Reading: John 7:1-10
"You were once darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Live as children of light" (Eph 5:8)
God is not against us acquiring knowledge. But He would not have us put "knowledge" before "life." Man would not have lost Paradise if he had chosen to eat of the Tree of Life rather than the Tree of Knowledge. Human knowledge without divine life is deadly. True wisdom comes as a result of walking in the fear of God (Prov 1:7).
We are to use our common sense and acquired knowledge in making decisions for the routine matters of life. But when we are to find God's will for major issues, too much of reasoning may in fact be harmful. "My thoughts are not your thoughts, nor are your ways My ways, says the Lord" (Isa 55:8,9). There's nothing wrong in analysing matters and discussing issues. This exercise does help to define the problem precisely and to focus the question sharply. But we must not stay too long in the valley of decision with our mental faculties alone. Sense knowledge is inadequate to comprehend God's ways. We walk by faith, not by sight or other senses (2 Cor 5:7). Only then we can be "well pleasing" to God in all our ways (v 9).
We don't obey and go even if God tells us where to go. But Abraham obeyed God and went out "not knowing where he was going" (Heb 11:8). Following our own wisdom is risky; but trusting God for the unknown is safe. Those who would not move until they have all the facts and details are not fit for God's army. The soldiers of the Cross are heroes of faith. They know "who" leads them. They are not bothered about "where" and "what."
While the Bible states that there is safety in having several counsellors and admonishes us to exhort one another frequently, overconsultation with people may confuse us. When we know for sure that God has spoken to us in our spirit and it is in agreement with the Scriptures, we must settle the matter there.
Jesus valued the company of His friends and fellowship of His disciples genuinely. But He stayed sensitive to discern when their counsel and advice came in the way of obeying His Father's will. We know how He sharply rebuked Peter for suggesting a Crossless religion. Jesus identified the clash between human and divine thoughts (Mt 16:22,23). When we consult the worldlings and not God for making decisions, He views it quite seriously. When I made a choice to leave engineering for evangelism, and shared it with my wife, she encouraged me to first resign and then inform parents. No problem, no regrets!
God's "foolishness" is wiser than men; His "weakness" is stronger than men! (Apostle Paul)
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