Reading: Ephesians 4:17-32
"Grieve not the Holy Spirit of God,
whereby you are sealed unto the day of redemption" (Eph 4:30)
The Father God has sent us the Holy Spirit as a Comforter who abides with us forever. He is resident in us. It is our duty to keep Him comfortable in our lives and make Him feel at home. The New Testament teaches us how to do it—
- The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of "Holiness" (Rom 1:4). We are the temple of God, wherein He dwells (1 Cor 3:16,17). He desires truth in the inward parts (Psa 51:6). Is it not natural that He desires his dwelling place to be clean? Defiling it displeases Him.
- He is the Spirit of "Faith" (2 Cor 4:13; Rom 15:13). Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb 11:6). When we believe in His Word and depend on His promises, the Holy Spirit is well-pleased.
- He is the Spirit of "Love" (Eph 4:2,3, 26-32; Gal 5:22; Rom 5:5; 15:30). He demonstrates practically divine love amongst us and binds the people of every language and nation with cords of love. If we strive to love others without pretence, then that will please Him.
- He is the Spirit of "Intercession" (Rom 8:26,27). Since we know not what we should pray for as we ought, He is there to help us pray. He is well-pleased when we set aside our selfish motives and wait for His will. We must respect the burdens He specifically places on our hearts to pray for.
- He is the Spirit of "Teaching" (1 Cor 2:10-14). Instead of approaching the Bible as a learned professor, we must seek the help of the Holy Spirit, as a little child, to learn God's ways and mysteries. This pleases Him.
- He is the Spirit of "Truth" (Jn 16:13). The Bible is the only Book that speaks the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The Holy Spirit is its Author (2 Pet 1:20,21). We should ensure that the Bible is given due place in our lives and we interpret it with the guidance of the Holy Spirit.
- He is the Spirit of "Wisdom" (Isa 11:2; 1 Cor 12:8). When we don't depend on our smartness and intelligence but His wisdom to guide us, He is well-pleased.
O Spirit of the living God, Thou light and fire divine,
Descend upon the Church once more, and make it truly Thine;
Fill it with love and joy and power, with righteousness and peace
Till Christ shall dwell in human hearts, and sin and sorrow cease!
- (Henry H. Tweedy)
R. Stanley
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