
“Imagine a local church full of people who were just like Jesus”
“Catch the revelation presented in this book and you will eventually begin to manifest God where ever you go”
“Becoming born again is not the end. It is the beginning. The beginning of what? The beginning of becoming like Him in practice as you have become like Him in spirit.”
“When we do random miracles the world is not impressed. When we learn to do them on purpose the world will listen. We need to learn to work the works of God.”
“In you God wants to establish His Word so that in you the Word will be made flesh”
Who are you? Do you know your true identity? Have you discovered through revelation who you are in Christ? I believe that after you read this book you will discover that you are not just a part of man-kind, but that you are one of the God-kind. You are not just a human. Born again believers are a unity of the Spirit of God and the human spirit. We are a new creation that never existed before until Jesus Christ. God created a new type of being. Jesus was the first creation of this new creation.
Since I received the revelation of our God likeness and allowed that revelation to grow deeper in me I have discovered that everyday is full of victory – serving God became easy and not a struggle. Sickness and poverty stay away once you have this revelation.
Often in the church we waste time teaching people how to walk with crutches instead of how to be totally healed. I am not referring to physical healing only but am referring to all these seminars on every subject under the sun from marriage to how to praise God. Most of these seminars, not all, are a complete waste of time. However, once you receive the revelation of your God likeness and you walk by your spirit man, where God speaks to you, you will grow quick and experience victory. Revelation knowledge from the Holy Spirit will teach and change you more than 3 hours teaching based on sense knowledge. This I have discovered by experience.
How it all began
During October 1999 I was travelling in a car in Kerala, South India when I just happened to glance out of the window. On a wall was a poster with a large picture of a man. I asked one of the people in the car with us if they knew who this was and they did. Immediately the Holy Spirit told me I would have some contact with the person. I left it at that.
One year later I returned for our annual New Wine Conference. On the first day a young man walked up to me and handed me a book. I looked at the cover and saw the name of the author – it was the same preacher I had seen on the poster the year before! That night after the service I began reading the book. God began speaking to me through this simple book.
The next morning I woke up speaking in tongues. Something seemed different. I am not sure how to describe it. That day I taught in the morning session of the conference. I taught about our Christ-likeness and there was a strong presence of the Lord. Just before I started the Lord showed me clearly a lady that I was to give a word to from the Lord. I told the congregation that I would call this lady out after the teaching. I did not reveal who this person was. When I finished teaching and told everyone to stand up, suddenly the Spirit of God began to manifest in a way I have never seen. Everyone began to praise God. I had only told them to stand up. One lady began to speak in Hindi (she had never learnt the language). The lady I was going to prophesy on was dancing and praising God and danced all the way to the front from the back and fell in front of me. Her eyes were closed all the time and she did not know what she had done. God had brought this person out of the crowd right before me. She did not know that she was the one I was going to give a word to from the Lord.
The rest of the day was also filled with supernatural events. I could read thoughts, know the motives of people, see the future and see into the spirit world. The best way I can find how to describe how I felt is to say that I felt that I was JUST LIKE JESUS.
That day I had received a revelation that I call, ‘Our God-likeness.’ The Lord me then that He was giving me the SAME revelation He had given to the apostle Paul.
A few years before this I was reading Christian newspaper/newsletter and as I turned a page I saw a picture of green water and coconut trees. Immediately the Holy Spirit told me that I would be going to a place like this to preach. I cut the picture out and kept it to remind me of the word I had received from God. A few months after this I received a letter from Kerala, South India. It was an invitation to preach. Within A few months my wife and I travelled to Kerala and when we arrived I looked out of the train window and when I saw the whole place full of coconut trees and green water I immediately said to my wife that this was the place God told me I would come to preach. At the time I have never heard of Kerala. I found out later that the word ‘Kerala’ means ‘land of coconut trees!’ God had told be I would go to a land full of coconut trees to preach. It was in Kerala the Lord gave me the revelation that I call – ‘Our God-Likeness.’
I believe that to perform miracles the way Jesus did we have to come into the knowledge of the revelation of our God-likeness like Jesus had. To perform the miracles Jesus did you need the exact same revelations Jesus had. The amount of revelation in you will determine the level of miracles that flow out from within you. You have to first see it within you before they can happen outwardly. (As Jesus said He only did the miracles He ‘saw’ the Father do. He saw the Father do miracles in His imagination and by His spirit and then performed those works). We have to first see ourselves like Him before we will manifest God like Him.
