Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Confession Brings Possesion

Christianity is called the faith of the Great Confession.

In Hebrews 4:14 we are told to hold fast to our confession. When we think of confession we generally think of it as confession of our sins. That is the negative side of confession. In these scriptures and others in the epistles of Paul, we find the positive side of confession.

The positive side of confession is based upon the Word of God. What am I to hold fast to as the Hebrew writer says . . I am to hold fast to the confession of the absolute integrity of the Bible. I am to hold fast to the confession of the redemption in Christ. I am to hold fast to the confession of the New Creation and of receiving the Life and Nature of the Father.

I am to hold fast to the confession that God is the strength of my life. I am to hold fast to the confession that “Surely He hath borne my sicknesses and carried my diseases and that by His stripes I am healed."

In the church world today, there is a lack teaching and instruction on this line which leads to many believers live lives with a continual sense of failure and defeat. If we want to have a better life, change our present situation the first place to make changes is to change in the area of our confession or the things that we say.

Every time that you confess disease, weakness and failure , you magnify the adversary above the Father and destroy you own confidence in the Word.
You are to hold fast to your confession in the face apparent defeat. Stand by your confession that the Father will make it good in your life and through thick and thin, you will see the things you are believing for will come to pass.

Faith That Takes

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