy. I had friends who took me out to try these things.

Hiking/camping is something I'm starting to enjoy. It's nice to walk through the wilderness and enjoy the beauty of nature. It is nice to escape from the crowds and everyday life. Also, it isn't very expensive. The place where we went to was only a 2-hour drive from Portland. It's fun with a group. We camped out for 2 days. I had a great time. I enjoyed meeting and getting to know new people, walking and going to the hot springs. We camped by the river.

I try to go out on these trips when I get the chance but we are busy. When I go out to the wilderness, I can't help but think, "Why don't I do this more often?" I looked at this weekend as a time to celebrate the end of summer and beginning of my last year of college.

Indu Shanmugam

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