Since receiving this revelation I do not believe I have attained everything. But I say like the apostle Paul, “Not that I have already attained, or am already perfected; but I press on, that I may lay hold of that for which Christ Jesus has also laid hold of me. Brethren, I do not count myself to have apprehended; but one thing I do, forgetting those things which are behind and reaching forward to those things which are ahead, I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:12-14).
The New Living Translation reads,
“I don’t mean to say that I have already achieved these things or that I have already reached perfection! But I keep working toward that day when I will finally be all that Christ Jesus saved me for and wants me to be” (Philippians 3:12).
We are all to work towards becoming all that Christ Jesus saved us for and wants us to be. Maybe this illustration will help.
“There was once an eagle’s egg that fell amongst the eggs of chickens. As time passed, the eggs all hatched. The eagle’s egg also hatched and when the baby eagle saw all the other chicks he assumed he was like them. As he grew he acted like a chicken, walked like a chicken, made sounds like a chicken and even ate like a chicken. Even when a full grown eagle he went about like a chicken (Can you picture this hilarious scenario?). This went on for many years. He even saw eagles fly high and wished He could do that, but how could he, he was only a chicken.
One day he met an eagle. The eagle asked him what he was doing amongst chickens and worse still why was he acting like a chicken. The chicken replied back in chicken talk, “ I am a chicken.” The eagle was astounded and told him that he was not a chicken but an eagle. He went on to show this deceived eagle his reflection in the mirror. Eventually the eagle got the revelation that he was an eagle. The experienced eagle told the deceived eagle to spread his wings and he taught him slowly how to fly. Gradually this eagle learnt how to behave like and eagle. Now he could sore high above all the other birds”
This is a perfect picture of the church today. We are singing, preaching and talking like chickens. We have even mastered how to be ‘saved sinners’ and tolerate sin, sickness and poverty. However, when someone tries to tell us we are eagles we refuse to believe it, choosing rather to live as chickens, but if we could just get the revelation and allow a seed of the Word to be sown in our hearts that seed will grow and we will soar high in heavenly places in Christ Jesus far above all principalities, power and might and every name that is named!
“that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints, and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places, far above all principality and power and might and dominion, and every name that is named, not only in this age but also in that which is to come. And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all” (Ephesians 1:17-22).
Manifestations of Sons of God
There is an urgent need in the world for believers to allow God to manifest Himself through them in the miraculous and supernatural. Mature believers do not need signs, wonders and miracles. These are for unbelievers (natural man) and babes in Christ (carnal Christians). Unbelievers and baby Christians operate by their five senses and so need supernatural experiences. Mature believers just need the Word of God.
Personally, if I saw Jesus appear before me it would not amaze me, nor would I be a stronger Christian. In fact I would not even fall to the floor in praise and worship. Why you may ask? Because He is just as much with me now as He ever could be. His Word is Him. That is all I need. Being visible would not change anything. Not everyone could say that and so they need God to manifest Himself to them in some way. For this reason God wants to manifest Himself in signs and wonders to a lost world through born again believers. The tragic thing is that most believers are still babes in Christ and still need God to reveal Himself to them through supernatural experiences because they do not fully believe the Word of God. The Word is not enough for them, they need supernatural experiences to ‘confirm’ the Word.
We have many in the church who have performed miracles, but how many have walked on water, turned water into wine or even healed every sick person that came in contact with them in a single day. How many do you know that cause demon possessed to manifest just by their presence even when in supermarkets or at work places. This is how Jesus was and is and this is the direction you will head if you get the revelation of your God likeness.
Some of the language in this book may surprise you. However, I have purposely used the language I have to be clear. I have said what I mean and mean what I have said. Too often we use various phrases and do not even know what we are saying. On the other hand there are some phrases we dare not use in case we think to highly of ourselves. This is false humility.
True humility is to see yourself as God views you. We know how God views us by what He has said in His Word. The phrases and statements in this book are based on Bible verses and many may seem strange or outrageous to you, not because they are wrong but because they are new to you. For this reason I have quoted many verses, otherwise you will (like many have) make this statement, “Who does He think he is!” Many have said that about me. I know who I am and am growing in that knowledge daily. The earth is waiting for us to come to that knowledge of our Sonship.
“For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the manifestation of the sons of God” (Romans 8:19).
A time is coming in the earth when there will be many SONS walking in the likeness of Jesus, the Son of God – the firstborn-again person who showed us what a human united with God could do on the earth. There will be a manifestation of the Sons of God that will invade the earth in a greater way than is already happening.
By Harmit Jandu
(Extract taken from lesson ‘Our God-likeness’ from the Dominion Bible School course)
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