Relationship And Marriage Archives - South Asian Christians | South Asian Christians

Serving God's Purposes in Our Generation (Acts 13:36b)
Category: Relationship And Marriage

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couples | Pritam Singh And Balbir Kaur

Describe Briefly Your Most Unforgettable Valentine Day Memory Thus Far. From Singapore, I Flew Direct 11,000 Kilometres On A 14 Hours Flight To London, UK And Then Took A Bus To Cambridge University To Surprise Balbir On Valentine’s Day. I Just Appeared At Her Hostel Room Door Totally Unannounced. She Was Working On Her PhD Thesis On The Computer. I Said, “Let’s Go For Dinner” And Flew Back To Singapore The Next Day.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couples | Anu And Abhijeet Lakra |

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. What Is The Best Advice On Love You’ve Ever Been Given? Love Is Not Finding A Perfect Person. But Seeing An Imperfect Person Perfectly. Good Marriages Are Made Of Two Good Forgivers. Any Last Thoughts You Want To Write. I Just Want To Say That I Love Abhijeet And I Am Very Thankful And Grateful That God Brought Him In My Life. Life Is So Fun With Him.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couples | Angeline And Rajendra Kumar | Susanna and Gideon | Blessy and Sandhya Rani

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. Describe Briefly Your Most Unforgettable Valentine Day Memory Thus Far. Our First Valentine's Day When We Were Still In The Honeymoon Phase Of Getting To Know One Another. He Invited Me To His Home To Meet His Mother For The First Time. It Made Me Feel Like He Was Serious About Us And Our Future, And That Day Sealed The Deal For Our Relationship.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couples | Pastors Moses and Alice |

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. Is Your Marriage Arranged Or Love? BOTH. First, Love At First And Then Arranged By God. What Is The Best Advice On Love You’ve Ever Been Given? Keep Jesus The Center Of Your Life. Don’t Be Too Critical. Speak Words Of Life To Each Other. Give Surprises To Each Other. Work On Your Marriage Daily.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couple | Javed Niamat

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. My Name Is Javed Niamat . I Am Married To Nazia For 11 Years. Which Animal, Bird Or Reptile Best Describes Your Spouse? Lioness. What Is Your Favourite Love Song? It's An Urdu Song Called You Live In My Heart Beat. Any Last Thoughts You Want To Write. Love Remains Forever.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couple | Jolly Sidhu

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. My Name Is Jolly Sidhu. I Am Married To Kiran Sidhu For 18 Years. Name A Love Story You Watched Together That You Cried A Lot? Aashiqui 2 (Romance2). What Is One Thing You Wish Changed In Your Spouse? Her Attachment To Her Relatives. Which Is Your Love Language? My Love Language Is Physical Touch.

Valentine Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couple | Natalie and Deepak

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. My Name Is Deepak Bansal. I Am Married To Natalie Poblete Bansal For 9 Years. Name A Love Story You Watched Together That You Cried A Lot? La La Land. What Is Your Favourite Love Song? I'll Always Be Right There By Bryan Adams. Any Last Thoughts You Want To Write. Every Day Is Valentines Day Since I Have Known Natalie. She Is My World Cup.

Valentine’s Day One Word One Line Q&A | South Asian Christian Couple | Bala and Paulene

Don’t Think Too Much. Write The FIRST ANSWERS That Comes To Your Mind. My Name Is Paulene. I Am Married to Bala for 13 years. Which Animal, Bird Or Reptile Best Describes Your Spouse? Eagle And Sometimes Polar Bear. What Is Your Favourite Love Song? Everything I Do, I Do It For You By Brian Adams. What Is The Best Advice On Love You’ve Ever Been Given? True Love Is Unconditional.

Main Teri Ho Gayi | Now I Am Yours | Vipul And Shreya  Official Music Video | South Asian Christian Wedding Vows In A Song

Main Teri Ho Gayi , Main Tera Ho Gaya. Now I Am Yours And I Am Yours. Kaisi Rehmat Mili Hai Khuda Se Mujhe. God Has Been So Gracious To Me. Tu Mili To Mujhe Har Khushi Mil Gayi. I Have Found You, Now My Joy Is Complete. Maine Maanga Hai Har Ik Dua Mein Tujhe. I Have Asked God For You In Every Single Prayer.

Bible Verses About Love and Marriage | South Asian Christians Wish You A Blessed Valentine’s Day

But Ruth Replied, "Don't Urge Me To Leave You Or To Turn Back From You. Where You Go I Will Go, And Where You Stay I Will Stay. Your People Will Be My People And Your God My God. Where You Die I Will Die, And There I Will Be Buried. May The LORD Deal With Me, Be It Ever So Severely, If Even Death Separates You And Me." Ruth 1:16-17

Ten Ways To Detect The Broken Places In Our Souls

I Have Known People Who Have Been Saved For Twenty Years Or Longer But Stopped Growing As A Believer After Only A Year Or Two Because They Settled For Just The Bare Minimum Of Salvation. They Never Allowed God To Take Them On The Full Journey Of Abundant Life As Mentioned In John 10:10. Though They Have Been Believers For Twenty Years, They Are Really Only Infants Emotionally And Spiritually In Christ!

Why Hurt People Hurt People

Hurt people often transfer their inner anger onto their family and close friends. Hurt people often occupy themselves with busyness, work, performance, and/or accomplishments as a way of compensating for low self-esteem. Hurt people often attempt to medicate themselves with excessive entertainment, drugs, alcohol, pornography, sexual relationships, or hobbies as a way to forget their pain and run from reality.

Signs You Are Under the (Unhealthy) Control of Another Person

As a pastor I have studied human nature for more than four decades and have come to the conclusion that some people are actually under the control of other people. It is almost like a spell (or witchcraft to be precise)! . . . Victims need to learn to stand their ground and call the bluff of the controller, even if it means the relationship will be forever altered!

Why Married Couples Are So Challenged in Contemporary Culture

Since this is the season for Valentine’s Day, I have been thinking about the state of the institution of marriage in our nation and pondering why there are so many divorces. Several decades ago the divorce rate hovered around 10%. Now it is almost at 60%! Even the Body of Christ is not exempt from the staggering amount of marital failures! I truly believe there are several unique challenges married couples now face that previous generation did not. The following are some of the many reasons for these increasing challenges to marriage today.

Before the Wedding Bells

With nearly half of all new marriages in the West ending in divorce, more couples are careful before entering into it. They want to make sure it is the right decision, and they want to do everything they can within their capacity hoping to increase their chances of marital success. Before the Wedding Bells is a resource intended for singles who are pursuing a relationship or for engaged couples counting down to the big day in their life. This is designed to assist individuals and couples to develop a deeper understanding of marriage and in developing skills to navigate their way through marriage successfully.