Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

A Contemplation

I haven’t written a reflective post in a long while… here are some of my thoughts on the season of life I’m currently in, and what I’m about to transition into.

To live out the call of Christ on the earth. To let nothing else matter, and allow no thing to come between that. To have Jesus be everything, my reality. To devote my life completely to his call and purpose for my life. To live out Jesus in relation to the world. To bear the redemptive, jubiliary perspective of Jesus. To live as a Christ-follower in the world and bear the image of Christ. To live out as a citizen of another kingdom…Christ’s kingdom. To animate Christ in life as I offer his love to the world. To be a part of community and live out Jesus within that context. To know I belong somewhere. To live for something greater than myself. To live with the heart of Jesus and be the hands and feet of Christ in all the earth.

To be a part of God’s prophetic imagination for a city, a nation, and the earth. To know Christ and to invite people to life with him. To look upon the world with the heart of Jesus. To be a martyr not a celebrity, gaining the attention of Christ not the world. To make a difference not attract followers; where one focuses on eternal consequence while the other seeks to legitimatize itself in the eyes of people. To be able to say, “Follow me as I follow Christ.” To not let the things of the world constrict my passion and zeal for an alternative, kingdom consciousness. To make Christ known and be driven by the lostness and depravity of the world. To continue to hope and dream for the oppressed, broken, and weary. To believe that God is able to break through the hurt and curse of sin and offer something of significance. To bear up the cross of social non-conformity in a world system that is fallen, oppressive, and broken.

To sorrow, imagine, and suffer as Jesus lives and works in me…

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