I was knee deep in worries and no matter how much I prayed I got little or no relief. The battle I fought loomed large before me and I lost my breath.
Then Lo! I started seeing my problems as too big and the devil all too powerful. I was attacked hard and bad. I was even frightened of what the devil could do! And I even found myself asking on the use of wrestling in prayer when he ( the devil) can do anything he wanted: I was deceived that bad!!! Yes, the journey was tough
There are so many valleys, big and small rivers we had cross and have to cross as a Christian. Sometimes in order to see the mighty hand and the supernatural favor of God, we are placed in odd with tight and difficult circumstances.
And amid the dark clouds that were foaming around, it is very easy to doubt and consider giving it all up . And as I could not then even breathe properly, I was taken aback to the elementary school of faith and hope. It was there that I realized I was put in odd situations so that I can exercise the faith, continually clinging on to the Lord. As a person, I really don’t like being much dependent on anyone for anything: In fact, I hated it. I love working basically because it gives me a chance to stand on my own two feet and be as independent as I could be. But now I would not be too wrong if I said that there will not be a single person in the world who needs the grace of God as much as I do. I am now in a stage where I totally depend upon the grace and mercy of God.
For Christians, it becomes easy when the Holy Spirit opens up our eyes and makes us realized the truth . Everything has been done for us. It is DONE, FINISHED, ACCOMPLISHED. DONE, DONE, DONE.
The Son of God has DONE it for us. Here I am reminded of verses from the Bible: Numbers 21:8-9;
“The Lord said to Moses, “ Make a snake and put it in a pole: anyone who is bitten can look at it and live.” So Moses made a bronze snake and put it up on a pole. Then when anyone was bitten by a snake and looked at the bronze snake, he lived. Again in John, verse 3:14 we found, “Just as Moses lifted up the snake in the desert, so the Son of Man must be lifted up, that everyone who believes in Him may have eternal life”
Okay. Let’s put it in this way: Once upon a time, poisonous snakes multiplied in the town of Moses. As many people suffered from the fangs of the serpent, Moses prayed to God on behalf of Israelites. Then God told Moses to make a bronze snake, put it up on the pole so that anyone who looks at the snake will be cured. So Moses made a bronze snake, put it up on the pole and requested all those who suffered, to look at the pole to get cured. It is as easy as that, look at the snake and you would lived, look at the snake and you are cured. Only a stubborn thick headed person will refuse to look at the pole. One look and you are cured. How wonderful!
Look at the son of man, Jesus, who was crucified for us. We are safe and have eternal life by believing that he has died for our sins , that we have been forgiven and by his resurrection we have a new life . Believe in Him and let him be the LORD of your life and you are eternally safe.
Now my life mapped out so far need a God as big as Jesus only. I could never go a single day without his mercy. Amid my plight, the re-realization that Jesus had done everything for me was so awesome, that I started walking on cloud nine. My God is big because in Him I stand victorious against all the evil forces and power of the devil.Not only I stomp the devil in Jesus name, he also runs in fright from me because all the authority in heaven and on earth is given to me in Jesus Christ. And by God’s grace through the Holy spirit, I exercise them in faith. Instead of believing all the whispers, lies and the suggestions of the devil, I choose to believe in the mercy, grace and love of God and put all my troubles into His capable hands, for He said “ Do not let your hearts be troubled, trust in God, trust also in me” John 14:1
The devil is only like a caged lion, roaring behind bars , he cannot have victory over people who have faith in God’s unfailing faithfulness. God never disappoints those who have hope in him , call out to him and waited for him . "He who believes in the LORD will never be dissapointed" Romans 9:33. The devil will whisper to us that everyone is against us and all other sorts of nonsense but this is so far from the truth. He whispers to us these words because he is jealous of us because we are the beloved children of a living God, immeasurably loved and empowered by him.
In Christ, we are conquerors, stood victorious and made mighty." You, dear children are from God and have overcome them because the one who is in you is greater than the one who he is in the world" I John 4:3-5 . Actually, the devil may long to be love by God as we are loved but the curtain was closed for him, the love of God is something that he can never attain again, never, ever. Now he is trying all that he can to disturb God’s people with his vicious schemes and lies. Let us not believe in the empty threats of the devil rather let us believe in the all powerful living Word of GOD.
Sometimes we feel frightened about the past, present and future, feeling doubtful and uncertain. Let us assert that we are heirs with Jesus Christ ,that we have the supernatural favour of God upon us and that Jesus is taking care of everything and learn to peacefully rest in him. Lets counter the devil and his lies with the Truth, by the power driven Word of God. “… If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own Son, but gave him up for all of us- how will he not, along with him, graciously give us all things? Who will bring charge against those whom God has chosen? It is God who justifies.” Romans 8: 28-35
Let us agree with King David that God will fight against all our foes with small and bid shields and buckler, brandishing with spear and javelin against those who pursue us. Let God say to our soul, “I am your salvation” . Psalm 35
Say aloud, “He is only my rock and my salvation. He is my defence, I shall not be moved” Pslam 62:6
Praise Him forever for He has done it all for you and for myself.
Evangelical Fellowship of India
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