A Prayer for Revival
Father God,
We live in such an age where people wander aimlessly to find something to give them meaning and life. What they seek they do not find, because they are not finding it in the true source of life itself – You. Father, today we come together as true and sincere followers of You to kindly and ardently ask for a revival of souls in this age. Father, You say in Matthew 7 to come and ask You as our Father for what we desire.
Lord, we desire for our friends, families, and neighbours to be open and to seek and find the truth of the authentic source of life – You. We invite Your Holy Spirit to pour out onto the people You have made. We invite You to perform miracles, wonders, and to speak to the people You crafted with Your hands.
Father, You say in Psalm 139 that You crafted each and every person in the hidden place in the palm of Your hand, and so we pray that truth will be brought to light in each and every person You have crafted. It is only by Your Spirit that truth can be truly known (John 15:26) and so we implore this day for such revival of spirits, of nations, and of hearts.
In the Name of the Most High we pray,

These days it seems that so many Christians from various backgrounds and cultures are all sensing the same thing: the beginnings of true revival are occurring. It is common for us to hear, “Revival is coming!
I’m currently getting the impression that revival has started. We are not yet experiencing the explosion, but we are seeing the beginning. I would like to quickly emphasize that one must draw a distinction between the beginning of revival and the fullness of revival. It will be entirely needless to declare the arrival of revival when that reality of wholeness manifests. Nobody will be unsure of its presence.
Before Jesus Christ returns to earth to establish His Kingdom, our world will experience the most potent expression of God’s presence and power ever given, in my absolute conviction. I do think that there will be great repentance and redemption. – Eliza Beth

Pray that the Savior will pull you back to Him if you have strayed from your devotion to Him and feel as though you are growing farther away from Him every day. Even though it may feel gloomy and bleak, He will come to you in a mighty way and offer hope and light to your circumstance if you will admit that you want Him to take charge of your life.

When I hear about “revivals” or when I read or hear about “moves of God,” it troubles me. These words are now too frequently used. I have researched actual historical revivals and “moves of God.
“The “revivals” of today are VERY DIFFERENT from those of the past. True revival is not based on our emotions. It isn’t about what we want. True revival happens when we HUMBLY repent before a RIGHTEOUS God and ask for His forgiveness.

Many a times I have found it difficult to pray. In some aspects of my life, I just lack consistency. Sometimes, life is hectic. Distractions abound and when that happens my commitment to prayer also suffers. It came to a point where I was feeling lost. That’s when I decided to study the book of Acts .
The prayer lives of the disciples in the book of Acts were on fire and I think they’re just the kind of people we can all learn from! When I studied the book of Acts this past year, I was so impressed with this story of Peter’s escape from prison in Acts 12. I realized the early church did not face the same problem. We could learn from the early church’s example if we desire to strengthen our prayer lives.
The early church’s example should empower us to never quit. The disciples, for instance, continued to pray even when they did not receive the answers they desired. It is likely that the apostles, especially Peter, pleaded with God to spare James from execution. The disciples could well have given up when God allowed James to be executed by Herod. They might have believed that praying was fruitless BUT Peter may not have been saved if they had not prayed.
The early church has a significant amount to teach us about prayer.
If you, like me, desire a powerful prayer life, then make time for prayer, pray as if your life depends on it, and don’t give up. We need the spirit of prayer today.
My big takeaway from looking at the prayer life of the early church is that prayer was central. A decision wasn’t made, a battle wasn’t fought, a soul wasn’t won without it. If we’re serious about being a part of God’s kingdom work (which is the only way to be a real Christian, by the way) we have to get serious about prayer.
Lord Jesus! I ask You this day to enrol my name among those who confess that they know not how to pray as they ought, and specially ask You for a course of teaching in prayer. Lord! teach me to tarry with You in the school, and give You time to train me. May a deep sense of my ignorance, of the wonderful privilege and power of prayer, of the need of the Holy Spirit as the Spirit of prayer, lead me to cast away my thoughts of what I think I know, and make me kneel before You in true teachable and poverty of spirit.

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