Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)

Pray For Pakistan – Prayer Can Do What Man Cannot Even Imagine.

Pray For Pakistan - Prayer Can Do, What Man Cannot Even Imagine.

This article is submitted by Pastor Shahid* - a pseudonym to protect his identity, security and personal safety.

Confidence in GOD – Even in Chaos

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, Even though the earth be removed, And though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea.” (Psalm 46:1-2)

This Psalm talks about the unshakable confidence of people of God in the presence and power of God in all situations, even in the midst of most shaking situations.

“God is our refuge,” are the words the Psalmist emphasized as the demonstration of his confidence in God.  He is sure that God is with us and he is certain about God’s help, and strength, no matter what takes place around him in the world.  This Psalm is filled with hope and encouragement for the people of God.

The main emphasis of this Psalm is that people should trust God and have complete confidence in His power, control and ever present help in all situations.  His control over nature and nations is assurance for people that He can control all, no matter how much things are in chaos, but He has the power to cease the wars, to stop the destruction and eventually His name will be exalted.

In recent months there has been a lot of political and religious disturbance in the nation of Pakistan.  As we reflect upon this Psalm and think about the current situation, our hearts are filled with pain to hear about problems described as “Chaos” by news headlines.

Through the study of this Psalm may God allow us to grow in faith to trust more in His power and to acknowledge Him LORD in all situations, the invitation given in the conclusion of the Psalm, is for reflection and acknowledgement.

This motivates to be more convinced of God’s ever present help for all situations, even at this time in history when the nation of Pakistan is going through so much disturbance, chaos and instability.  There is a hope, this Psalm reminds and encourages to have more firm confidence in God, because “He is our refuge, help and strength”.  He has the power to control nature and nations, and His name will be exalted in His time.

 The Psalmist concludes, “The LORD of hosts is with us; The God of Jacob is our refuge.” (v.11)

As the people of God in the Old Testament could have firm faith that God is with them, so today the believers in the Church can look at Jesus Christ as their “Immanuel,” God with us.   May the people turn and focus on God by accepting the Psalmist’s invitation to come and see His works, to be still and know that He is God, and also be hopeful about future peace, when the wars and destruction will cease.

With this assurance and trust in Jesus Christ, the church should stand in prayers for the nation of Pakistan.  Prayer can do, what man cannot even imagine.

Please pray for Pakistan, that God may bring peace and stability in the country.  Also pray for political and religious leaders that they would fear God and make wise decisions.  Please pray for the Church, leaders and believers that God will protect them and use them to share God’s love to many people.

May the Lord grant His special grace to the church to continue in firm confidence in God and to rely on His presence, through His Son Jesus Christ, who came to this earth, as “God with us.” Amen.

Join us in Praying For Pakistan as the Lord leads and direct you.

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