Dear Pastor Pritam, Dr. Balbir, Sujaan and Saajan,
We missed you all dearly and can never forget the legacy you left here in Vancouver. Thank you for following Jesus to Vancouver and sharing your lives with us. Your names are never forgotten in our church and at times we will reminisce about some of the fond memories you have left here. We even tell new comers about your grand work and love.
They can only look at us in awe of the fact that we have had a real encounter with Jesus that was revealed in the all of you. We also are guilty of not thanking God enough for bringing you to us. But He is merciful and is ready to pardon. We are also really excited at what God has in store with you and what is yet to come and know that greater things are on the way for you.
And as for us, we are all well and in good health. Our front yard is covered with snow and Mom and Dad are in India, at the moment, enjoying the sun, family and much more. Alex and I have been spending are time doing all sorts of things. We are enjoying our time resting in God and visioning new things for the year.
We also spend some time visiting our friends, celebrating graduations, going to recitals, putting the chairs out and shoveling snow and doing what we can to grow in God.
We are really excited to hear about your brand new baby boy. We are excited to hear that God is continuing to practice His miracle of life and you all are benefiting of it. Actually, we all are. There are many kids who would give anything to grow up with parents as great as you both. Your kids will grow in the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and will have the chance to pursue a destiny of hope that the world is searching for. God has rightly positioned you both to make a difference and have a lasting impact on others. We are the recipients of that.
Well, I’m nearing the end of this page and wanted to let you know that the reason for this letter to celebrate with you and your new blessing and also to let you know that you are never forgotten out here. May God bless you and see you in Singapore!
In Christ,
Wilson Mathews
Punjabi Masihi Church
Letter Dated: 5th January 2009
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