Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)


It's officially the second day of summer and I'm lounging around at Walter's house eating frozen yogurt and reflecting on life. It's been close to two months since I arrived in Toronto and I think it's a good time to write, something I haven't had the chance to do quite as often as I used to. The transition to Toronto was amazingly smooth. Everything fell into place so perfectly and God's favor has been thoroughly evident throughout this whole process.

The course I'm doing is great. I'm really liking my classes and the sense that I'm doing what I want to do and what I'm meant to do is very much present. I'm learning a lot--about myself, about social service work, about life, etc. I love that I'm finally doing something and going somewhere with my life.

Staying at Walter's house was good to start with, but moving out has been part of the plan from the beginning. And so, Christine and I found a really great basement apartment right in the heart of Toronto downtown. Furnishing our new place has definitely been an adventure in and of itself. We found some great (and cheap) secondhand pieces and we rented a Uhaul a couple of times to transport our purchases across the city (yes, I drove it). Did I mention how much I love not depending on anyone else?

The job hunt is still on. But with how things have been working out, I'm not too worried about it. This morning, I had an interview with Beatrice House run by the YWCA which went really well and I'm happy to say that my placement (which is part of the program) is figured out. Thank you Jesus! Now I can devote all my time to looking for a paying job.

I love the city. I love independence. I love that I can make my own decisions. I love being away from everybody and everything and all the stress of trying to meet everyone's expectations. I love just living and being me and enjoying life. I love that I don't have to let anyone know where I am or tell anyone when I'll be home or ask for permission to do anything.

The last thing that needs to fall into place (other than a job) is that we need to find a good church. But I'll leave that to God, just like everything else.

Anyways, having said all of that, let me end by saying: I love life and this season I'm in! And truly, my God is faithful!

Benita Joy

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