Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Desi Sexual Practices

Here is report on Indian American sexual practices. It appeared in Columbia Science Journal. Once a topic that is never talked about in public, now being researched by professionals and published for all to see. May be that is why it is of lots of interest to find out what goes on in the private lives of people. Read reports in Indolink and Economic Times.

The study explores the decision-making processes, attitudes, and belief systems of young Desis with respect to their sexual behavior among 18-24 year old young adults in New York.


a) 77.8% of first-generation South Asians reporting never engaging in any sexual activity, whereas 81.8% of second-generation South Asians reported engaging in sexual activity.

b) Only 11% of first-generation as compared to 45% of second-generation participants reported engaging in sexual intercourse. In simple terms, second generation more sexually active than first generation.

What is disgusting with such reserach is that they studied 20 people’s opinion (male & female, hetrosexual Indians in New York, both first & second generation combined) and quotes findings in %s about entire South Asians. South Asians are diverse group of people with variety of cultural, religious and assimilation patterns in United States.

Such generalization was too dangerous. It is more like a poll result, than a academic research publication! There is no mention of the context of marriage, belief system or family morality in the decisions of sexual activity. More over New York desi youth world is so different from rest of the country.

No major break through finding at all. Most of youth workers know what this research has to say. But nevertheless, I appreciate research being done in this area and hope it will help us develop strategies and programs for future generations to stay not just safe, but pure.

Coconut Generation

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