Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

My Spiritual Gifts

Today I occupied myself by taking the "Finding Your Spiritual Gifts" questionaire by C. Peter Wagner. According to it, my dominant gifts at this point in life are Administration and Voluntary Poverty (yeah I wanted to laugh at myself on that one too).

Administration wasn't a surprise. Voluntary poverty, on the other hand, was sort of a surprise because I didn't know it was a "gift". To be honest, the idea isn't new to me, it's something I discovered about myself this year while serving in India, and it's something I've wrestled with in thinking about the future--of course I didn't call it "voluntary poverty".

Those were the only two definitive ones that came up (score of 15). There were a whole bunch of not-so-definitive, subordinate gifts (score of 11 or 12 in my case)--pastor, faith, helps, missionary, leading worship, teaching, wisdom, knowledge, exhortation, hospitality, leadership, service, giving, evangelist, and celibacy(!). Hmmmm...

I just have to keep seeking God to find out which muscles He'd like me to develop next. It would be interesting to take the test again in a couple years and see how things develop.

Benita Joy

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