Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Blogs


Prayer Points for SAGC 2009EXACTLY ONE WEEK TO THE OPENING NIGHT OF SAGC 20097 days to 22nd July 2009 - Week 7 – 15th July 2009“ASK The Lord For Rain” Zechariah 10:1Did you hear the sound of rain. Did you…

I for You . . . You for Me!

Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:13-27"That there should be no schism in the body, each member should have the same care for each other" (1 Cor 12:25) We continue our meditation on the need for and the means to achieve unity of heart…

Chosen by God

In a crazy, unexpected, surprising (but welcomed) left turn, the group of folks that I’ve been doing Doubt Night with have agreed to study through the book of Romans with me. One of the nights led to a conversation about…

Connext Conference In Chicago

I am very excited about the forthcoming gathering of young South Asian Christian leaders of North America. Last one was in New York in Sept 2007 and we saw great momentum in what happening among South Asians Christians all over…

The Work of God

Can you believe that there are people who think they do God a favor by serving Him? They think that God needs them to do His work. That God cannot do it without them. It is ridiculous. Have you ever…

Deadly Pessimism Of Youth

A  new study has found almost 15 percent of American teens believe they will die before age 35 — a perspective strongly linked to risky behavior. Read the report in Forbes. ALso see NIH findings on Adolescent Mental Health.Last week,…

Anger Management with Bitterness

Do you know what really wrecks relationships? Anger and bitterness. I met a man who set up some rules with his wife regarding this issue. They said that if there is anything between them, they have 24 hours to address…

Prayer Points for SAGC 2009

Week 5 – 1st July 2009 Pray for... 1. God to bring the right person at the right time for each of the various tasks at hand.2. Faith to arise, the fire of God to protect every delegate, the fear of God…


It's officially the second day of summer and I'm lounging around at Walter's house eating frozen yogurt and reflecting on life. It's been close to two months since I arrived in Toronto and I think it's a good time to…

Without Words

I have realized that so much of our evangelism needs to be ‘without words’. In a world driven by images ‘visuals’ attract our attention. And so, we need to be seen and not heard (to borrow words from a popular…

Prayer Points for SAGC 2009

Prayer Points for SAGC 2009  - 28 days to 22nd July 2009Week 4 – June 24th June 2009 Pray for 1. Faith to believe God to do the impossible. Pray Luke 1:37 "For Nothing Is Impossible With God." 2. Trust in God…

Summer Meditations

When I take an up close, personal look at my faith, I am most amazed not during times of relative peace and security. Rather I am most amazed at what this relationship I have with Jesus does for me when…

Fatherhood: God’s and Our!

Three events this past week inspired me to study the topic ‘Fatherhood’. Most churches last Sunday commemorated ‘Father’s Day’.  It was also my dad’s 83rd Birthday and I thought of the kind things he did for me growing up. Moreover,…