"Before the Wedding Bells"
Before you tie the knot or exchange garlands, do you really know what you are getting into?
Amidst the excitement and busyness of planning for a perfect wedding, couples often overlook the more important aspect of preparing for the marriage. Remember, wedding is an event and marriage is lifetime journey!
Whether you are having an arranged marriage or love marriage, Before the Wedding Bells is a practical and fun resource to help you prepare for a strong and fulfilling marriage relationship. Whether you hail from same culture and background or different, here is relational wisdom and fun projects that will prepare you as a couple for gratifying marriage.
Are you ready for the adventure of marriage? Be prepared, do not leave anything to chances.
Book Snippet - "Before the Wedding Bells"

As the adage goes, ‘failing to prepare is preparing to fail.’ It is true of marriage as for anything else. One marriage enrichment expert once remarked, "Marriage is the deepest and potentially the most gratifying of all human relationships, but it is also one of the most demanding. Unfortunately couples seldom have more preparation than a little advice from their parents and a new set of china." Many young couples' expectations of marriage revolve around the false belief that love will get them through rough times. While love is important, it won't be enough if couples don't have the basic attitudes and skills they need for a successful marriage. Lasting marriages require partners who respect one another, who have gained knowledge about what makes marriage work, and who have developed skills that will enhance the relationship.
We sincerely believe in the benefit of marriage preparation. Months before we got married, we ran into some excellent marriage preparation resources, which had a significant impact on our marriage, and we continue to reap its benefits after fourteen years. Ever since, we had been helping people through singlehood into marriage and helping married couples to strengthen their marriages. This book also came out of marriage preparation workshops that we have conducted in many cities of India and United States. Unlike many other resources for marriage preparation, this takes a unique cultural and philosophical perspective of Asian Indians, but has been used among other ethnic and linguistic groups. It is based on a Christian worldview, but is applicable for people of all faiths.
About the Book "Before the Wedding Bells"
Is a wedding the same thing as a marriage? Though at times some people use the words wedding and marriage interchangeably, it is not the same thing. A wedding typically lasts only a day and a marriage is meant to last a lifetime. Often most couples spend most time in planning for the wedding and make it perfect in every way, they seldom prepared to what lay after the wedding.
So before the bells are rung or you walk down the aisle, enormous amount of time and energy is spend on the big day of one’s life. Even before you find the person or are engaged to be married, it is better to get an idea what marriage really is and what does it takes to be happily married.
What is Wedding Bells? It is the traditional tune that the church bells play as the couple leaves the church.
So what is this book "Before the Wedding Bells" all about?

What you need to know before your wedding about being married and staying happily married.
Relationship skill development
Practical couple exercises and discussion guide
Avoid pitfalls most couples fall into early in their marriage
Deeper understanding of each other and healthy Christian Marriage
Based on marriage preparation education seminar designed for Asian cultural values
Time tested wisdom & scientific research based tools
Who is "Before the Wedding Bells" for?
Engaged couples
Couples considering to get engaged
Newly married couples
Anyone who wants to maximize the success of their marriage.
Relationship coaches
Counselors, Pastors and Clergy
Meet the Authors

They have spoken are marriage preparation and enrichment events in India, North America and other parts of the world. Sam George is author of the book Understanding the Coconut Generation (www.CoconutGeneration.com). Sam writes a weekly column Family Matters, for a leading Indian American newspaper. Parivar International is involved in providing counseling and resources to the Indian American community.
Sam and Mary George open their hearts and share their lives and insights on preparing for a lasting and fulfilling marriage. Some marriage may last a long time, but there is no intimacy or oneness in the relationship. Some other marriages there may be very HOT, but lack the stamina to make it last a lifetime. Here in this book lies the secret to not only making marriage last, but also mutually fulfilling. Sam and Mary draws from Biblical covenantal understanding of marriage and share how to build a Christ-centered relationship and God-honoring home.
Don’t plan for your wedding, without reading this book. Sam and Mary George has an important message very engaged couple must read!
Book Endorsements - What Others Say
In Before the Wedding Bells, Sam and Mary George have provided couples with proven tools and time-tested insights to build strong foundations for lasting marriages. For any couple planning to get married, this book is a must read!
Ram Gidoomal, CBE
Chairman, South Asian Concern (UK)
With the alarming increase in troubled marriages and family break-ups in South Asian communities worldwide, Sam and Mary George have produced a much needed and long awaited resource. Their handbook of biblical insights blended with practical and culturally-sensitive wisdom will significantly prepare a couple before they take their vows for their life together. Undeniably, prevention is better than cure!
Rev. Dr. T.V. Thomas
Co-Chair, International Network of South Asian Diaspora Leaders (Canada)
A timely resource for a new generation entering into marriage. Every pastor and parent must ensure that all engaged couples go through this curriculum before they get married.
The Rt. Rev. Dr. George Ninan,
Chair, Christian Institute for South Asian American Concerns (USA)
In a world where marriages and families are finding it difficult to cope with new challenges I congratulate the authors and publishers for this helpful and timely handbook. I urgently recommend the use of Before the Wedding Bells and pray it receives wide-ranging and welcome audiences.
The Rt. Rev. Vijay Sathe
Bishop, Pune Diocese, Church of North India
A must read for all committed to the integrity of marriage and family. These reflections are borne out of multicultral experiences of direct involvement and counselling. Clearly pastoral and passionate. A significant contribution with sound principles and practical wisdom.
Rev. Jacob Thomas, PhD
Professor, Belfast Bible College (Northern Ireland)
Sam George has addressed a heart felt need in the Asian community, where pre-marital counselling was non-existent until recently. Even now, culturally compatible resource materials are hard to find. Sam and Mary's commitment to protect the 'parivar' (family) is reflected throughout the book.
Rev. Dr. Sunny Philip
Chairman, Global Network of Christian Indian Leaders (USA)
There is a huge difference between a wedding and a marriage. The wedding is that initial expensive event and investment—marriage gets even more expensive for the rest of your life. Marriage consists of the more extravagant intangible expenses of life. Marriage will cost you who you are because one must be willing to deny one’s self in deference and honor of the other. That is why Before the Wedding Bells is so important.
Dr. Samuel R. Chand (USA)
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Before the Wedding Bells
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