Really jacked about a gathering we are having tonight.
See, one of our commitments at Seven Mile Road is to keep it simple. Center on Jesus and His Gospel, give our best effort at gathered, Biblical Trinitarian worship, make disciples through our soulcare communities, and pretty much let people live life missionally from there. This means no covered dish dinners, rummage sales, velcro-Sumo-wrestler youth group events, group visits to see Fireproof (nothing against the movie’s basic permise, love anything that shouts a high view of marriage in this jacked culture), or programmatic, insular, therapeutic, another-church-activity-on-the-calendar type stuff.
However, as we have grown, the need for more intentional ministry has exceeded what can happen on Sundays and in soulcare communities alone. And so we are, one by one, slowly, trying to mobilize teams that can do the work of the Gospel among different tribes at Seven Mile and just north of Boston.
Tonight we rock out a brainstorming session of what a team that is prayerfully ministering to our women might look like. It’s just a first meeting, but from here we hope to quickly move ahead.
Here is the basic premise for the get-together. (If you are a Seven Mile woman and want in on this kind of a team, stay tuned.)
One of the ways that Kevin and I are hoping that we will mature this year is in the manner in which we are caring for our women at Seven Mile Road .
Our unabashed commitment to fostering an environment where men are called to fulfill their God-given responsibility to lead in home and church has led to an emphasis on ‘men’s ministry’ here for sure. This is a good thing, and you will not find our women complaining about this aspect of our DNA.
However, what has received less attention is the concordant need for healthy ministry to women at our church. As we have grown, and the number of women has grown, so has the amount of care that is needed. For those involved in soulcare communities, this is happening beautifully, of course. But there is also a need for a broader vision for how women are being ministered to here in Gospel-centered and missional ways.
With all that in mind, we would love to set a team of godly ‘Titus 2′ women free to be doing ministry to our women.
So we need a night of prayer and conversation about how such a team can come together, be led, and be doing the work of the Gospel with women in our church and our city.
7 Mile Road
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