Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Blogs

NOW!. . . It’s TIME 4 BBC Mission Conference

Remember the time you waited for that important letter to come, a critical phone call or urgent appointment? Then, at last, it did and you heaved: ‘It’s about time!’ Does God have such moments? How about when we eventually ‘get it’ with regard to Jesus’ ‘so send I you’ missionary call? Seriously, do we know what time it is? – the signs of our times?

Help, I’m Messed Up!

This is the second time today, I have heard this plea. The first person to ask for help was a Pastor’s son who was being honest about how messed up he was. He told me how he had seen the price that his father had to pay because he decided to steer down his own path but that way had him entangled and now he wanted to get back and didn’t know how. Another girl contacted me, by email, who had grown up in a Christian family. She didn’t know where her life was headed and felt messed up. She wrote to me asking why she could not figure out what God wanted her in her life.

Forgiveness Ensures Freedom

Corrie ten Boom (1892-1983) was born in Amsterdam and raised in the Dutch Reformed Church. When the Nazis came to power in the late 1930s, Corrie and her family hid Jews behind a false wall in Corrie's bedroom. In 1944, Corrie's family was arrested and sent to Ravensbrück, one of the worst concentration camps in Nazi Germany. There, Corrie's entire family died. Corrie herself was scheduled for execution - but she was released shortly before the end of World War II because of a clerical error.

What Really Matters Is . . . . The Gospel!

‘Sorry to hear about what happened!’ When I hear this, I think of Paul writing to the Philippians. Two years in jail, a long sea voyage as prisoner,now two years in bonds again! This pioneer’s prayers seem unheard and his potential untapped. We would be filled with resentment, regret and remorse. But listen to him: ‘I therein do rejoice… and will rejoice’ (1:18). How could he have this bold, positive attitude?!

Comforter Made Comfortable!

Reading: Ephesians 4:17-32
"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,
whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption (Eph 4:30)
The Father God has sent us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter who abides with us forever. He is resident in us. It is our duty to keep Him comfortable in our lives and make Him feel at home. The New Testament teaches us how to do it—

Youth Exposing Themselves Bare – New Online Fad

Young people are exposing more of their skin on the web. Getting naked in front of webcamera and cellphones are getting cooler than you think. “Baring and sharing’ it with friends is the new fad among teens with access to technology. Age of high tech flirting, I guess.

Break Up Breaking You?

Have you heard the recent news of some scientists in London who claims to have moved closer to making a pill that you can pop that can get rid of bad memories? So far they have been successful only on rats so let’s leave it to that for now. But, it is true that we all have memories that we wish we could erase.

Have Patience With Me!

"Have patience with me," cried the slave as he begged his fellow-slave for mercy (Matt.18:29).

This is also the unspoken cry that comes to us as housewives and mothers from many of those with whom we have to do each day. But we need to be sensitive in our spirits if we are to hear that cry - for it is unspoken.

My Thoughts on September 11, 2010

(Delivered at a vigil in Sunset Park, Brooklyn on September 11, 2010.)

Today is indeed a somber day for every citizen of this nation--especially those who live in New York City--a day when we remember the 3,000 people brutally murdered by one cowardly act of terrorism, and when we remember the hundreds of firefighters and police officers who gave their lives to save others.

Quran/ Koran Burning and the Ground Zero Christian Center

One thing that hurts the reputation of the Body of Christ much during times of crisis and controversy is when an independent pastor and/or church decides to capitalize on an issue to make a name for themselves, rather than act in a Christ-like manner that would benefit the Kingdom of God.

Every Fourth Migrant In Singapore Is An Indian

Indian nationals settling down in Singapore due to its friendly-environment, now account for about a quarter of the total 1.79 million foreigners and permanent residents' population, a newspaper reported today.

According to a report published in The Straits Times the number of Indian nationals living in Singapore has doubled to 400,000 from 200,000 two years ago. It also reports the number of Indians setting up companies in Singapore has doubled from 1,500 in 2006 to 3,000 now, most of whom are doing businesses in the information technology, finance, trading and food and beverages sector.

Evil – How Defined? To Be Accepted Or Fought?

As I am preparing to give a lecture on this topic, and I have never earlier spoken or written on it, I thought I might post the outline to get the benefit of your thoughts:

EVIL: How defined? To be Accepted or Fought?
A Cross-cultural and Inter-religious Comparison by Professor Prabhu Guptara

The LOST Son

Christians are familiar with what has become the most famous short story all in the Bible. It was narrated by none other than Jesus himself and is commonly called ‘the parable of the Prodigal Son’ (Lk.15: 11-24). All of us humans are on a journey of discovery and in examining the experiences of this young person we notice 3 obvious facts directly related to his and our ‘pursuit of happiness’

"Do Not Say, I Am Just A Youth!"

Then God called Jeremiah, he replied, "Ah, Lord God! Behold, I cannot speak, for I am a youth" (Jeremiah 1:6).

But God corrected him, "Do Not Say, I Am A Youth."

God gave seven reasons why Jeremiah should not hesitate to accept His commission.

On The Second Anniversary of the Kandhamal Massacre

You may recollect that it is two years since the massacres took place in Orissa, India.

Though the official figures do not add up, they do provide a picture of how little has been done in terms of justice (the picture is similar in terms of actual help to the victims):

Number of complaints lodged: 3232
Number of cases actually registered by the police: 831

Missed Opportunities

When I was growing up, there was a boy in my neighbourhood who was much loved and pampered and given the best that his family could afford. The parents were extremely nice and everyone in the community liked them. The father was a government employee, and the family had all sorts of dreams for the boy. I used to think how lucky he was and was sure he would go far. The family, however, moved away and I lost touch with them.

Dying For Her To Live

Prepping for preaching on masculinity this Sunday and came across this quote:

A husband must embrace self-sacrifice for the sake of his wife’s well-being . . . . the main threat against which a man must protect his wife is his own sin. A friend once expressed his awakening to this truth in these words: ‘I used to think that if a man came into my house to attack my wife, I would certainly stand up to him.

Kings & Kingdoms

Stargazing Worshippers
If there is anything that shakes kings and empires, it is the thought of someone or something undermining and possibly even replacing it. In Matthew 2 we continue to see the amazing phenomenon that was Jesus’ birth, but we also see the first attempt by the establish ment to snuff it out.