Pastor Wilson Mathews, my BEST friend, my close brother, my constant encourager, the man I respect and admire . . . .the Youth Pastor at the International Punjabi Masihi Church in Vancouver, Canada, introduced this song to me "My Soul Longs For You! Nothin' Else Will Do." At night, during the day, while online, while asleep. . . in fact all the time in different worship postures of kneeling, postrate on the floor face up to the sky and face down to the floor, standing, hands raised up etc. . . . with tears in my eyes, with deep Holy Spirit intimacy and an awesome presence of God. JESUS I LOVE YOU 100% WITH ALL OF MY LIFE.
This song is INCREDIBLY ANNOINTED! Listen to it and you will know why?
Isaiah 26:9 At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently;
PS. Put the volume to max! . . . We are created to worship God!
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do...
I Believe You Will Come Like The Rain...
You'll Come Like The Rain
So Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain...
Hallelujah Halleljujah
You'll Make All Things New
Misty Edwards - My Soul Longs For You - YouTube
Misty Edwards - My Soul Longs For You - Lyrics
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do...
I Believe You Will Come Like The Rain...
You'll Come Like The Rain
So Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain...
Hallelujah Halleljujah
You'll Make All Things New
Misty Edwards - My Soul Longs For You! - Lyrics
Source: Misty Edwards
Psalm 150: 1-6
PRAISE THE Lord! Praise God in His sanctuary; praise Him in the heavens of His power!
Praise Him for His mighty acts; praise Him according to the abundance of His greatness
Praise Him with trumpet sound; praise Him with lute and harp!
Praise Him with tambourine and [single or group] dance; praise Him with stringed and wind instruments or flutes,
Praise Him with resounding cymbals; praise Him with loud clashing cymbals!
Let everything that has breath and every breath of life praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! (Hallelujah!)
Misty Edwards - My Soul Longs For You - YouTube
Misty Edwards - My Soul Longs For You - Lyrics
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do
My Soul Longs For You
My Soul Longs For You
Nothin' Else Will Do Nothin' Else Will Do...
I Believe You Will Come Like The Rain...
You'll Come Like The Rain
So Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain Let It Rain...
Hallelujah Halleljujah
You'll Make All Things New
Psalm 145: 1- 21
I WILL extol You, my God, O King; and I will bless Your name forever and ever [with grateful, affectionate praise].
Every day [with its new reasons] will I bless You [affectionately and gratefully praise You]; yes, I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Great is the Lord and highly to be praised; and His greatness is [so vast and deep as to be] unsearchable.
One generation shall laud Your works to another and shall declare Your mighty acts.
On the glorious splendor of Your majesty and on Your wondrous works I will meditate.
Men shall speak of the might of Your tremendous and terrible acts, and I will declare Your greatness.
They shall pour forth [like a fountain] the fame of Your great and abundant goodness and shall sing aloud of Your rightness and justice.
The Lord is gracious and full of compassion, slow to anger and abounding in mercy and loving-kindness.
The Lord is good to all, and His tender mercies are over all His works [the entirety of things created].
All Your works shall praise You, O Lord, and Your loving ones shall bless You [affectionately and gratefully shall Your saints confess and praise You]!
They shall speak of the glory of Your kingdom and talk of Your power,
To make known to the sons of men God's mighty deeds and the glorious majesty of His kingdom.
Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom, and Your dominion endures throughout all generations.
The Lord upholds all those [of His own] who are falling and raises up all those who are bowed down.
The eyes of all wait for You [looking, watching, and expecting] and You give them their food in due season.
You open Your hand and satisfy every living thing with favor.
The Lord is [rigidly] righteous in all His ways and gracious and merciful in all His works.
The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call upon Him sincerely and in truth.
He will fulfill the desires of those who reverently and worshipfully fear Him; He also will hear their cry and will save them.
The Lord preserves all those who love Him, but all the wicked will He destroy.
My mouth shall speak the praise of the Lord; and let all flesh bless (affectionately and gratefully praise) His holy name forever and ever.
Jesus, Be The Centre
Be My Source, Be My Light
Jesus, Be The Centre
Be My Hope, Be My Song
Be The Fire In My Heart
Be The Wind In These Sails
Be The Reason That I Live
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Be My Vision
Be My Path, Be My Guide
Be The Fire In My Heart
Be The Wind In These Sails
Be The Reason That I Live
Jesus, Jesus
Be The Fire
Yes, Be The Fire
Be The Fire In My Heart
Be The Wind In These Sails
Be The Reason That I Live
Jesus, Jesus
Jesus, Be The Centre
Be My Source, Be My Light
Be My Source, Be My Light
Isaiah 26:9 At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently;
Psalm 63:1 O God, You are my God; I shall seek You earnestly; My soul thirsts for You, my flesh yearns for You, In a dry and weary land where there is no water.
Psalm 63:6 When I remember You on my bed, I meditate on You in the night watches,
Psalm 77:2 In the day of my trouble I sought the Lord; In the night my hand was stretched out without weariness; My soul refused to be comforted.
Psalm 119:62 At midnight I shall rise to give thanks to You Because of Your righteous ordinances.
Isaiah 55:6 Seek the LORD while He may be found; Call upon Him while He is near.
Matthew 6:33 "But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness, and all these things will be added to you.
Luke 6:12 It was at this time that Jesus went off to the mountain to pray, and He spent the whole night in prayer to God.
Isaiah 26:9 At night my soul longs for You, Indeed, my spirit within me seeks You diligently;
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