Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Resources

Pressed But Not Crushed:  Lessons From A Lifetime Of Walking With God | Rev. Susan Devadass Velpula | Telugu Christian | Book Review By Dr. J.N. Manokaran |  

Rev. Susan Devadass Velpula Is A Wonderful Instrument Of God, An Inspiration To All Women, A Visionary And Strategic Leader In Accomplishing God’s Plan. This Book Is A Great Testimony Of God’s Call, Faithfulness Till the End, And For Missions. When A Person Is Obedient To God’s Call, S/He Becomes God’s Holy And Righteous Instrument. Summarizing Her Secret For Being Used By God, Rev. Susan Devadass Velpula Lists The Following Three: Reading Word Of God, Prayer, Praise And Worship.

Teach Us To Pray | Pray For Repentance And Revival l Eliza Beth | Malaysian Punjabi Eurasian Christian

Lord Jesus! I Ask You This Day To Enrol My Name Among Those Who Confess That They Know Not How To Pray As They Ought, And Specially Ask You For A Course Of Teaching In Prayer. Lord! Teach Me To Tarry With You In The School, And Give You Time To Train Me. May A Deep Sense Of My Ignorance, Of The Wonderful Privilege And Power Of Prayer, Of The Need Of The Holy Spirit As The Spirit Of Prayer, Lead Me To Cast Away My Thoughts Of What I Think I Know, And Make Me Kneel Before You In True Teachable And Poverty Of Spirit.

7 Words of Jesus On The Cross | Good Friday | SAIF-Church

First Verse Jesus Said On The Cross, “Father, Forgive Them For They Do Not Know What They Are Doing.” Luke 23:34. Second Verse Jesus Said On The Cross. One Of The Criminal Said To Jesus, “Lord, Remember Me When You Come Into Your Kingdom.” Jesus Said To Him, “I Tell You The Truth, Today You Will Be With Me In Paradise.” Luke 23:42-43

Worship Has Great Power To Break Strongholds

We Believe That Worship Has Great Power To Break Strongholds In Our Lives. Whenever We Come On Our Knees And Lift Up Our Voice To Praise His Holy Name, The Enemy And All The Forces Of Darkness Losses Its Control. When We Sing Songs Of Praise, Of Freedom And Of Deliverance, The Spirit Of God Moves In Our Midst Doing Mighty Things According To His Promises.

What is Water Baptism?

Water baptism technically is when a believer is immersed in water in a public confession of his/her faith in Jesus Christ.  Water baptism is an act of obedience to His commands. Water baptism is a physical show of what spiritually happens in a person’s life when he or she believes in Jesus.  The Bible states: “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new.”  II Corinthians 5:17.  Water Baptism is an act of obedience and an outward symbol of the internal change after accepting Jesus. 

What’s So Great About Christianity

The contribution of Christians to the West is enormous.  Christians were the first the build hospitals.  Initially it was mainly for Christians, later it was for every one.  The beneficiaries were the Muslims who came to Christian lands to conquer them.  Christianity produced leaders like who served the poor and sick, which is unheard in other religions.  Christians have contributed to improve human life and reduce human suffering. . . . . . The author presents Lord Jesus Christ as Saviour and how Christianity could change a person’s life in the last two chapters. It is a wonderful book that should be read by all Christian thinkers and use this book for evangelizing the intellectuals.  All Christian leaders, pastors, missionaries and professionals should read this book. 

Christ & New Generation Youth

Spiritual need touches every class in India, whether traditional village farmers who have practiced the ways of their fathers for hundreds of years, or workers in its new and fast-growing hi-tech industries. In cities like Bangalore, Hyderabad/Secunderabad and Delhi, a new and upwardly mobile class represents unique challenges. "The rapid growth of the high-tech industry in India, provides one of the newest, largest, and most influencial unreached people groups in the country," according to Dr. T. Valson Abraham (President of India Gospel Outreach).

The Church Of Facebook – How the Hyperconnected Are Redefining Community

Mark Zuckerberg is the founder and CEO of Facebook.  “Facebook has two ‘newsfeeds,’ a personal one unique to your Facebook home page, and a corporate one, available for reviewing by all of your ‘friends’.  The combination of these two feeds is what Facebook calls ‘the stream’” (p.68)  “Facebook was, in many ways, simply the next generation of software that could ‘learn’ your personal preferences and customize advertisements just for you.” (P.69)  . . . . Facebook has universal appeal to people of every age.  Facebook is becoming multimedia platform with 850 million photos uploaded to Facebook every month and 7 million videos in 2009.

Effective Study Methods

Our minds have a central place in our spiritual lives. Romans 12: 2 teaches that we need to be transformed by the renewing of our minds and that without this renewal we cannot know God’s will. Without the knowledge of God’s will, we won’t be able to live lives that are pleasing to God. Moreover, we are to love God with our minds, because He created us as rational beings in His own image and likeness and intellectual growth is an integral part of spiritual growth. That is what we learn from the life of our Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 2:46-47 & 52) and the lives of Daniel and his friends (Daniel 1:4 & 17). Even in the Christian life it is very critical, because it is a discipline that strengthens the mind and enriches the soul. Strengthening the mind is very important, because we are to serve the Lord, our God with all our hearts, with all our souls and with all our minds.

