Pastor Jonathan A. Singh of Grace Fellowship was attacked by a group of around 15 Hindu extremists belonging to the BJP on Sunday, June 22, 2008 during the prayer meeting in Kishen Nagar, Dehradun, Uttarakhand.
The incident took place at 10:30 a.m. during the Sunday worship service. The miscreants barged into the rented prayer hall, ransacked the church and mercilessly started beating the pastor. Pastor Singh was seriously injured by the attackers. When the congregation members tried to intervene they too were attacked mercilessly. Some ladies attending the meeting prevented the attackers from harming the members further and from desecrating the Bible. But the attackers were relentless in their assault.
The pastor was dragged for about half a kilometer and was taken to his house where his landlord was forced to make the pastor vacate the house.
The police refused to lodge FIR against the culprits. Pastors of the city sent a memorandum to the Director General of Police and Inspector General of Police.
Rev. Dr. Richard Howell,
General Secretary,
Evangelical Fellowship of India,
New Delhi, India.
Evangelical Fellowship of India (established 1951) is a charter member of World Evangelical Alliance an accredited NGO with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations.
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