Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Heart Prison

To those who are brokenhearted, forlorn, lonely, and forsaken, God gives love, forgiveness and hope. He loves you as though there was no one else in the whole world. If you were the only one who ever lived, he would have loved you the same way, he loves you now.

To those who are hardhearted and hard headed, God says he is gentle and humble in heart. He can soften your heart and free you from the constraints of your own prison. You can't forgive your brother, well God gives you the resources to forgive your brother from your heart

To those who are fainthearted with fear, God will give you the courage and hope that you need for the future. Even as I write these notes, a former friend of mine has attempted to take his life; to him as well as to you, I say, "ask God to overcome your fear and anxiety."

To all of us who have evil hearts—and all of us do--God says he will give us a new heart. Your heart is not right before God, God can make your heart right before God. You have a troubled heart, he will calm your heart. He assures you: "Don't let your heart be troubled; you believe in God, believe also in me." Not only did he claim to be equal to God in that statement, he claimed that he can calm your heart like only God can.

Here is an amazing teaching: you can trouble your own heart by yourself; but for your heart to be opened to God; God has to open your heart. You can't open your own prison. He has the keys. God must open your heart to respond to this message. He is willing to open the heart-prison, would you like it to be opened?

If you say, Yes! I want my heart to be opened. I am fed up of my broken, faint, hard, evil heartedness, I want you to talk to God, right now where you are.

Please let us know if you make this decision by responding here or asking a question at

Dr. Ramesh Richard

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