South Asian Christian Diaspora

The South Asian Christian diaspora is largely invisible in the literature about religion and migration. This is the first comprehensive study of South Asian Christians living in Europe and North America, presenting the main features of these diasporas, their community histories and their religious practices. The South Asian Christian diaspora is pluralistic both in terms of religious adherence, cultural tradition and geographical areas of origin. This book gives justice to such pluralism and presents a multiplicity of cultures and traditions typical of the South Asian Christian diaspora. Issues such as the institutionalization of the religious traditions in new countries, identity, the paradox of belonging both to a minority immigrant group and a majority religion, the social functions of rituals, attitudes to language, generational transfer, and marriage and family life, are all discussed.

Actress Nagma Is A Christian And Christ Follower

POPULAR actress Nagma  opened up about her faith and mission in her life for the first time to the media in an exclusive interview  with The Christian Messenger. This newspaper’s founding editor Robin Sam spoke to her for close to five hours in an exhaustive interview concerning her faith, the recent issue over her testimony at Nalumavadi in Tamil Nadu, the rising violence against Christians, her personal life and plans for the future. Excerpts:  When did you come to realize the saving power of Jesus Christ?  I was born on Christmas to a Muslim mother and a Hindu father. I went to a convent school from childhood. I was exposed to Christianity from a young age. I went to Mount Mary Convent School in Bandra, Mumbai. There, Mass was a routine feature. I always thought I am very special to God because I was born on Dec 25th - perhaps because the world celebrated the day.

Book Review – True To His Ways: Purity & Safety in Christian Spiritual Practice

One thing I have written before is that Satan, our enemy, loves to imitate the things of God and make a mockery of the things he cannot imitate. In her book, True to His Ways, Ms. Davis goes into great depths pointing out the biblical errors in major counterfeit religious beliefs of our day. The information given on the spiritual dangers of yoga is invaluable in regards to biblical discernment. Christians who think that yoga is a harmless form of exercise to relieve stress are deceived. Just like Eve, these Christians are eating a forbidden fruit of spiritual destruction. And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: - Genesis 3:4 [KJV]

A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions

A Biblical Approach to Indian Traditions and Beliefs fills a need for Indian Christians who are searching for guidance when confronted with beliefs, traditions, rituals and practices in the non-Christian Indian community. This book: * Reveals the truth about Christian living. * Discusses certain Indian spiritual and religious practices. * Gives advice on the daily struggles of believers. Written from the agape (love) perspective, this resource is helpful for the new convert to Christianity, the generational Christian who may need to adjust his life, and leaders who seek some form of consistency in approaching the Indian Diaspora.

Water Baptism – Public Proclaimation Of An Inward Change In Jesus

One of the most important things for a child of God is to be obedient to Him. The Bible says obedience is better than sacrifice. Baptism is a step of obedience for the believer to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ as found in Matthew 28:19-20 "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age." Amen. Henceforth, water baptism is not a personal choice, but a command for all believers (Mark 16:16).

Book Review: Rousing The Warriors – A Prophetic Call To Rise Up And Boldly Advance The Kingdom Of God.

 The greatest army the world has ever seen is being assembled, made up of men, women and children, people from every tribe, tongue and nation. The educated and uneducated, poor and rich are all responding to the trumpet call. The army is being assembled on every continent of our planet. It is an army greater than our world has ever seen, more powerful than any historical, or present day army. They will be a mighty force for the Kingdom in these last days.  . . No longer will they be apologetic, passive, survivors but instead militant Kingdom advancers in their cities, nations and the world. . . . The world will become darker and more evil but this army will become stronger and their light brighter. They will be a beacon of hope to the lost and will save many from the dominion of darkness into the Kingdom of light. The world has not seen anything like this army before.

Book Review – The Next Christendom: The Coming of Global Christianity by Philip Jenkins

To quote Philip Jenkins in the first chapter: “We are currently living through one of the transforming moments in the history of religion worldwide. Over the past five centuries or so, the story of Christianity has been inextricably bound up with that of Europe and European-derived civilizations overseas, above all in North America. Until recently, the overwhelming majority of Christians have lived in White nations, allowing theorists to speak smugly, arrogantly, of ‘European Christian’ civilization. Conversely, radical writers have seen Christianity as an ideological arm of Western imperialism…”

Indian Diaspora and South Asia Statistics – I'm Loving It, Are You?

We're not talking about the McDonald's slogan "I'm loving it!" but a love for Indian Statistics. Indian statistics is mind blowing in its diversity, numbers, nature, scope and even numbingly shocking in its type of reported cases that can only happen in India. India is going through a mega-shift revolution being catapulted from the pre-modern to the post-modern era with ramifications in all sheres of social, economic, educational, financial, societal and family life.  Dr. JN Manokaran is an expert at this 'numbers game' so read on and discover an India you never knew.

A Passionate Painter/ Artist – That's How God Made Me.

Abraham’s Journey to Christ emerged from a seed-thought to do something for the love of Israel: its land, its history, its people, its God, my God. The idea pitted itself against my own doubts stemming from an informal learning in art, history, theology and the relevant sciences. Between the devil and the deep blue sea, this is where my personal relationship with God calls for faith, trust and obedience. But what I envisioned as a few months work stretched to two full years. In the process, it became evident that what mattered more than talent was character. Character that embodies faith, discipline and diligence, without the assurance of money or anyone looking over one’s shoulder, will transform a dreamer into a doer. The experiential process in producing this book has therefore entrenched me deeper in God. Be blessed as Larry James paints words into pictures to the glory of God..