It is YOU! (:
It is you.....
A statement which i could say to reveal it alll....
But holding it back with all cause....
What do you like about her......
Its the question that is still lasting in my mind...
What do i like about her? The word "I" is a big word with no relation to what the other is thinking or feeling about u. I am sure everyone of us were in this situation....
Asking yourself what is the thing that attracts you to that person.....
Even as i walk away from one reality to another many a things looms in my mind.. Did i do the right thing? The though of not being real to you just kills me slowly like a termite which eats the wood slowly but surely....
I just wish God would show me what is the thing for me in life... Show me the open Door God... or even show me the doors which are shut....
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