ISLAMABAD, City of Islam, Aug 29: National assembly, Correspondent Ahmed Hassan reported 30 Aug, 08 in web edition of Daily Dawn that “Balochistan Senator Sardar Israrullah Zehri stunned the upper house on Friday when he defended the recent incident of burying alive three teenage girls and two women in his province, saying it was part of “our tribal custom.”
The girls were allegedly accused of not marrying according to the wishes of men in the family!
Pakistan has become a lawless society where anarchy rules. Violent criminal are elected in a so called democracy in a poverty stricken nation where trigger happy street thugs and militant religionists have linked under a common banner they call, “ pure Islam.” The society moves in the rhythm of religion, an evolved intolerant brand which has zero tolerance for ‘unislamic’ influences namely the westernized Democracy and entrepreneurial marketplace. An I slamic fundamentalist will not admit that he is wrong, if he does, to him Islam will be wrong!
The concept of the creation of Pakistan is not a place, it is a state of mind. Ever since Pakistan was carved out of India in 1948, separating its North west provinces; had resulted in a seamless anarchy, haunting illiteracy, crunching poverty, growing idolatry and ground swell religion. A brand of religion which disregard everything except reenacting past experiences of antiquity and gravitates primarily around its promoters. Worships are held under armed guards and preaching under the gun barrel. Muslim militants move about with20impunity bombing any target indiscriminately and hope to lay their hands soon on atomic arsenal of Paki sta n.
Former PM Shaukat Aziz ( a US Citizen), branded Pakistan as the fortress of Islam. No wonder, Muslim nations look to her as their nuclear guard. Undoubtedly, Pakistan is a lands of contrasts and contradictions where many tributaries of militant Islam fall to become an ocean of clashing portraits, conflicting concerns and copy cat schemes that suite mayhem they call change. Descent to fundamentals of faith is unforgivable but deception and destruction of life is tolerable even appreciated. No one seem to admit that the quality of life is shamefully poor!
This culture is clearly demonized. This is my candid and concerned view. I do not say it critically and casually but s eriously and prayerfully. Those who intercede for this land of growing crowds and those who are planning to take the Gospel there, must first learn spiritual warfare. Without it, the church will not advance, she will remain in the survival mode. Always looking for excuses and handouts. There is more to what I am able to write in an unencrypted form on the internet. More insights and info are available on request for committed intercessors and skilled servants.
"For though we live in the world, we do not wage war as the world does. The weapons we fight with are not the weapons of the world. On=2 0the contrary, they have divine power to demolish strongholds. We demolish argumen ts and e very pretension th at sets itself up against the knowledge of God, and we takecaptive every thought to make it obedient to Christ." - 2 Corinthians 10:3-5
Please pray with us that Pakistan shall be saved – Psalm 2:8, 96:3
Pray that the Gospel will reach Muslims clearly and signs and wonders will follow it.
Pray for the growth of the underground church in Afghanistan and Pakistan, a few are converts from Talibans.
Pray for Pakistani Christians, a tiny minority mostly Punjabi and a few from Baluchi, Sindhi and Pushtune people, that they will understand the power of the Gospel and the significance of their faith in Christ.
Pray for hands on education in sublime subjects and the power of the living faith as we train 1000 workers in Biblical evangelism and spiritual warfare this year and ten times more during 2009.
Pray for the flow of funds as evangelism and missions cost money. Funds for the forthcoming six months continues campaigns, seminars, schools, training, printing and networking. One of the most pressing need is a 12 seat van and safe accommodation.
Pray for a consortium of ministers we plan to establish to help extend mutual bonds and extend their capabilities.
Habakkuk 3:2 LORD, I have heard of your fame; I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD. Renew them in our day, in our time make them known; in wrath remember mercy.
Truthfully and sincerely
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