Go Tell It On The Mountain,
Over The Hills And Everywhere;
Go Tell It On The Mountain
That Jesus Christ Is Born!
While Shepherds Kept Their Watching
O’er Silent Flocks By Night,
Behold Throughout The Heavens
There Shone A Holy Light. [Refrain]
The Shepherds Feared And Trembled
When Lo! Above The Earth
Rang Out The Angel Chorus
That Hailed Our Savior’s Birth. [Refrain]
Down In A Lowly Manger
The Humble Christ Was Born,
And God Sent Us Salvation
That Blessed Christmas Morn. [Refrain]
Ramesh Mahendra

පාසල් අධ්යාපනය අත හරින්න එපා! | අධ්යාපනය නම් ආශිර්වාදය | @we-turn

ප්ලේටෝගේ ගුහාවේ උපමාවෙන් යමක් | The Allegory of the Cave | @we-turn

උත්පත්ති පොත විද්යාව සමඟ ගැටේද? | Should we take book of Genesis Literally? | @we-turn

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