Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

2007 – Gonna Be An Awesome Year!

1. Yeah so it's a new year. No, I didn't make any resolutions. Frankly, I'm really not looking forward to this year. It's going to fly by because it's so crammed with stuff happening... Generation Unleashed in January, Deeper Walk in March, graduation (God-willing) in May, WPC Vancouver in July, SAGC and India Mission Trip in August... and who knows what else (research papers, applications, church and leadership stuff, selling shoes and praying that somehow my part-time job will finance everything, prep, teaching, prayer, Integrated practices, fundraising, stress... just shoot me now!).

It's not that things won't work out or anything; it's just that the mountain of stuff in my planner is way overwhelming and I don't really know how to deal with it. So I'm a pessimist. What else is new?

2. God is awesome like always and without Him, I'd rather not exist.

3. The new semester at school began today. UGH!

4. In other news, I'm on facebook now so go find me. I'm still figuring the thing out.

I am nothing. He is everything.


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