He came unto His own, and His own received Him not. But as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God. John 1:11-13 KJV
Jesus came to the world to save mankind. His death and resurrection opened the door for man’s salvation. Everyone who believes in Him is given power to become a son of God. This makes every believer a partaker of divine nature and life. This life sets the believer above all the forces of evil that rule the earth. Through Jesus Christ, the believer reigns on earth and exercises dominion of evil.
For Whatsoever Is Born Of God Overcometh The World: And This Is The Victory That Overcometh The World, Even Our Faith. 1 John 5:4 – KJV
- Rejoice in your salvation as you keep focus on your new life and position in Christ. Give thanks always in all circumstances.
Rejoice In The Lord Alway: And Again I Say, Rejoice. Philippians 4:4 KJV - Excitedly serve the Lord. Do not be ashamed to be identified with Jesus or to talk about Him or manifest His power.
For I Am Not Ashamed Of The Gospel Of Christ: For It Is The Power Of God Unto Salvation To Every One That Believeth; To The Jew First, And Also To The Greek. Romans 1:16 KJV - Keep your joy and never allow sadness to overwhelm you no matter what you go through.
For The Kingdom Of God Is Not Meat And Drink; But Righteousness, And Peace, And Joy In The Holy Ghost. Romans 14:17 KJV - Celebrate Jesus with other believers – worship and study together and share all good things together (be your brothers keeper).
And All That Believed Were Together, And Had All Things Common; And Sold Their Possessions And Goods, And Parted Them To All Men, As Every Man Had Need. And They, Continuing Daily With One Accord In The Temple, And Breaking Bread From House To House, Did Eat Their Meat With Gladness And Singleness Of Heart, Praising God, And Having Favour With All The People. And The Lord Added To The Church Daily Such As Should Be Saved. Acts 2:44-47 KJV - Be so excited about Jesus that you love to be where He is worshipped.
I Was Glad When They Said Unto Me, Let Us Go Into The House Of The Lord. Psalms 122:1 KJV
I pray that the joy of the Lord will always be in your heart and that you will celebrate Jesus daily in Jesus name.

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